Chapter 62

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(Hosanna's POV)

I wake up early in the best mood I've been in for several days. I decide to make breakfast for everyone since the guys will be off early this morning. I tip toe down the stairs heading for the kitchen. I pass through the living room. Ryan is sprawled out on the sofa snoring quietly while the other two are huddled up in the sleeping bags on either side of the room. I walk past them slowly trying to avoid the creaking floorboards.
I get to the kitchen, pulling out a casserole dish and turning the oven on. I crack a dozen eggs and mix them together while tossing some bread, cheese, vegetables, and sausage I browned last night into the dish. I dump the eggs in when they're thoroughly scrambled and put the casserole into the oven. I stand up and turn around, jumping when I see Sam is behind me.
"Good morning," he says quietly, smiling.
"Good morning," I whisper. "Did I wake you?"
"No, I'm always up really early," he tells me.
"Oh," I nod. "Do you drink coffee?"
"Sure," he says. "I never used to unless I really needed it. The coffee in the cafeteria was always terrible until recently. Now I'm completely addicted."
I smile widely at that. "I'm glad you like it," I grin walking into the pantry and closing the door to mask the sound of grinding the beans fresh. I walk out and he has a confused look on his face.
"Should I be thanking you for that?" he questions.
I shrug. "I just didn't want all that coffee wasted if nobody was drinking it. I convinced the staff to grind the beans daily and make smaller pots. I think it tastes better that way," I say. I pour the water into the reservoir and start the coffee maker up. "I also in good conscious couldn't even give that stuff to the Factionless."
Sam covers his mouth as he laughs, looking over his shoulder to see if he woke the other two.
"So Eric said he's taking you all fishing today," I tell him as I get out a fry pan and a package of bacon. 
"Yeah. It's a first for me," he smiles.
"He took me for the first time on our honeymoon. I had fun. He's always surprising me with his special talents," I explain as I place the slices in the pan.
"You two look to have the best relationship I've ever seen," he admits.
"Thanks. Apparently he even likes it when I'm cranky," I divulge with a chuckle.
"I could see that about Eric," he nods. "I always thought he was kind of irritable but he's pretty fun to be around."
"Yeah well, we're supposed to have a more... authoritative demeanor in public. I just can't be quite so... how do I put it?  Like Eric's public persona?" I explain and he smiles. 
"Can I ask you a personal question?" I inquire hesitantly as I slice up some fruit.
He clears his throat.  "Sure," he agrees quietly. 
I look him in the eyes.  "What are your intentions with my friend?" I ask.
He coughs in surprise and then looks back to the living room.  "I... um..." he scratches his neck like Tobias does when he's nervous and sighs.  "Honestly, I like her.  I'm upset that that guy did something so awful to her.  I just want to protect her and be there for her.  I'd like to get to know her more as a friend but if she'll have me in the future... I'd like that," Sam explains. 
I nod in understanding.  "That's a pretty honorable response," I tell him. 
"I'd like to think I'm a pretty honorable man," he replies. 
I smile at that.  "So... does it bother you?" I ask.
"What?  That she's pregnant with another man's child?" he questions.
I nod.  He sighs deeply.  "I'm not going to say I'm happy about it.  But it takes a strong person to take on that kind of a challenge, to live with something like that for the rest of their life.  I admire that kind of strength and determination.  I think she's incredibly brave, strong, and kind.  I admire her for everything she's gone through and still plans on doing.  I'd like to think that if she ever could see me as a friend or more, that I could be understanding, like the kind of person she is," he elaborates. 
I stare at him, at what he just admitted to me.  "You might want to turn that before it burns," he points out motioning to the bacon. 
"Thanks," I respond flipping them one at a time. 
"Could you turn the coffee pot off for me?" I ask him. 
"Sure," he nods. 
"I love the smell of bacon and coffee in the morning," Ryan says stepping into the kitchen. 
"Good morning," I greet him grinning at the compliment.
"Morning," he responds. 
"Could you wake up Eric for me?" I ask.  "He said he wanted to head out early."
"Sure, I can do that," he agrees.
"You may want to keep your eyes up though," I admit smirking.
"Why's that?" he questions walking away. 
"Just in case. Eric's a bit of a thrasher when I'm not beside him. He may not be covered up so don't look," I tell him playfully.  Sam's laughs echo through the kitchen. 

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now