Chapter 42 (Eric's POV)

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I wake the next morning, Hosanna's arms are wrapped around me.  I just watch as she takes in each breath, releasing them so quietly.  She's still asleep.  I rest my head back on the pillow observing her.  My thoughts start to drift off to everything that's been revealed lately.  I still find it difficult to believe that I'm supposedly Divergent.  I guess when I think about my aptitude test, I would have questioned the objects on the columns.  I probably would have refused to take anything without knowing why, had Jeanine not spent so much time ingraining Dauntless thoughts and behaviors into me beforehand.  I most likely would have thought it through how to handle that dog but attacked it with my bare hands when it charged at me if I hadn't chosen the knife.  I ponder what else I could be if anything, besides Dauntless and Erudite.  I almost want to laugh angrily at how Jeanine trained me to hunt my own.  That thought is quite disturbing. I also wonder if she knows, but then again I kept so many of my thoughts and behavioral patterns to myself, holding back in her midst.
I start to think about what this means in regards to the Bureau as well.  Since I'm now somewhat of a protected species to them, I'm curious as to what David thinks.  I'm also wondering as to how this might change everything. 
We went out to lunch yesterday in town through the fog.  It was difficult to make much out beyond where we stood but the restaurant was incredible.  Matthew said that the food was foreign and that we don't have many of those spices within the fence.  It was a new experience for George and Amar as well.  Matthew explained that the food was Indian, from a country across the world.  I, of course, immediately looked it up on my phone and learned a bit about the food and culture while we waited.  We had a variety of curries, naan, and some sort of spiced chicken that I can't remember the name of.  Tandoori... I think. Everyone seemed to love the food.  My wife definitely enjoyed it. 
The payment method was strange, too.  He paid with money—not points like we do on the inside.  He let me look some over later on, explaining all the payment methods there are on the outside. 
The grocery store was quite interesting, too.  Hosanna and I spent a bit of time gawking at the organic sections.  There are so many lies we were fed before, that those types of things don't exist anymore.  We're adjusting well though and trying not to dwell on such minute details. 
We grilled some steaks outside for dinner back at the house.  Matthew and I finished cooking them just before a massive thunderstorm hit that lasted the rest of the night.  Hosanna and George made the rest of the meal while Amar snuck bites from their dishes.  We ate together all full of smiles—even Matthew. 
I can't believe he's as forgiving as he is.  I'd probably want vengeance, but I guess if this world has the means to hold criminals in prison for life, that would be an acceptable punishment for the crime.  We only execute inside since we don't have the resources for extended sentences. The pures pushing his girl down the stairs is quite upsetting, but I'm sure it wasn't their intent to murder her. It still doesn't make it right though and I think the punishment should have been more severe. At times, this world doesn't seem even or just.
My wife stirs beside me, pulling me out of my thoughts.  I really am enjoying this vacation we're on, even if it's not just the two of us.  She stretches and rolls over moving away from me.  I run my fingers gently down her spine.  She shutters and yawns.  "Do you want to go for a jog?" she asks in that unique morning voice of hers. 
I smile.  "Alright.  That sounds good," I respond.
We get changed into our jogging clothes and chase each other down the hallway. I can't keep my hands to myself, tickling my wife constantly. She keeps giggling, making me smile. Matthew opens his door as we get closer.
"Where are you both off to?" he asks.
"We're going for a jog," Hosanna responds smiling.
"Do you mind if I join you?" he inquires.
"That's fine," I reply.
"Give me a minute and I'll meet you downstairs," he says.
"Okay," Hosanna responds happily. We trek down the stairs and wait around in the living room. The furniture is extremely comfortable as we lounge around on it.
Matthew comes down a few minutes later and we head out the front door. We jog down the driveway and through a street surrounded by woods heading toward the town. He keeps pace with us. Everything looks so different today with the fog lifted and the sun shining. Homes start to appear as we get closer—most of which have manicured lawns and gardens. They're similar to what's in Erudite, but substantially larger and more spacious. We start down a sidewalk through a neighborhood. The homes vary in size. Some people are out caring for their yards while others are picking up their newspapers. Children are out playing games in the yards or bicycling down the streets. Many people wave and greet Matthew as we pass by. What still surprises me is the clothing. There really is no order to the colors that are worn here. It seems like everyone puts on whatever they desire.
We make our way through the residential area into downtown. There is a strip of restaurants, bakeries, and miscellaneous shops down the block we choose. There are a few places selling fish and chartering boats. I see what I believe is a real, working carrousel that puts our city's broken down ruin to shame. Hosanna looks at me and whispers, "You're taking me on that later."
I laugh and nod. We have missed out on so much in our remote city. There is such a difference to being out here from our hometown. I continue on but notice Hosanna stops in her tracks.
"Baby, what's the..." I start but turn my head to see what has caught her attention. There, in the distance is the lake. I stop as well. Even with the sun behind our backs, the light sparkles off of each small cresting wave. The lake extends out so far that it reminds me of photographs I've seen of the ocean. But the wind, the sound of the crashing waves against the sandy beach, and the fresh smell in the air makes those images pale in comparison to this.
"Come on," Matthew says breaking me out of my daze. "Let me show you a better spot."
He leads us to a boardwalk running parallel to the beach and water. We follow it down a ways. I turn my head to see where we're going and notice that we're heading toward a real lighthouse. It extends out into the water on a large cement pier. There's a blue, metal railing on either side and two separate buildings that make up the lighthouse near the end of the pier. We get to the end and I realize that when you look out, it appears as if you're completely surrounded by water. The view is spectacular and awe inspiring. I never imagined it could look like this, feel like this.
There are some fishing boats that pass by and a large boat with crates on top of the deck that must be moving supplies. I turn my head and in the distance, I can see a sailboat. I laugh and look down to my wife beside me. I grasp her hand in mine and think of how I had dreamed about the two of us as a child. I had a reoccurring dream about us sailing off into the sunset. I never told anyone about that though. I rub the back of her hand and just enjoy the moment with her.

*****What'd you think?  Thanks for reading!*****

Words of Wisdom:

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"The seas have lifted up, Lord, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭93:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now