Chapter 136

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Kalley Heiligenthal-'Ever Be'

(Hosanna's POV)

As Eric and I stand at the beginning of the aisle together in our majestic backyard, I squeeze his arm a little tighter.  He looks down at me smirking.  I grin at him turning back to the space before us.  I admire the beauty of our garden—Eric's mother's garden. The yard is covered in lush green grass with a flagstone walkway bordering the space and cutting through the center, a white picket fence is just past that surrounding the entire backyard.  A low row of forget-me-nots is beyond the stone path, encircling the entire space.  Daisies I transplanted from the field where Eric proposed are behind the tiny blue blossoms, reminding me of our everlasting love. They will bloom and grow here for the entirety of the summer—for the rest of our lives and beyond for that matter. The wisteria at the far end of the backyard is in full bloom around the wood and stone pergola, serving as an altar for the wedding.  I'd have to say that they're one of my favorites, but I can't wait until the blossoms on the hydrangea bushes open.  They're not quite ready yet. 
Lizzy is in the distance playing Ellen's violin—one of her many talents.  I guess she offered to play when April walked her home the other day. I observe the small crowd of friends—some old, some new—most of whom I know very well.  They're seated in beautiful white chairs, flowers matching our bouquets along the aisle with fabric draped from chair to chair.  Mia and Ryan get into position at the opposite end of the aisle, parting to stand at either side. 
We proceed down the aisle.  I love the feel of my long, full black skirt swishing with each step.  I glance at the lovely bouquet I carry. Mia chose well for April: deep, red roses with black-burgundy dahlias, large red lilies, and black calla lilies fill the breathtaking display.  I admire the blouse that was chosen for me.  It's a black, silky tank top, gathered ties with bows at the bottommost fringe of my waist with large, red beaded lilies stitched into an asymmetrical, outlined pattern on one side. 
I look up to the end of the aisle.  I smile at Pastor Roberts, Dan, and Jonah.  The groom looks nervous but excited.  I glance around at all the smiling, happy faces of my friends and family.  This wedding feels different.  I can't quite place my finger on what makes this so groundbreaking compared to the rest. 
We reach the end of the aisle and sadly it's time to separate from my Eric. I take one step to the left and I'm pulled back, meeting him with a gentle kiss. He smiles breaking away from my lips only to peck my nose. I giggle, parting from the love of my life briefly. I can't help but look at him under my lashes when I join Mia. He still makes me feel so shy—makes me blush like a schoolgirl the way he treats me.
Ellen soon joins my side and the music changes. We turn to see April enter the garden in pure white—a delicate veil covering her face. As her father walks her down the aisle towards us, it feels as if time itself slows.  The wind blows—her veil tossed aside behind her, the front hugging her features. I've never seen my friend look so ravishing. Mr. Wells passes her off to Jonah.  The look on both of their faces is so serene, so peaceful, so full of hope for their future together. I have to admit, I haven't seen a couple as completely smitten with each other as they are besides Eric and me. The only love greater in their relationship is their love for God. Seeing them dedicate their lives to one another melts my heart. 
Pastor Roberts begins to speak about the couple—their love for one another—and I can't help but sigh happily.  Eric mentioned after Sam and Ava's wedding that in his mind, he always reaffirms his vows to me at these.  I smile happily, peeking around the couple to see my husband doing the same in this very moment.  Our eyes meet and he grins and winks at me.  I give him a bright smile and think of our own wedding.  I could never forget the look in his eyes, how happy he was.  Every day since has been like a dream come true.  Even on our harder days, I always know he will be there by my side through it all making every moment that much better.  I sigh in contentment, to have found someone who compliments me, who completes me so fully—it is a rare gift, one that I'm grateful for every waking hour. 
All too quickly, they get to the vows.  I see Eric leaning over, mouthing his vows to me.  I try my best not to cry, though a tear does escape.  I wipe it away quickly and mouth my vows to him.  He smiles widely at me as they kiss and I know he can't wait to meet me again. Every day with him is a blessing, every moment more special than the last. Jonah and April Meyers are announced to our friends as husband and wife. I smile and clap as best as I can with my bouquet in hand while they walk down the aisle together. Ellen and Dan are next. Jonah apologized to Neil, but he said Dan was his best friend and felt like they were closer. He would've had more people in the wedding party but they wanted to keep it fairly small. They wanted the married couples together, too. Neil said it was fine and he had no problem with them walking down the aisle together—just for the wedding though. I smile hoping that he'll marry my cousin in the future. He makes her so happy.
Eric and I meet at the end of the aisle. He surprisingly grabs me, bending me over to kiss me. "I couldn't wait," he whispers on my lips before kissing me again. I smile in response as our lips part. I stare him in the eyes, distracted for a moment at how captivating he is at times.
"Come on," I say pulling him down the aisle so we don't hold up the procession.
"If I could, I would marry you all over again," he says softly to me. I grin as his fingers stroke mine. He's such a romantic.
"Every day with you is like a happily ever after," I tell him and he smiles at me.


As I look out upon the calm waters of the pond gently lapping against the sandy beach and rocks, I recall what today was planned to be had Eric and the rest of Dauntless not acted. Today was scheduled to be Jeanine's attack—the mass genocide of all Abnegation, the Divergent that would have been caught, and in the future, more Divergent and all of Factionless.
I close my eyes and breathe in the cool, fresh air, grateful that my fellow leaders decided to take a stand against one of the most powerful, manipulative, delusional, vindictive leaders this city has ever seen. I open my eyes to observe the sun slowly setting in the evening sky. I feel like our city has been given another chance—at a future, at redemption. I know that Dauntless will play a vast role in that, the city relying on us for protection and guidance. The polls taken in the paper this morning alone say as much. They have a newfound hope, that we stood up and defended the weak, that we took the initiative to stop another in a position of power to protect all from harm.
We set out to save this city from ruin—from the dark path Jeanine was barreling us down. I believe that we succeeded in that. Dauntless will lead this city into a new era. We are set on a course for greatness that this city has never seen before and we will do it with kindness, compassion, love, and understanding. We will change this city for the better and we will do it as one people, working together to make a difference. My city, my home is worth it. For that, I would gladly give my life in sacrifice for my friends, my family, my city.
I sigh feeling those strong, familiar arms slide around me. "What are you doing out here?" he asks me gently.
"I was just thinking..." I reply.
He kisses my cheek. "About what?" he questions against my skin, slowly swaying us together.
"It's Saturday," I comment.
There's silence between us for a beat. "I forgot about that," he says softly. Time passes between us with no sound but the lapping of the water, the sun falling behind the trees and the city buildings in the distance. "Today would have been so different..."
I nod in response. Instead of a wedding, there would be a mass funeral—or none at all but the shame of the dead for that matter, the confusion of what had happened, the hurt, the fear everyone would be feeling. Families would be torn apart... I shake my head dismissing the terror I imagine. The loss would be devastating, a hole in every heart that the city would never recover from.
"You know, I owe you everything. Without you..." he sighs. " for me would have been so different. Without you... I would have had no purpose," he explains, his voice wavering. He almost laughs. "I read something this morning that seems appropriate. I finished John and started on first John. It said:

'Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.'

"I felt like..." he takes a deep breath in, releasing it in a shaky sigh. "Like I always thought my aunt was evil. Everything she did was terrible. She tried to tempt and manipulate—always pushing her way no matter what. At times, I wondered whether she was human or the devil."
I nod. I wanted to help her as well but she just was too far gone. No matter what I said and did, she chose her own path and didn't listen to me trying to help. "We did what we could," I tell him softly. "Perhaps after her trial, her heart will change," I say touching his cheek. His eyes meet mine and they soften, from his hard stare to one of understanding and love.
He smiles at me. "You are so wise. How is it that you're younger than me?" he laughs. I love that smile on his face, the peace I see in his eyes. The weight of the world has been removed from his shoulders and it's as if he's finally found peace.
"Come on," he insists taking me by the hand. "Let's go celebrate."
I smile grasping his hand tighter and letting him lead me back to the reception. There is nothing more fitting for today than a fresh start.

*****Thanks so much for reading!  I hope you enjoyed this final chapter... but there will be more.*****

Words of Wisdom:
Follow the path the Lord has laid out for you. It may feel scary or even overwhelming but He will never leave you or forsake you. He is with you always until the end of the age.

"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever."
Psalms 23:1-6 NLT

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now