Chapter 29

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(Hosanna's POV)

Eric and I talked and talked about our plans for the next day. He asked me if I had anywhere in mind to have the ceremony but I didn't have any ideas of what place would be suitable. He suggested the floor above the leader's offices. It's the top floor of the Pire and the roof is made of glass. He told me once that we used it for official ceremonies and events where we host other factions in the compound. I thought that sounded perfect, especially for a wedding at sunset.
He said he already had a suit that he was going to wear and that he might get some accessories to go with it. He wanted to know how many of my friends were going to stand up with me. I decided that there was only one person in Dauntless that I thought would be best for that and of course Eric's sister if Jeanine will let her come. The others can help me with everything else if they want.
When I started to yawn and we thought we had enough plans set, Eric and I packed up the string of lights and blanket into the mostly empty picnic basket. He strapped it to the back of his motorcycle. He went back with my cellphone to dump a bucket of water he had set aside on the fire, putting it out. He came back down the path using my phone as a flashlight.
After the long ride home, Eric returned his keys to Tony. I waved to the attendant and his eyes caught the new ring on my finger. He smiled knowingly and wished us a good night.
Eric walked me home kissing me at my doorway. He asked if he could stay the night. I told him that I didn't think it would be a good idea... but I said that he'll be staying the next night and every one after. That brought a huge smile to his face and a much longer kiss. He bid me goodnight and promised to meet me on the top floor of the Pire at sunset.
I woke up this morning before the sun was up excited about the day and all I have to accomplish before dusk. I showered quickly and crossed the hall to Max's apartment. He was half asleep when I knocked on his door. I apologized profusely for the hour but I wanted to know if he would be willing to walk me down the aisle. The face he made when it registered what I had asked was priceless. I don't think I could have ever given him a greater gift. I've always thought that he was a better man, better father figure to me than my own natural father and I thought that this would show my appreciation to him. I love him like a father and I want everyone to know that.
My next stop was to my brother's place. He was up and getting ready for church. I cringed at that. I forgot it was Sunday. I figured though that there was no better way to honor my God than to honor him in every way I can with my marriage. I explained that Eric proposed last night and that I wanted the ceremony tonight. I asked if he would give me away, along with Max. He was actually ecstatic about that. I told him that we might need some help today and he offered to do whatever we need.  I told him to find Eric.
I made one more stop, also inviting someone and their family tonight, before walking to Mia and Charlotte's apartment. I pass the shops and turn down their hallway. I knock on the door. Charlotte answers a moment later.
"Good morning," I say hiding my hand behind my back. "Is Mia up yet?"
"Yeah, she's in the shower. Want to come in and wait?" she asks.
"Sure," I agree. I walk in and pace excitedly.
"What's going on?" Charlotte asks noticing something is out of the ordinary with me.
"Well, I have an announcement to make. Are you busy right now?" I ask.
"Not really," she shrugs. "What can I do for you?"
"I wanted to tell everyone something important. Would you be able to wrangle all of our friends here, or at least all of the girls?" I ask hesitantly.
"Sure, I can do that. I'll go get Ellen and April from next door. Then I can go to Ava's place and send the others to get Julia and Abby. Anyone else?" she says.
"No, that's perfect," I say bouncing slightly and continuing to pace.
"Okay. I'll see you soon," she says heading out the door.
I immediately go and knock on Mia's bathroom door because the water just turned off.
"Just a minute, Charlotte!" she says.
"Hey, its Hosanna," I say back through the door.
"I thought we were meeting after breakfast," she shouts confused.
"Change of plans," I tell her excitedly. "Just dry off and get dressed, there's something I want to tell you."
"Ok?" Mia shouts questioningly.
I end up sitting on the sofa with my leg bouncing like crazy. I hear the bathroom door open a minute later. My head instantly snaps to it and Mia comes out with damp hair.
I can't help the enormous smile from forming on my face.
"The date went that well, huh?" she grins.
"The date was amazing," I say with a sigh.
"So why have the plans changed?" she asks as she takes a seat next to me.
I raise my left hand. She looks at it and squeals. "Oh my goodness! He proposed?" she shouts grabbing my hand.
"Yes," I say nodding. She squeals again and the two of us bounce excitedly on her couch.
When we both calm down, she asks me, "Did you set a date?"
"Yes," I tell her nodding enthusiastically. "Tonight just before sunset on the top floor of the Pire," I explain. "And I want you to be my maid of honor."
Her mouth opens for a second, then turns into a smile before the squealing and jumping starts again. She eventually calms down enough to dry her hair and put some makeup on.
Charlotte comes back with Ava before Mia finishes. Just when she walks out of the bathroom ready for the day, there's a knock on the door. Everyone else files in. I instruct them to have a seat around the living room while Mia stands with me to make the announcement.
"What's going on Hosanna?" Ellen asks.
I pull my left hand out from behind my back. "Eric and I are getting married," I say.
Everyone shouts and screeches in response. Several people jump up to hug me.
"So, when's the big day?" Ellen asks.
"Well, that's the problem," I say. Everyone stares waiting for an answer. "It's tonight and we will probably need some help with a few things."
"I'll do your music," Ellen offers.
"Do you still have your violin?" I ask her.
"No, but I can make a quick trip to pick it up," she smiles.
"Thank you," I say.
"I can do your pictures," April tells me. I've noticed that she bought a decent camera and has been photographing everything lately in her spare time.
"That would be wonderful," I accept her kind gift. "Mia already has her dress picked out as my maid of honor. We just need to go buy it. But I wanted to go to Candor for a white dress for myself. Does anyone know where the shop is?" I ask. Several of my friends are from Candor and I've seen some of the dresses and heard of the shop but I've never been there before.
"I do," Charlotte, Mia, and Julia all say.
"Alright, why don't we do this: We'll all go have breakfast quickly.  Ellen go to Erudite to pick up your instrument and Mia go buy your dress. You two can meet us at Candor to help me choose my dress," I say.
"Alright," they agree.
"Can anyone else drive?" I ask.

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