Chapter 133

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'Starts With Me'—Toby Mac & Aaron Cole

((Outfit inspired by BeckyJolene 💗.))

(Hosanna's POV)

I wake in the morning to observe beautiful, long, blonde hair on my pillow beside me.  I smile.  It wasn't just a dream, Lizzy is actually here.  I'm ecstatic about that. I lift my head slightly to see Eric watching us.  "My two favorite girls are here with me.  What more could I ask for?" he grins.  He rubs his sister's back.  "Time to wake up, sunshine."
She yawns and snuggles closer into me.  "Five more minutes," she protests. 
"She sounds just like you," I laugh.  Eric never likes to leave the bed either. 
"What can I say?" he shrugs.  "The bed is comfortable and so are you."
I chuckle and slide out of bed.  Elizabeth groans and rolls over on my side.  When she notices I'm gone, she sits up. 
"Whoa," Eric says playing with her wild hair.  "Talk about bedhead," he laughs.  Her hair is sticking out in every direction.
"It'll be fine once I brush it," she grumbles slapping his hand away. 
He tries not to laugh.  "It is pretty impressive," I comment searching for something appropriate to wear to the school and meeting with all of the leaders. 
She touches her hair and sighs.  "Maybe I'll need another shower," she comments attempting to flatten it. 
"That's not happening.  Hosanna and I need a shower," Eric says getting up and grabbing his clothes. 
"Fine," she pouts folding her arms over her chest.  Her bottom lip is puckered and sticking out.  I quickly grab my phone out of my pants pocket from yesterday and snap a picture. 
"Hosanna!" she shouts. 
"I'm sorry.  I just couldn't resist," I giggle. That was the cutest face.
Eric is grinning at me widely with his clothes in hand.  "Do you want to go first?" he offers before kissing me gently. 
"Yeah, I'll have to dry my hair," I say. 
"You better hurry up or I'm jumping in," he calls out teasingly as I exit the bedroom. 
"Not funny, Eric," I say slamming the door.  I hear him laughing in the distance. 


I watch as Lizzy makes her selection from the breakfast line. I admire her golden hair. I braided it for her since she couldn't tame it today. I've got to admit, I'm a little jealous. I've always thought that was the most beautiful color of hair. Tris's is similar but Elizabeth's is a few shades lighter like her mother's. Eric's is a little darker, too. I wonder what color our children will have.
I shake those thoughts out of my head as we take our seats at the leaders' table. "This is delicious," Lizzy says stuffing her mouth with blueberry pancakes.
"They're my favorite, too," I tell her cutting mine.
"A person could come to Dauntless just for the food alone," she says before taking another bite.
I hear Tris giggle at that comment, remembering how she joked with Christina about that very subject. "So, what will I be doing today?" Tris asks.
"You'll be training with me in the office this morning," Eric informs her. Tris nods. "You'll be doing paperwork."
She makes a face. "It'll all be relevant for the meeting this afternoon," I reassure her.
"Alright," she agrees grudgingly. "Where will you be?"
"I get to go back to school," I say excitedly putting a bite of sausage in my mouth.
She glances at Lizzy and I nod. "Oh," Tris frowns. "So, Elizabeth. How do you like Dauntless so far?"
"It's fantastic. My aunt is locked up in prison and I have my brother's point card," she laughs. "But seriously, the clothes are awesome, the people are nice, the food is great, and I get to share a bed with my brother. He never let me do that before... well, except when our parents died."
"Aww, Eric. You're a big softy," Ryan jokes from beside my husband.
"Of course I am," he chuckles. "Look at this face," he says squeezing Lizzy's cheeks together to make a fish face.
Everyone laughs and she swats his hands away. I notice a few members watching the interaction and grinning. I think most people that've always feared my husband are warming up to him.
When we finish our breakfast, I already see my small troop of guards waiting nearby for me.  Sam and Zander are here as usual but Lincoln, Hans, and even Aaron join them.  I chuckle and wave to my guards.  They must be eager for their assignment today.  Some of them wave back, others smile. 
"Come on Lizzy, let's head out to school," I encourage her standing, grabbing my tray, and kissing Eric on the cheek.  She stares at me smiling for a moment.  "What is it?" I ask her. 
"You called me Lizzy," she points out. 
"Well, you're family," I reply. 
Her face brightens.  "Yeah, we are sisters," she grins.  She grabs her tray and follows me. 
"Let's head out guys," I say to my team as we pass by.  They salute me and follow. 
We're stopped by Hector running up to us at the door.  His cheeks are bulging.  "Did you stuff your whole plate in there?" Lizzy giggles poking his cheek. 
Hector nods still chewing.  We get about halfway through the Pit when Hector finally swallows and speaks.  "I didn't want you leaving without me," he says. 
"We're going to the same place," she laughs. 
"Yeah, but it's your first time on the train," he explains. 
She looks confused.  I grin.  "It's like a rite of passage," I point out.  "Transfers can't come to the compound without making it on the train first."
"Oh... but I'm not a transfer.  What happens if I don't make it?" she asks fearfully. 
"We'll help you on.  You're not of age yet.  You'll get used to it," I tell her calming her worries. 
"Hey, and when we come back after school, I can take you to the training room," Hector chimes in excitedly. 
"Training room?" she questions. 
"You can work out if you want, or you can continue assisting in the labs.  Whatever you decide, I'm fine with," I say to her.  "As long as we know where you are," I add.  I don't want to worry about not knowing where she is in an emergency. 
"You mean I actually get a choice?" she asks ecstatically. 
"Of course you do.  This is your life.  You can do whatever you want... well, within reason.  You can't drink or run off on your own for a while.  And no boys over at night," I say adding the last bit. 
Hector pouts.  "Yes, you can visit but not late," I tell him firmly.  "You're still a boy and that's not appropriate.  I may not be her mother but I'm not going to allow that."
"Come on, please," he pleads. 
"I'm not going to waver on this decision but you can take it up with Eric if you'd like..." I offer. 
"Fine," he whines crossing his arms.  He knows Eric would probably slap him around for just asking.  "But I can visit?" he asks hopefully. 
"Supervised only," I insist.  "And you're not allowed in her bedroom under any circumstances."
"Yes, ma'am," he grumbles.  I know he's not happy about that but he's listening to me and that's what matters most. 
We approach the tracks and a few others are waiting to go to school.  I give Lizzy a quick rundown of what to expect and how to get on while we anticipate the train's arrival.  My guards watch us grinning.  I hear the blaring of the train in the distance. 
"Come on, let's start running," I instruct tugging on her arm.  We jog alongside the tracks.  The train advances and I jump on pushing the door open.  She grabs onto the handle and pulls herself up on the outside using the footholds and handle.  I smile.  "Put your leg here," I shout.  She rotates her leg inside and slides in the rest of the way. 
"Congratulations!  You made it," I tell her hugging her and pulling her to the side of the train car against the wall. 
"This is amazing!" she shouts grinning.  "I've always wanted to do that."  I smile, putting my arm around her and give her a squeeze.  Hector and my guards join us.  They look a little out of place.  This is the leaders' car after all. 
"You can all stay," I tell them.  Hector looks relieved and takes a seat beside Lizzy.  I signal for the rest to sit.  Aaron watches me for a moment before taking the space beside me.  The others sit across from us. 
We chat a bit until we reach the school.  The train moves so slowly that we practically step off at our stop. 
"That wasn't so bad," Lizzy giggles. 
"Let's go to the office," I tell her.  She nods.  We walk through the crowd heading towards the building.  Everyone moves aside to let us by.  We enter the building and I get a little nostalgic.   The foyer is exactly the same—the bustle of students hurrying to class, gossiping, the smells of paper and books.  The hallway starts to clear out as we progress through the building and we walk in the direction of the principal's office. 
"I better get to class," Hector says. 
"Okay," she responds hugging him.  "I'll see you later?"
"Yeah," he smiles kissing her cheek.  He waves to her as he runs off to his first period. 
"Have you decided what you want to do?" I ask. 
"What do you mean?" Elizabeth questions me. 
"After school?  We should probably make a plan," I tell her.  "With guards if you go to Erudite, or let them off if you come back to Dauntless."
"Oh," she says biting her lip.  "Do I have to decide now?"
"Not forever but for today, we should make a plan," I explain.  She looks to be thinking it over.  "If you like working in the labs, you could go two or three days a week and go to the training room the opposite days until you've caught up with the other Dauntless," I suggest. 
"Yeah, I'd like that," she agrees. 
I nod and enter the office. 

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now