Chapter 6

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(Hosanna's POV)

Eric and I are standing at the gun range.  He promised to train me on more guns today, but by his selection of weapons, I have a feeling he just wants to be closer.  A good majority of them, I'm not even sure how to grasp.  He selects the first gun, loading it, and placing it in my hands.  I step to the line trying to aim this one properly.  I can feel Eric sliding his hands along my sides, adjusting my stance slightly.  His fingers on my hips make me shudder.  He puts his arms around me and moves my hands to the proper position.  I can feel his breath on my neck and ear, giving me goosebumps.
I gaze up to see his eyes on mine.  He has a look in his eyes that I can't quite read.  I smile at him and turn back to the target, trying to focus on the bulls-eye.  I ignore his breath tickling my neck and his arms and hands touching me.  I take aim and pull the trigger.  We jolt slightly.  I look to see how I did, bulls-eye. 
"Perfect as always," Eric whispers in my ear.  I feel his lips graze my ear and I giggle.  He won't stop tickling me.  I take aim again but Eric remains where he is.
"Aren't you going to shoot?" I ask.
"Maybe later.  I'm perfectly happy where I am right now," he says.  I laugh, of course he is.
I continue to practice while Eric nips at my neck and ear.  I guess I'm working on focus, too. 
We continue practicing on each gun Eric had selected.  He eventually practices side by side with me but he does help me to aim each one.  I feel like I'm much more prepared to concentrate during firing now though.  Before, I was easily distracted and now I feel like my skills are sharper and more refined. 
"So, Mia said everyone is going out tonight.  Do you want to join us?" I ask.
"I'm invited?" Eric asks surprised.
"Yes," I say smiling at him.  "Mia told me that just about everyone met somebody."
"Really?" he questions. "Who did Mia meet? She works mostly with the leaders and the other office aides."
"Apparently Ryan asked her out," I tell him.
"You're kidding. Isn't he a little old for her?" Eric asks.
"Her seventeenth birthday is in two weeks and he's what, twenty? That's only about three years difference. Is that really that big of a deal?" I ask.
Eric shrugs. "Well, Mia seems to really like him," I say.
"I hope that works out, if it doesn't the office might get a little awkward," Eric comments.
"You're such a downer," I respond nudging him. "They'll work out just fine. We're doing fine."
"Yeah, well I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you," Eric says.
"Aww, and when was that?" I ask.
Eric bites his lip. I remember the first time I saw him the day before his Choosing Ceremony. "The first day of first grade for me," he admits.
I'm floored. I was in kindergarten. I had to be five years old. "You've been in love with me since I was five?" I question surprised.
Eric shrugs his shoulders at me. "Yeah," he says it so casually.
"Why didn't you ever say anything to me?" I ask shocked.
"I thought Four had a thing for you. You two were always together and holding hands," he responds. "I never would have guessed he was your brother."
"Well had I known, I probably would have gotten in so much trouble for kissing you behind the jungle gym," I say and Eric laughs.


Mia, Ellen, and I meet after dinner and go shopping together. April and Charlotte are still working but we visit their shops.  April works at a clothing store while Charlotte works at a makeup boutique.  We all enter April's shop first.  I choose a few outfits to wear when we go out on nights like tonight.  I grab a few skirts, dresses, and dressy shirts.  I figure that Eric might like to see me in a few more revealing outfits so I end up buying a few corset tops that April and Mia talk me into.  The one I'm wearing tonight has spaghetti straps, buckles all over the front, and the sides lace up.  I pair it with a short black pleated skirt.  April insists that I get some knee high boots to go with the outfit.  I actually do like them so I agree. 
We go to the makeup place Charlotte works at and I end up getting some for myself.  I really didn't buy any previously so I get a few lip glosses, some eyeshadow, mascara, and some eyeliner. 
We all go back to Mia's apartment to get ready together.  I do some intricate braids through my hair and pull it up.  I change into the outfit I selected, looking into the bathroom mirror as I dress.  I've never worn something so revealing, maybe this is a bad idea.
"Oh wow, that looks great on you," Mia exclaims from the door.  Everyone else comes over to see what I'm wearing. 
"Eric is going to freak out when he sees you," April says. 
"Is that a good or bad thing?" I ask.
Charlotte laughs.  "Well if you don't mind his eyes all over you or his hands for that matter, than this is fine," she says.
"Maybe I shouldn't wear this..." I frown.
"Oh, she was just joking," Mia says dismissively.  "It's fine.  Besides, he knows how you feel, right?"
"I think so.  I've stopped him a few times from touching me and I only let him go so far," I confide in Mia when everyone else clears out of the room. 
"It's fine then.  It might tempt him a little but he still loves you.  He'll have to get used to it or make a serious commitment," she says with a wink.
I furrow my brows at her.  All of the sudden, Ava enters the bathroom.  "My turn!" she shouts grabbing my makeup bag. 
Mia leaves the two of us while I agree to let Ava paint my face.  "So how are things with you and Tyler?" I ask.
"Good," she says.  "How about you and Eric?"
"Good," I say.
"I still can't believe you two are together," she mumbles.
"Had he said something to me sooner, I'm sure we would have been together years ago like you and Tyler," I say.  "So, how's your training coming along?"
"Great actually.  I'm still practicing with Tori.  Maybe next week she'll let me do something simple on a person," she says excitedly.
"Let me know when you've found your niche and I'll have you give me my next tattoo," I tell her.
"You know I won't be allowed to do the Leaders' tattoos for some time," she says.
"Not that," I admit.  "I want something personal on my shoulders and back."
"Oh, well I'll let you know when I'm confident enough to do something like that," she says with a smile.


We finish up getting ready and I'm dying to see who everyone is dating.  Ava and Tyler are still together of course and Mia is now officially dating Ryan.  Apparently he asked her out after her first work day in the offices.  I guess she's been up to his place a few times for dinner but I've never seen her up there. 
We make our way to a club that I'm not familiar with.  I'm glad Mia told me where to have Eric meet us in advance.  She said the guys didn't want to go singing but they settled on dancing and drinking.  We enter the club to loud, upbeat music.  I follow the girls to a table while I look around at the atmosphere.  There are different colored lights everywhere and a crowded dance floor.  Everyone is drinking, laughing, and it looks like they're having a good time.  I take a seat at the table and realize that this place is so crowded that we'll probably have to share seats. 
Some guys approach my friends and I wonder if that's who they're dating.  "Hey, can we buy you girls a round of drinks?" one of them asks.
"I'm sorry but we're meeting our boyfriends here," Mia kindly declines.
The boy nods.  "Sorry to bother you," he says and they all leave.  That was pretty nice of him to offer.  I wonder if Julia and Abby have found anyone yet.  Maybe I'll have to stop by the nursery sometime and see how they're doing.
I see Tyler, Jonah, and Dan enter the club and wave to us approaching.  I elbow April sitting next to me.  "There's my man," she smiles. 
My mouth drops as Jonah comes over and hugs her kissing her head.  Aww, the two from Amity got together.  Dan approaches Charlotte and kisses her cheek.  I thought he had a thing for her the first day we met.  They all join our table and I see Neil, from the control room, come up behind Ellen.  Ellen introduces Neil to everyone.  I smile, happy for all of my friends.
"Okay where are our boyfriends?" Mia says plopping down next to me. 
Ryan enters the club with Eric and the talking dies down for a moment.  I'm glad Eric can have a friend here, he even seemed friendly with Neil before.  Ryan sees us and Eric follows him over to our group.  They arrive at our table and Eric meets my eyes for the first time this evening.  He takes in my outfit and his jaw drops.  Maybe wearing this was a mistake.  I can't quite read this expression he's making.  He comes toward me and takes my hand pulling me out of my seat.  "Wow," he says kissing me gently.  "And I didn't think you could ever look more beautiful.  I guess I was wrong," he says taking a seat and pulling me onto his lap.  I blush heavily.  I guess he likes it. 
"So who do I have to thank for convincing her to wear this?" Eric asks my friends.
"That would be me," Mia says raising her hand.
"Hey, I picked it out," April laughs.
"Well maybe you two should dress her more often," Eric says kissing my bare shoulder.  I shudder at the sensation. 
"Don't worry, there's plenty more she bought today that's just as sexy," Mia laughs. 
"Good," Eric whispers in my ear. 
Mia introduces Ryan to everyone and we all order a round of drinks.  Eric, Ryan, and Neil are having a good time talking and drinking with each other.  As I'm talking with April I feel a tickle along my arm.  I look down to see Eric licking me.  I laugh as he sprinkles salt on my arm.  "What are you doing?" I ask.
"Shots," he says.  "Baby, hold this between your teeth."  He hands me a slice of lime.  I bite down on it and watch as he licks my arm again, takes a shot, and kisses me biting the lime.
"Wow, that was pretty hot," Tyler comments.
"Come dance with me?" Eric asks. 
We get up and most everyone at the table follows us to the dance floor.  Eric leads me in a different dance than what I'm used to with him but it's fun with lots of twirls, dips, and he tossed me in the air once.  We're laughing and dancing for so long that when we get back to the table, I notice that Tyler and Ava are gone. 
"Did they leave already?" I ask Charlotte. 
"Tyler tried that shot thing Eric did on you and then drug her home.  I think he liked it a little too much," she chuckles.
"Oh," I didn't want to hear about that. 
"Where'd they go?" Eric asks.
"Home to have sex," I tell him. 
He laughs, "Already?"
"They've been dating for years," I comment.
"Do you want a shot?" he asks me. 
"I probably shouldn't since I can't hold my liquor," I admit sipping my beer.
"Hey, Zeke invited everyone to go zip lining tomorrow.  We're meeting at the tracks at ten," Ellen announces.
"Oh, that sounds so fun," April says enthusiastically. 
"Have you gone before?" I ask Eric.
"Once," he responds.  "Do you want to go tomorrow?"
"Only if you come," I say kissing him. 
"Who could say no to that?" he smiles kissing me again.

*****Thanks for reading!*****

Words of Wisdom:

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now