Chapter 74

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(Hosanna's POV)

I sit in the chairs at church as Jax walks a glowing Ava down the aisle. Even at five months pregnant, I've never seen her more beautiful and happy than she is today. She was never like this with Tyler. Sam could not be smiling any bigger than he is right now either.
As I listen to Pastor Roberts officiate their wedding, I think about how much both Ava and Sam have changed in the last few months. Ava has gone from being a mostly quiet, reserved, and submissive girlfriend during initiation to a broken-hearted, depressed state just after. She was able to bounce back quickly and become one of the happiest, giving, strong-spirited people that I've ever known. Sam has gone from being just a quiet, hardworking, protective person to a fun, loving, outspoken, and affectionate person as well. While Ava has grown and changed into a better person, Sam had added to his already honorable traits. The two of them together can take on anything this world throws at them as long as they have each other.
I watch as they exchange rings and kiss, a smile spreading across my face. I can feel Eric's hand slide into mine and I look to him out of the corner of my eye. He's not watching our friends. His eyes are completely focused on me. I turn to him and he smiles mouthing, "I love you." I frown almost crying and whisper the same. His fingers wiggle my wedding ring around—a habit he's always had—and I relish the contact every time he makes it.
We had a small cake and a meal delivered to the church hall for them—another gift from us that I insisted on. I'm glad I ordered a little extra since word spread quickly causing some guards and a few other people to show up. Word travels fast in Dauntless. I take a few pictures of the happy couple, some with Charlotte and Zander as maid of honor and best man, as well as one with his mother and sister. I watch as Ava hugs Sam's little sister. She's such a sweet girl and getting less fearful of being out. I think school and the Amity counselors are helping her a great deal. His mother looks like a weight is lifted from her shoulders. She told me earlier that it's nice to get out of the house and work with the other children, too. She also confided in me that she couldn't be more happy her son found such a sweet girl.


Eric and I walk back into the compound through the garage with our guards after the wedding. I see a man running frantically over to us as we near the Pit. As he approaches, my guards step in front of us. I put an hand on their shoulders telling them to stand down for now.
"What can I do for you, Tyler?" I ask him.
"Where is she?" he asks panicked.
"Who?" Eric questions. I nudge his arm and give him a look. I don't think Tyler is in a mood for Eric's games. He had been coming around more frequently lately, but he always asked permission first. Eric really doesn't like him at all.
"Ava!" he says concerned.
"She's not in the compound," I tell him calmly, hoping for his panic to subside.
"I heard that. Where is she?" he asks again, a little more worry in his voice.
I sigh. "She's on her honeymoon. She won't be back for a while. What do you need from her?" I inquire.  I won't tell him that they went to Amity for a few weeks.  Only a few of us know that, since we approved their leave.
He frowns and looks to be tearing up. "You're just kidding, right?" he says a slight laugh in his voice.
"No, we just came from her wedding," Eric responds sternly. It sounds like he's growing tired and irritated from this conversation.
I'm the calmer one and I confirm it. "Sam proposed last night and they eloped. She'll be back in a few weeks. The baby is fine," I explain. I hope some day he'll actually care about his child but the baby will have a good stepfather.
"I don't believe you," he responds shaking his head.
I pull out my phone and show him a wedding picture of them. He frowns, taking the phone from my hand. I see a tear fall down his face and I can understand how upset he must feel. I think he really does love her in his own way, he just is terrible at showing it and remaining faithful.
"It... it's true. I thought someone was just messing with me. When did all this happen?" he asks devastated.
"You two broke up months ago. She's been seeing someone else recently and she fell in love. He fell in love with her," I reply gently.
"You cheated on her and told her to get rid of your child. She wasn't going to wait around for you to wise up. Do you think she's stupid? Why would she want to be with you?" Eric snaps.
"Eric, you're not helping," I mumble. I'm afraid he can be a little mean when Tyler has shown some serious instability lately. My concern is that I don't want him to push too hard.
"I... I never really thought she was serious. She... she's really pregnant," he stutters.
I realize the wedding dress is tighter than what she usually wears. She's been in baggy clothes lately. Maybe he really never believed.
I cautiously slide my phone out of his hands. "Maybe you should get some counseling. I could give you some information if you want someone from Amity to talk to. It might help," I offer. He nods but still stares where the picture was moments ago.
I pat him on the arm and he starts, looking up at me then Eric. "Take care, Tyler," I say. I put a card that Jax gives me into his hand before leaving. It's the phone number for the counselor that visits Rosie. He looks down at it and continues to stare standing in place as we walk around him. I turn back to see he's still there as we cross the Pit.
"Hosanna!" I hear my name shouted. We're not usually around on the weekends so just crossing here is difficult today. I turn my head to see Tobias coming down the stairs from the Pire.
Eric and I move closer to see what's going on with my brother. "Hey," I greet reaching out to hug him. "What's going on?"
"Can I talk to you?" he asks.
"Sure," I say.
"In private?" he questions.
I look to Eric. He frowns and sighs but nods his head. I kiss him. "I'll be home shortly," I tell him.
He kisses me again hugging me tightly. "I love you," he whispers in my ear before releasing me and watching me walk up the Pire stairs with Tobias. I take him up to my office. My guards follow. I feel bad for making them work now since they were going to be off when I get home.
We enter my door and I have the guards wait outside. I close the door and flop down on my sofa. "What's going on?" I ask.
"I saw who came here yesterday. My feed passed by during your meeting," he tells me.
"Yeah. I told you we're working on the problem," I respond nodding.
"Tell me what's going on," he says. It's not a demand, it's more of a voice of concern that he uses.
I sigh and rub my temples. "Toby, you know I can't tell you any details. It's official and privileged information that only can be discussed among leaders," I explain. "It's not that I don't want you to know. You of all people should understand that we have you monitoring for hackers constantly from other factions. Even inside this faction, the information is privileged for a reason."
He nods but purses his lips. He clearly wants me to tell him anyway. I sigh and an idea comes to me. I almost can't keep the massive grin off my face. "You know," I start nonchalantly. "If you were to become a leader, you would be informed of this information." I smile widely and he makes an exasperated sound.
"You and Max," he mumbles.
"No, just hear me out. We've already decided that we're seriously considering another couple of leaders. Our workload is enormous. Eric and I didn't even get home last night until after ten. We need someone that would be skilled enough for the position and we were definitely going to be looking in the next initiation group for a leader. We have been discussing names of current members that would fit the position and your name has come up numerous times. With this Erudite thing, we need someone we can trust and who can handle the pressure of the job. You are all of those things," I elaborate.
He blows a huge puff of air out of his mouth. He rubs his face and then stares at me, examining my intentions. He can read me like a book. "So, who out of the current leaders want me to apply?" he asks.
"All of us," I say. It's true. We've discussed this many times. Jax would be a good fit but he loves where he is and doesn't want to move. Some of the others are a little too old to start the training now. He has also been my top choice because I know he can be trusted, not necessarily because he's my family.
"Just messing with me, right?" he laughs.
"No, I'm serious," I tell him. My face reflects this.
"Even Eric?" he questions with furrowed brows.
"Eric was the first to put your name out there when I brought the issue up. Max and I, of course, were pulling for you but he said you're a good choice," I explain.
He has an expression of surprise on his face. He shakes his head. "I don't understand," he says quietly.
"You're his brother. He trusts you with his life. We all need you," I explain to him. "This whole thing isn't easy. It's so stressful, but we're trying to do the right thing. We're trying to protect the innocent in this faction and the city. We need you. I need you."
I see his expression waver. I know that face. He's seriously contemplating this. "But... how would that work though? There has to be an odd number of leaders. You said yourself that you're probably going to choose one after initiation," he questions.
"The training takes a long time. I only became a full leader immediately for show and votes. Diane was dying and Jude wanted to leave with her. I completed my training quickly, so did Eric. It usually takes most people at least a year to complete but you'd be in on everything. We'd listen to your opinion and if someone was absent, you would vote in their stead.  It'd remain like that until we add another, then you'd get full say like us," I tell him.
He nods, grinning at me. "Is that a yes?" I ask.
"I'll consider it," he says firmly.  I know what that means...
I squeal and hug him. I stand up and rush over to Max's office door. I knock and open it quickly. I smile when I see that the workaholic is seated at his desk on a Saturday afternoon. His reading glasses are on and he was perusing some papers. "So... remember how you've been saying that you want Four to join leadership?" I question.
He nods, "I've been asking him since he completed initiation. He just stopped coming when I wanted to discuss it."  He takes off his glasses and sets them on the desk. 
I walk around and scoot his chair out. Sitting on his lap, I hug him. "Uncle Max, what would you say if I convinced him to join us?" I inquire.
He hugs me and laughs, "I'd say you're delusional." He feels my forehead with the back of his hand.
"She's perfectly lucid," Tobias says standing in the doorway. Both hands are grasping the doorjamb and he's leaned in like he does on the train, a cocky sort of smirk on his face.
Max blinks as realization crosses his expression. He slowly starts to smile, growing bigger as time passes. "Alright, you're in," he confirms and I laugh.
My brother scoffs, "Don't you have to have an official vote or something?"
I shrug and call Eric. I put him on speakerphone. "Baby, what's going on?" he asks.
"We're voting on adding a new leader. Whose name do you want to put in?" I question.
"We already talked about this. I nominated Four. That is if he'll accept," he responds.
I smile smugly at my brother while the expression drops off his face. "All for it?" I ask.
"Aye," Max and I both say raising our hands.
"Wait, this isn't hypothetical?" Eric asks.
"Nope. My big brother is our new leader in training," I smile folding my arms.

*****Thanks for reading! I love this chapter with Four. Ava's wedding was pretty exciting, too.*****

Words of Wisdom:

"Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now