Chapter 60 (Eric's POV)

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I love Hosanna's tattoo.  I've been just staring at it even though I think she's fallen asleep.  She laid down in bed and told me I could remove the bandage if I wanted to see it.  I jumped at the opportunity to find out.  I've been wondering since initiation and she wouldn't even give me a hint.  I'm surprised that she got something that big.  It's just so perfect and unique and well... her.  I admire how it arches with the curve of her body.  It's mostly on her shoulder blades but it's extremely sexy.  I can't wait until it heals and she can show this off to the faction. 
Ava did some excellent work.  I may have to go to her for my next one but I really have no idea what else I'd want.  To say I was surprised about her news was an understatement.  It's a shame that she'll have to deal with her old boyfriend's foolishness and trickery for the rest of her life.  Then again, I didn't use protection our first times either but we were married and made a serious commitment to one another other.  I definitely see why Hosanna wanted to wait, not just for her religious beliefs but for a relationship as well.  If I got her pregnant before we were married, it could possibly cause a rift between us and some serious resentment.  I'm shocked Ava is handling the whole situation so well.  She really seems happy about the baby. 
I actually feel really bad about what I said this morning.  I think I should apologize again.  I was aroused and expected something this morning and to be told that I'd have to wait several days to satisfy that urge, well... I let my hormones get the best of me, too.  When she said a month... wow, I couldn't imagine waiting that long.  I guess when you think about it though, that's some serious trauma that a woman goes through and it's only normal to have to recover over time.  I was being selfish and... well, stupid about it.  My male side of not wanting to know anything about such things is going to have to move aside.  I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with these kinds of things if I want to keep my wife happy, if I want our everyday lives to be so as well.  I should be putting her needs first over my desires. 
As I stare at her bare back, I'm reminded of what Max said earlier.  He mentioned that he thought her back was bothering her.  I step out of the bedroom and grab a bottle of lotion.  I put some on my hands and begin to rub her lower back.  I thought she was asleep but after a minute she begins to release a few soft, relaxed sighs.  Maybe this was a bad idea.  I love those sounds but I don't know if I could do what Lydia was saying, for a lot of reasons.  When she looks like she's practically melting into the sheets, I get some of my cream for her tattoo and rub it in.  I want this to heal up quickly for the weekend.  Plus, it's made of such delicate, thin lines that it may heal up quicker than the thick blocks of our neck tattoos.  I put a fresh bandage on it and wipe my hands off. 
I pull her shirt back into place, turn off the lamp, and lay down beside her.  She rolls over and nestles her body closer to me.  I put my arm around her and she sighs.  "I feel better," she says.  "My back always hurts."
I kiss her forehead.  "I'm sorry about earlier," I tell her.
"I know.  You already told me.  I forgive you, so don't worry about it," she insists. 
"No, I need to say this.  I do want children with you someday.  I shouldn't have reacted how I did at the first mention of something inconvenient.  I don't know what came over me," I say more forcefully.
She sighs.  "I wasn't any better.  I saw what bothered you and I brought out instances that could exacerbate those problems.  I shouldn't have done that either and I'm sorry," she admits.
I smile.  Here, I was thinking it was all me and she's telling me that she did the same.  That we're both sorry.  We may not be perfect people but we try to be good to each other.  "I love you," I whisper before closing my eyes. 


Today we trained again with the five that are pending members.  I'm hoping the rest of leadership approves their appointment but next week, we'll see.  I'm quite impressed as of late in their progress.  Maybe Hosanna is right, that we should switch up how we go about initiation.  She really is an amazing trainer.  I think I'm going to bring it up soon that I want her input into the next initiation, to see how we can improve it and make every member one of our best.  I'm really looking forward to seeing her train the next leader, too.  If it's anything like this, they'll become one of our greatest. 
We practice with handguns on our indoor shooting range.  I assist each male with their skills one at a time.  My wife's guards just stand aside keeping watch which is probably for the best.  With all the noise, they'll have to keep a close eye on her.  Jeff is by far the most improved and skillful of my group but they've all shot the bullseye on multiple occasions now.  That's all I need to see to be content with this part of training. 
Their sparring abilities are exemplary also.  I wish I had a group that could fight this well two months ago but it does take some serious effort and dedication on their part. 
The rest of training passes in a blur since I'm mostly just working on myself.  Lunch was like the blink of an eye and even completing my work in the office went quickly.  The only irritation I had was my disagreement with Max about the meeting on Tuesday with Factionless.  To say that I'm upset about not being included is an understatement.  I was livid.  Evelyn definitely didn't give me the warm welcome that my mother gave Hosanna.  I guess my mom wasn't the type to just up and leave without trying to come back for us because from what my father said, she did several times and had to be monitored.  That thought is so heartwarming; an armed guard threatening her was the only thing that held her back.  Evelyn just left her children with a wife beater, child abuser, and rapist.  And now, she either thinks I'm a threat or wants to turn my wife against me.
I'm seriously looking forward to this weekend away.  I need to get my mind off of all of this.  Hosanna and I each pack a quick bag.  We decided to get the food for the weekends at Amity since that would be a lot to have to haul there, plus we don't know what anyone would like.  We're bringing several loaves of bread though. We step out of the bedroom to see Ava is sitting in the living room with Sam and Zander.  They all have a small bag while the two guards have their guns slung over their shoulders. 
"You've each got a radio?" I question.
"Yes, sir," they reply.
I double check to make sure I've got mine.  Hosanna and I have our holsters.  I already made sure my guns are fully loaded, I even checked her dainty little pink ones.  Hosanna grabs our phones, handing me mine and my keys.  I smile and kiss her. 
"Is everyone ready?" I ask.
They all nod looking pretty excited.  "Ryan just texted me that Mia is at his place and they're ready," Hosanna tells me.
"Let's go," I say tossing my bag over my shoulder and taking my wife's from her hands.  I notice Sam taking Ava's bag.  That's nice of him.
Hosanna opens the door for everyone and locks it.  I knock on Ryan's door and head down the hall to call the elevator.  I know it's open when I hear Mia squeal.  "Isn't this exciting?" she shouts, hugging Hosanna and then Ava.  I cringe hoping that she doesn't do that the whole time. 
"Let's not take her fishing," Zander says to me quietly and I laugh. 
"My thoughts exactly," I say grinning.
"Alright.  I know you're talking about me, Eric," Mia laughs as she approaches. 
I chuckle and keep my mouth shut.  We all file into the elevator.  Mia introduces herself to Hosanna's guards. 
"So, I heard you and Tyler broke up," she says to Ava. 
"Yeah," Ava replies. 
"He seems totally heartbroken," Mia comments. 
Sam snorts.  Ava looks to him in question but answers, "I'm sure he'll get over it in no time."
"You think so?  I heard he missed work the last two days," she replies.
Ava just shrugs.  "He didn't seem so concerned when he was cheating with half of Dauntless right in front of me.  He can go cry on one of their shoulders," she says as the doors open and she steps out.
We all follow except Mia.  She stands there with her mouth agape.  "Are you coming?" I ask.
She snaps her mouth shut.  "You're joking, right?" she says rushing up to Ava's side. 
"You know I was in love with him.  You saw us together in school for two years.  Do you really think I would have left him for any other reason?" she responds.
Mia just stares for a minute.  "No," she says quietly.  "He was gawking at Julia after you lost your first fight.  He was often looking at other girls, wasn't he?"
"You guys all saw it.  It took me walking in on him in the act to believe it," she breathes.  She shakes her head.  "Anyway, that's enough of that.  I need to move on.  Let's be done with this," she insits.
"It's a good thing you didn't get pregnant," Mia responds.
"Mia!" Hosanna shouts.
"What?" she says back.
"I am pregnant," Ava replies.
"Oh, Ava.  I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry.  It was a bad joke," she says frowning.
"Yeah, the joke's on me," she mumbles. 
"What are you going to do?" she asks.
"I'm keeping the baby and I'm going to tell him," she says confidently.  "Beyond that, I haven't decided yet."
"Okay, enough Mia.  Unless she brings it up, you don't," Hosanna says stepping in to the conversation.
"Thank you," Ava whispers to my wife. 
We get to the garage and I see that guy that gossips a lot working in the booth.  I think his name is Reese.  I'm really grateful nothing was said in front of him or the entire compound would know Ava's personal business.  I grab my keys from the attendant and Ryan gets his. 
I open my trunk and throw our bags in while Ryan and Mia put theirs in his.  Zander, Sam, and Ava look to each other before separating.  Zander joins Ryan and Sam comes with us.  Ava hops in the back seat of my truck. I open the passenger door for Hosanna and kiss her after she takes her seat. Shutting the door I climb around and jump in.
I hear Sam click off his safety as I pull out of the garage. I look in my rear view mirror to see him sitting at attention behind me. I turn out onto the street and keep glancing back as I drive. He's not doing anything but his job now, observing our surroundings. He really is a good officer.
"I really appreciate you telling Mia to shut it," Ava says to my wife.
"I love her but she really goes too far sometimes," Hosanna replies.
"Yeah," she agrees.
"If you need some help with Tyler, you know, if you want support when you talk to him, just let me know," my girl says.  I grin smugly.  She really is a sweetheart. 
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind," Ava responds.
I glance back at Sam in the mirror. His eyes shift over to her briefly before returning to duty watching our surroundings.
We make it to the wall and step out of the truck.  There is a much larger crew at the gate than I was expecting. They do a more thorough check of our vehicle than usual. They run a scanner over everything and even under the truck. When both vehicles are cleared, we file back in and head out. I lead the way while Ryan follows. We turn down the dirt path around the fence. Hosanna rolls her window down completely and gazes at the apple orchard. "When they're in season, I want to go apple picking," she announces.
"Oh, my parents used to take my sister and me there. I loved doing that growing up," Ava replies.
"I'm in," Sam responds.
Hosanna smiles.  "Alright," she says.


We arrive at the cottage and everyone mostly looks around in awe. "Should I run to Amity for something for dinner?" Hosanna asks.
"Yeah, we could wrap some things in foil and throw them on the fire," I say. "I did that a few times when Lizzy got bored of hot dogs, fish, and mac and cheese."
"Okay. How about chicken and vegetables?" she asks.
I nod, "That actually sounds really good."
"You start the fire and I'll shop. Let's take our things in first, though," she says.
I unlock the door and everyone follows us in.
"Geez Eric. Who decorated... your grandma?" Ryan jokes at the blue floral motif. Everyone laughs.
"Actually, she did," I reply. I look over everyone to see what we should do about sleeping arrangements.
"So with Ava here..." I start scratching my neck.
"I'll take the sofa," Ryan volunteers.
"That's really not necessary," Ava says but Ryan insists.
She sighs. "Alright. Let's go find our beds roomie," she says to Mia.
"I'll take you up," Hosanna offers. All the girls run up the stairs and leave us alone.
"So... floor or tent?" I ask the other two.
"The floor is fine with me," Sam says.
"Alright. I'll get some sleeping bags out of the garage in a minute. The bathroom is upstairs. You guys can look around if you want," I say before walking up the stairs.
Hosanna is in the bunk room with the girls when I come up. I drop my bag off on our bed and sigh. So much for our alone time. I have a feeling next week there'll be more people here.
I feel gentle hands slide around me and I smile. "Ava's taking the lower bunk which makes me feel better," my wife says.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"Pregnant women get clumsy. Something about their joints that makes them less coordinated during pregnancy, I think," she explains.
"Huh, I didn't know that," I say.
"Ava said she'd come with me to the store. She's never been there," she tells me.
I turn around and kiss her. "Alright. You might want to see if anyone else wants to lug back the groceries. I'll entertain everyone else until you get back," I say.
"Okay, see you soon," she says kissing me and snatching my keys out of my pocket. I smile. I forgot about those. I guess she wouldn't have gotten far without them.

*****Thanks for reading!*****

Words of Wisdom:

"And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful."
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you."
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now