Chapter 21

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(Hosanna's POV)

I wake earlier than usual Monday morning with the urge to take something down to lockup.  The elevator door opens.  I greet the single guard at the desk as he stands, with a smile and a simple acknowledgement.  He salutes me.  I walk down between the mostly empty cells.  There are few people down here usually but more than normal since some people can get a little rowdy over the weekends.  Those down here are asleep—well, all of them with the exception of Nathan.  He is in the farthest cell in this section.  He's sitting up on his cot staring at the far wall.
"Good morning," I say to him. 
He jumps, a little startled but looks to me.  His mouth opens slightly, shock clear on his face that I'm down here to visit him.
"Umm..." he clears his throat.  "Good morning."  Nate continues to stare at me. 
"I thought you might get bored down here, so I brought this for you," I say slipping a book through the bars. 
He looks at the book, then back to me. Slowly standing up and walking over to the bars, he reaches for it.  "My church was giving out copies yesterday.  I thought that you—out of all people that I know—might benefit from it.  You don't have to read it if you don't want to but I thought maybe this might help you see where my lifestyle comes from," I explain.
He nods.  I turn away slowly.  "Thank you," he quietly calls out to me.
I turn around to face him.  "You're welcome," I say smiling warmly.
"I'm really sorry... for what I did.  I never wanted to hurt you," he says, voice cracking slightly. 
My eyes snap up to meet his.  "I know," I say quietly.  "And I forgive you."


Eric and I arrive later than our typical time to breakfast. Taking our meals, we have a seat at the leaders' table. I sit beside Lydia but it looks like Max and Ryan are already finished or didn't join us today. We talk and eat together, enjoying each other's company. When the cafeteria mostly clears out of people, I notice Hale in the distance watching Lydia. She waves to him and excuses herself. I frown as they walk off hand in hand. I wish he could join us up here once and a while but I learned in my first day of training that he could only sit here if they were married; the leaders' table is reserved for leaders, their spouses, and dependents. Oddly none of us are married.
"How long have Lydia and Hale been together?" I ask Eric.
He looks up from his mostly empty plate. "I don't know. I've never asked. As far as I know, they've been together before I came to Dauntless. Why do you ask?" he replies taking another bite.
I shrug. "I was just wondering..." I say.
I was thinking that it would be nice if he could join us but I can understand why he can't. We—as leaders—must be strong, stable examples for the faction. If one of us were to have several different significant others frequently up here, it would make us look unprofessional, unpredictable, and temperamental. 
I would like to get to know him better though... "Maybe we should ask them if they want to go out some time," I say.
Eric finishes his last bite.  "That's fine," he agrees easily.   "Are you finished?"
"Yeah," I tell him looking to see that the cafeteria is completely empty. We both stand up and put our trays by the trash. 
We enter the kitchen area to make sure the first donation to Abnegation goes smoothly. We greet some of the staff and I'm formally introduced to Kay, Ralph, and Linda.  They each manage breakfast, lunch, and dinner here with a large staff preparing all of our food. I can already see many people working on cutting up vegetables to be used for lunch while others are washing dishes from breakfast. Many workers pause as Eric and I pass by their stations. The three managers bring us to the back of the food prep area where they have several containers of food set aside from breakfast. I inspect everything before us to confirm that it is packed up to the specifications I previously instructed them on.  I was very particular that the containers must be sealed, otherwise it would likely be spilled and we'd have a mess to clean up and no donation. Most everything looks good but there are a few things I have them try to repackage.  I have tons of experience moving food from my history of volunteering so I'm more familiar with how to transport the food than they are. 
While Linda and Kay handle that, Ralph guides us toward the loading dock and opens the doors. I can see a truck from Abnegation already backing in. Natalie steps out waving to me.  She directs the driver to keep backing up.  Once their truck is docked properly, she enters the side door with two other people. I recognize Earl instantly, the driver.  I smile at him. His face is one of a kind—quite handsome for a man in his thirties. He has beautiful skin the shade of dark coffee and the kindest dark brown eyes I've ever seen. He bows his head in reply to my smile with a hesitant expression. Natalie grins at me while the other boy I don't recognize follows nearby with a slightly fearful expression on his face. It looks like he saw Eric first. I guess I can understand that—many people do find him scary and intimidating. He must be a new transfer since I know most of the volunteers but I've never met him before. He is tall and has a fairly strong build, not typical of someone from Abnegation, which will be helpful for lifting all of these heavy food containers. He has light brown hair, green eyes, and slightly flushed cheeks.
"Welcome to Dauntless," I say to all of them with a huge smile on my face. They all nod in reply.
I hug Natalie tightly, which she returns.  "Thank you for coming," I grin.
"We're so glad to have the donation.  I don't think you know how much it means to us," she tells me gratefully.
I release her and hug Earl.  I can hear Eric shift on his feet behind me.  "It's so good to see you again Earl," I exclaim. 
"Good to see you too, Miss Eaton," he says quietly patting my back.  I release him, glad to see an old friend.
"Will you be our driver from now on?" I ask.
"Earl and Maxton Evans will be sharing the duties," Natalie replies.  I nod in understanding.
I look over to the green eyed boy who I haven't met yet.  He looks somewhat confused at my previous greetings.  "This is Justin, one of our new members," Natalie says introducing him.
He reaches his hand out for a handshake.  I shake it quickly surprised at the gesture.  "It's nice to meet you, Justin.  I've known Natalie and Earl my whole life," I explain releasing his hand but he holds on to mine for a little longer.
He furrows his brows.  "I just transferred from Abnegation," I say to clarify the confusion on his face.
"She's Marcus Eaton's daughter, Hosanna," Earl says as realization crosses Justin's expression.  He looks closer at my face and sees the eyes of an Eaton.
"How's your brother?" Earl asks curiously.
"He's good," I tell him with a huge grin.  "You'd probably barely recognize him since he's changed so much, though."
I hear Eric clear his throat beside me and remember our audience. 
"This is Eric," I say introducing him.  "We won't often be down here."
"Why not?" Justin questions clearly curious.
"Um... because we're both leaders here and we have other more pressing duties.  We may stop by from time to time to make sure everything is going well, though," I elaborate.
"Congratulations on your position, by the way.  I hadn't realized when you brought the baby that you were selected for such a prestigious position here," Natalie comments.
"Thank you," I smile. 
I see the others approach us.  "This is Kay, Ralph, and Linda," I introduce.  I can see Earl stiffen as he notices Kay, his lips part.  He clearly knows her.  I look at her and her lips form a straight line.  It looks like she's angry at him or upset about being put together for this.
"They are the managers here in our cafeteria.  You will primarily be dealing with them and their staff," I explain.
Everyone is silent for a moment.  "Well, let's get started," I say showing our guests what we will be donating. 
Eric and I help them load some of the boxes and packaged containers into the truck.  As I turn around, I hear Earl say quietly, "I miss you."
I remember that Earl is still single.  Not many people in Abnegation are, especially at his age.  I look over my shoulder to see Kay snap back at him, "Well then you shouldn't have left me to become a Stiff."
I frown, stopping in place.  These factions have come between so many people.  We have to pretend to be something that we're not or they fill us with cruel biases.  I watch as Kay storms past me to get more food.  Earl slowly walks by me a moment later and I grab him by the arm.  "If there were no faction barriers, would you be with her?" I whisper.
"There's no such thing," he says softly shaking his head.
"If there were, would you want to be with her?" I ask.  He remains quiet.  "I won't judge you.  You know I believe we are one people under God.  If things could change—if our world was different—would you marry her?"
"Yes," he says in a soft whisper.  "If she would still have me.  But no place like that exists."
"Don't lose hope," I tell him gently releasing his arm and walking back to get more containers. 
After the truck is loaded up and Abnegation is gone, I discuss the coffee situation with the three managers.  They agree that they only make it out of habit but not many people drink it.  I suggest we start making a few smaller pots at a time until we need more since it gets a burnt flavor sitting there all morning.  I offer to help early in the morning tomorrow and Kay accepts the help with a smile for the first time today. 

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now