Chapter 82

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(Hosanna's POV)

I'm sitting in a limousine for the first time. It's actually really spacious and exciting. Erudite sent two for all of the Dauntless leaders to drive us to the seminars—which begin tonight with a formal dress gala. They host them every year since Erudite has the only real hotel in town that can support this many people for two weeks. Tobias and Max are sharing the car with us along with some of our guards. Neither of them wanted to bring a date. Lydia and Ryan are following us in the second limo along with their significant others and some guards as well.  We had to have our luggage sent earlier to the hotel and placed in our rooms.  When we arrive, we're going directly into the welcoming party.  I find it odd that there is such an extravagant get together like this annually and that it's actually approved by Abnegation. 
Our vehicle drives down Michigan Avenue.  I elbow Eric and point to the sign.  That name has new meaning for us after visiting the state and learning what our lake is called.  He stares at the name and glances in the direction of the marsh.
As I notice we're approaching the hotel, I smooth the material of my elegant gown with my hand admiring the beautiful, soft fabric in preparation for our departure from the vehicle. This is my first time wearing velvet. I love the capped sleeves and sheer ruffles around the collar of my dress but my favorite attribute of this gown is the length of looped buttons along the entirety of the back with a slight train at the bottom.
The limo driver pulls up in front of the hotel and an Erudite man opens the car door for us when we come to a stop.  My guards step out first, then Eric and I, followed by my brother and Max. The wind is freezing with a few snow flakes blowing throughout the breeze—the start of the storm Erudite predicted tonight. The bitter cold bites into my exposed skin. I wrap my faux fur shawl tighter around my shoulders and arms. Pretty dresses are definitely not very warm in this weather even though the material of this one is quite heavy.
"Here we go," Tobias says and I can share the sentiment.  I know his mind must be just on Marcus being here. It's one of my worries too, but I'm more concerned about Jeanine and the fact that I'll be presenting one day. She's not going to like what I have to say. At least Max and I agreed to bury my presentation during one of his most important ones. He doubts many will attend mine and I'm somewhat relieved.
I also have my thoughts on how this'll be the first time I'll be seeing Jack Kang in person since my wedding. Eric and Max have been sending him information and the recordings dealing with Jeanine's treachery. I haven't been in contact with him and I have no idea how he'll behave.
We cross the sidewalk before stepping toward the hotel door. The doorman is wearing a blue and black Erudite uniform with two vertical rows of buttons on his jacket, white gloves, and a kepi on his head with a slight bill. He holds the massive door open for us smiling and nodding in greeting. I grin back at him as Eric and I enter first with our guards. 
I observe the vast foyer.  There are dozens of white, stone pillars surrounding the space which appear to almost glow shades of gold and peach from the soft lighting.  The room echoes from our footsteps on the cream-colored marble floor as we approach the line of leaders waiting to receive us.  There are black, wrought-iron handrails along the staircases throughout the many levels in the room covered in a deep blue carpet on the floor.  Eric and I progress, flanked on either side by our guards.  We arrive at the start of the receiving line and are immediately greeted by Jeanine Matthews.
"Eric, Hosanna, it's lovely to see you," she says shaking our hands. The greeting and smile on her face actually seem genuine. I wonder if perhaps we are actually some people she doesn't mind spending time with, especially with the large amount of Abnegation leaders present.
"Jeanine," Eric nods.
I smile at her. "We're both happy to be here," I respond. I really don't hate her. I feel like she's just misled. Perhaps we can still change her mind. We've been working so hard together that maybe she'll find another way here with Abnegation to better our society and compromise.
Jeanine introduces us to her staff beside her: Darlene—her secretary—and several other members of Erudite who are assistants to her. I shake each of their hands—even though we've all met previously—as we make our way through the long line of people. One of her assistants, a male named Riley, holds onto my hand a bit longer than the rest. He oddly looks familiar, like I've seen him somewhere before but I just can't place it. I dismiss the thought and move on. Amity is next with Johanna Reyes and several members of her faction who aid her with office work and leadership. I smile and hug each member. Sadly, I'm better with faces than names but I'll do my best to remember them, especially after so many. We move on to Candor, headed by Jack Kang. He reaches out and grasps Eric's hand first having stepped in front of me, no doubt to remind him of who I belong to.
"Jack, good to see you. You remember my wife, Hosanna?" he says. Smart move, Eric. He places his arm around me.
"Hosanna, it's always a pleasure to see you," Jack says reaching out to shake my hand.
"Mr. Kang, good to see you as well," I tell him.
He sighs. "You are one fortunate man," he tells Eric.
My husband laughs. "Don't I know it," he responds giving me a squeeze.
Jack introduces us to his staff accompanying him here. I notice that an older man, Wyatt, is beside him. So, he didn't bring a date then. I meet everyone here from Candor. Some I remember from my visits there, others are younger or must be newer on his staff.
The smile drops off my face when I see who's next. "Marcus Eaton," Eric says nodding his head with a serious expression on his face. Eric's left arm is tightly wrapped around my waist. "This is our newest leader and my wife, Hosanna Franklin," he introduces me. His tone exhibits ownership and possession, as if Marcus comes near me—his property—then Eric would snap him in two.
Marcus's eyes meet mine. "Daddy," I whisper and nod.
His lips are parted a bit, in surprise. I'm sure he wasn't expecting me here. His features soften slightly at seeing me. I was always his favorite.
"This is our leader in training, Four," Eric says as my brother comes up beside me. "Named for his impressively low number of fears, a quality we hold in high regard at Dauntless. His total only being surpassed once in the history of Dauntless, from his sister."
Eric advances us through the Abnegation quickly as to distance us from Marcus.  I see Andrew and Natalie Prior and sigh in relief.  "Hosanna, Eric, it's so nice to see you both," Natalie says. 
I smile at her. "Andrew, Natalie," Eric nods.
I nod as well but hug Natalie. "How are Beatrice and Caleb?" I ask.
"They're well, thank you for asking. How are you both and your brother?" she responds.
"We're all good," I say glancing at Tobias. He's conversing with the man next to Andrew.
We move on and talk to Robert Black and his wife Frances. I don't think they recognize me. I catch Natalie talking with my brother. "Four? Is that a nickname?" she says.
"Yes," he responds abruptly.
"You look unusually familiar. Have we ever met before?" she asks looking very confused.
I jump in and grab my brother's hand. I smile at Natalie, gesturing to our faces before introducing him to Robert. I peer back over to notice shock in her expression. She shakes herself out of it and begins talking with Max.
We arrive at the hall and are ushered in to our seats. Apparently the Dauntless are always last to arrive at these kind of functions—right on time. We take our seats and Mia sits beside me as I remove my shawl. My brother waves at her to move down a seat. I smile and shrug at my friend in apology. I guess he wants to talk.
"How'd it go?" I ask him.
"Everyone in Abnegation thinks I look familiar," he says.
I nod. "It's your eyes," I point out.
"Right. I've never wanted to gouge them out so badly in my life," he mumbles.
"Oh, don't be so overly dramatic. It could have been worse," I respond.
"How's that?" he questions.
"He could have talked to us or people could have recognized you and asked if the articles are true," I say flatly.
"Yeah, this was better," he agrees.
We're served a several course meal.  The servings are not very large but every bite is magnificent.  We start out with some sort of crispy, seeded bread followed by a salad.  We're offered fish or chicken.  Eric, Ryan, and I are the only ones who choose fish.  My brother complains about the smell. I wish he would've said something before so we didn't make it on his birthday. I guess next year will be better.
The plate of my main course is placed before me and I smile. It's like a work of art. The white fish is seared and placed atop a bed of sliced asparagus and carrots.  There's some sort of yellow cream sauce with dill on the base of the plate and a pinch of green sprouts is on top adding color, flavor, and texture to the dish.  I take my first bite and it's heavenly.  I notice that Tobias has a similar meal but the sauce it white. 
"How's the chicken?" I ask my brother.
"Eh, it's alright," he responds. "How's your bait?" he inquires smiling. 
"Absolutely wonderful," I tell him smirking back.
"I could have told you their chicken dishes are always mediocre," Eric says taking another bite.  "On the last meal, pick the lamb," he tells us after chewing.
I graze his left hand with mine.  "Perhaps I should have you order my food for me," I request.
He laughs and kisses me. 
We finish our meal with some sort of custard dessert sprinkled with cinnamon. I, of course, love everything but my brother asked for something chocolate. I notice the Abnegation eating all of the same dishes as well. I recall the teaching that if something is made for you, even if it's not plain, you accept the gift with the same kindness as it was given. This makes me smile that they can all indulge a bit.
Tonight is the one free day but tomorrow we'll start meeting in the rooms and halls nearby.  The music so far has been classical, instrumental background music but the tempo picks up as the song changes.  Eric takes my hand as the lights dim.  I hadn't seen the dance floor that he's leading me to until now.  I smirk, glad to be wearing comfortable shoes.  We're the only people here so far and have the full attention of the room. 
Eric leads me in a familiar dance holding me closely.  I sigh in contentment as we move to the music.  I live for these quiet, romantic moments with my husband.  They calm my nerves about the coming storm between factions and their leaders here surrounding us.  As he twirls me, I laugh.  I hear a few people clapping in the audience.  I notice the eyes of some on me, including Jack and my father.  I'm pulled back to my husband and he kisses me roughly before continuing the dance.  I blush knowing we have the attention of the entire room but I still hold tightly to him. 
We're joined on the next song by a few couples.  Ryan with Mia along with Lydia and Hale are among them.  Hale dwarfs Lydia in size but it looks like neither of them mind.  The newlyweds are happy and not necessarily the best dancers but they appear to be having a great time.  I see some Amity, Candor, and Erudite join us on the dance floor eventually.  My loving spouse and I spend the remainder of the evening spinning around dancing with the feeling of watchful eyes on us.


We arrive to our room on the top floor of the hotel.  The suite is massive—larger than our entire apartment.  I gravitate toward the windows for some reason, curious to see how the winter storm has progressed.  Pulling the thick curtains back, I reveal the lights of the city glowing even more prevalently than usual as the city fills with snow.  It's still about thirty minutes before lights out within the wall and I just stare at the beautiful view before us.  Even with the snowfall, I'm still able to see quite a distance since the storm seems to be slowing at the moment.  The buildings of Erudite—including the Hub—are on one side leading toward the ruins of Factionless, the swamp is on the other.  It makes me sad that we can't see the lake but I know it's out there somewhere in the distance. 
I watch in awe as the snow dusts and blows over the city continuing to cover it in a thick, sparkly, white blanket, adding more brightness to the evening.  The clouds are dark and glow with a sort of purply shade. They look so close, almost as if I could reach up and touch them. 
I feel Eric slip his hands around my waist, his body settles in behind mine.  At times, it's as if we fit together like two pieces of a puzzle chiseled out only for each other.  His warm lips graze between my neck and shoulder and I sigh at the awakening feeling.  Electricity courses through my body at each caress.  No matter the length of time, I still feel that from every touch of his.  I could recognize his scent and graze in the blackness of night. 
I close my eyes as he begins to sway us.  "Hosanna?" he whispers on my skin as he begins to kiss my neck.  I get so distracted when he does this. 
"Darling," he says again nibbling on my ear.  "I love you," he breathes. 

*****Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this one.*****

Words of Wisdom:
"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it."
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now