Chapter 63 (Eric's POV)

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We row back to the dock and I see the three girls sitting on chairs at the beach.  Their hair looks damp like they've been swimming recently and they're leaning back, relaxing in the sun, or what's left of it anyway. 
The boat gently colliding with the dock startles Ava and she jumps up out of her seat.  I notice Mia grab her hand as I tie up the boat. Hosanna stands as well and I just stare at what she's wearing. 
"Wow," Ryan exclaims patting me on the back.  "Now that's a swimsuit."
"Are you checking out my wife?  And right in front of your fiancé?" I question angrily. 
He puts his hands up in defense.  "Sorry man," he responds.  "I just wanted to say you're a lucky guy to come home to that."
I grunt in irritation.  "Keep your eyes on your own girl," I reply gruffly.  I didn't mind making fun earlier and being truthful with my wife on how everyone in the compound has a thing for her.  I figured she knew, but to actually be gawking at her in that skimpy thing and right in front of me... it bothers me... a lot.  I like it, I just don't want anyone else seeing what's mine. 
I climb out of the boat and grab our basket.  The cramped fish inside flail about as I pull the metal net out of the water.  I cross the dock, water dripping onto the planks from the fish, my boots thumping as I near my wife.  She waves to me excitedly and I watch as she bounces.  I take a sharp intake of breath in through my nose and slowly exhale between my teeth.  She looks incredibly irresistible in that but I'm glad her guards are still rowing back and are too far away to see her. 
"I missed you," she says kissing me. 
"I think you should cover up," I state. 
She frowns.  "I thought you'd like this," she tells me. 
"I do... maybe a little too much.  So does Ryan apparently.  Your guards have yet to see you," I explain looking over my shoulder and notice that they're still a little ways out. 
"Oh," she responds sadly. 
"Look, I like it.  You look incredibly beautiful," I say looping my fingers through the bow tied onto one of the sides of her bottoms and caressing her soft skin.  I look down at how revealing it is and sigh.  "But unless you want more trouble than just a little infatuation, you might want to put something more on," I explain. 
"Yeah.  You're probably right," she says staring off. 
"I like this.  I do.  It's just that I don't want to have to shoot someone again anytime soon for touching you," I exaggerate. 
"That is not funny," she says pushing my chest.  I laugh. 
"If we were alone right now..." I say raising my eyebrows suggestively.
She giggles and turns around to walk inside.  I get a good view of that new tattoo and I can't help but whistle at my wife.  She shakes her backside at me as she steps away.  Wow, she looks extraordinary.  I have to wipe the drool off my chin as I follow her inside and put the basket into the kitchen sink. 
I start to wash off and prepare the fish.  Hosanna comes down the stairs a few minutes later, her hair pulled back in a loose knot with a tank top and some short shorts on.  I groan at her.  "What?  I covered up," she says defensively. 
"Baby, really?  I don't get much alone time with you and you're dressing like that?" I ask. 
"Eric, I'm wearing shorts and a tank top," she says deadpan as if they're not revealing. 
"Hosanna, you're killing me," I reply grabbing her from behind and pressing her up against the counter. 
"Oh my goodness.  You two are like animals," Mia mocks stepping into the kitchen.  "Geez, what are you going to do when she starts menstruating?" she comments as she gets a glass of water.
Hosanna laughs at that.  "What's so funny?" Mia questions.
"His inability to control himself is pent-up frustration from that very thing," my wife explains. 
"Oh.  Well then that makes sense I guess..." Mia replies.
"Okay, that's enough.  See you when dinner is ready, Mia," Hosanna says dismissing her friend. 
"Are you talking about me?" I whisper breathing in her ear. 
I hear her whimper under my hold.  "I've missed you today," I say kissing down her neck. 
"How are we preparing these?" she asks, her voice wavering under me. 
"I don't care," I respond turning her face to mine and kissing her plump lips.  I hear a thump beside us and notice Zander put their catch in the sink beside ours. I kiss my wife gently once more before I turn to him.
"You did pretty good for a first time," I tell him kissing my wife's cheek. 
"Thank you, sir," he says.  He nods, glances at my wife and steps out the door. 
"Why don't we grill them whole over the fire?" I ask. 
"That sounds really good.  It'd be difficult to cook all of that in here.  It's a good thing that I already built up the fire," she says.
I did notice that she started one out there in the pit. I'm actually really proud of her. "What else do you want with them?" I question her as I start to grab a fish, a knife, and a cutting board to scale then gut them.
"I've got some herbs and oil we can put on the fish," she says and I nod. That sounds good. So far every instinct she's had about seasoning has been fantastic. "I have some sweet potatoes that I can slice and try roasting next to you and some broccoli."
I'm already getting hungry.  "So, how were things here?" I ask as I cut up the protein while she preps the vegetables. 
"Fine.  I'm regretting butting in with Sam but I'm glad Ava wants us there to help with Tyler," she tells me.
"Why's that?" I inquire.
"I'm not sure how Ava feels about him.  I'm fairly certain it's way too soon for her.  With Tyler, she's afraid she'll cave because he's manipulative.  I think she wanted us to be there so he won't be able to coerce her into something he wants and she doesn't," she explains. 
"Yeah, that about sums up what I thought of their relationship.  She looked like she was head over heals for him but he just wanted to haul her back to the bedroom and apparently several others," I say irritated.  I don't know how I'm going to get through this meeting without wanting to strangle him. 
I try to focus on the remaining fish.  The rhythmic movements get my thoughts off of that situation and others that are plaguing my mind.  Hosanna and I bring our prepared items out to the fire and spread them out across the grate.  We're both crouched together, tongs in hand.  I sit back and watch as she continues to arrange the food she's preparing.  She seasons them with oil and salt, bent over the fire.  I admire her for a moment and can't help myself from playfully slapping her bottom. 
She laughs. "Really, Eric?  Trying to get me to sit in the fire like you?" she taunts.
"No, I just couldn't stop thinking about you shaking that at me earlier," I say honestly.
She chuckles and looks over her shoulder at me, the seductive look she gives is incomparable to any other so far. I smirk thinking about how I can't wait until we're alone.  She sits beside me and holds my hand. I watch her as she observes our group of friends on the beach.
"I thought it might be awkward between them when you all came back but they seem fine, happy even. Maybe it wasn't a mistake to say something to them," Hosanna tells me.
"She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. So can he if she tells him no," I respond.
She nods and looks over to me, hesitant to ask something, biting that full, sexy lip of hers.
"What is it?" I ask.
She sighs and blows a few strands of hair out of her face. "So... what did you talk about out there all day?" she questions.
"You really want to know?" I inquire.
She nods her head. "Just the usual stuff guys talk about, along with a few tips on how to fish since this was their first excursion," I say.
"What do guys usually talk about?" she asks sounding really curious.
"You know... females and flatulence jokes among other things," I respond casually.
She laughs the hardest I think I've ever heard and the longest, too. When she finally calms down, she glances up at me, taking in my face. "Oh, you're serious?" she questions laughing just as hard.
"What kind of jokes are you making over here to get that kind of response?" Ryan says joining us around the fire along with Mia.
I shrug. "I just told her what we talked about," I respond.
"What? Guy talk?" he confirms. I nod.
"What's so funny about that? We talk like that all the time," he replies.
Hosanna is still chuckling a little, wiping tears from her eyes. "Not since all the girls joined us at the table," I state.
"But Lydia has been there longer than both of you," Hosanna says, trying to calm down.
"Why do you think she's so happy to have more girls at the table?" I question.
Hosanna makes an 'o' with her lips.
"What's guy talk?" Mia asks and Hosanna starts laughing again.

*****Thanks so much for reading!*****

Words of Wisdom:
I feel like at this point, Hosanna's guards are grateful to be there.  Hosanna and Eric treat them well, as if they're members of their group of friends.  Eric's teaching them important skills, Hosanna is cooking them meals.  They feel almost welcome among friends. Always do your best to make guests feel at home. 

"Many curry favor with a ruler, and everyone is the friend of one who gives gifts."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now