Chapter 89

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(Hosanna's POV)

This is our final day of the seminars and I'm incredibly antsy.  The moment we've been stressing about since I first became leader is about to occur.  We will either move forward in one direction or step back causing stress between the factions.  I sigh.  I'm trying to do something with my hair but my hands are incredibly shaky.  I just decide to pull it back in a typical Abnegation knot since I don't have the dexterity in my fingers today for anything else.  I step out of the restroom to see Eric seated on the sofa.  He looks tense.  His posture is slumped and he has his head resting in his hands. 
"Are you ready?" I ask hesitantly. 
He rubs his face and takes a loud, deep breath.  "Yeah," he says after a minute.  He looks up to me.  "Where's your gun?" he questions.
"Right," I say stepping over to the bed and reaching for my holster. 
I feel his hands caress my sides as I slip one arm in.  He pulls the other one on for me.  "It'll be fine," he assures me.  I nod in acknowledgment even though I believe it may not be.  I know him and he's worried.  So am I, but what else can we do besides face this situation bravely?
We head down to breakfast thankfully without incident.  I feel like Marcus was deliberately riding down with us before at times or following us to lectures because that has all stopped since the confrontation.  I'm relieved.  I take a deep, cleansing breath before the elevator doors open to the main level and we walk out.  Seats today are like they were originally as we entered the first night and I'm grateful.  No more entertaining the other factions for now.  I feel most comfortable with my fellow Dauntless—we can just be ourselves. 
Eric and I select our breakfast quickly.  I grab whatever without a thought and we take our seats.  I look at my plate and realize I chose an Abnegation breakfast of plain scrambled eggs, dry toast, fruit and milk.  I eat slowly so I don't upset my stomach further.  I'm more nervous than hungry but I don't want my stomach gurgling during this important speech Jeanine will deliver shortly.  I finish my eggs and look over to Eric.  He tries to give me a reassuring smile, rubbing my back to ease the tension.  I reach out for his hand and he holds mine for a moment before bringing it to his lips.  He pulls me towards him and kisses my cheek.  I sigh and relish the comfort it gives. 
"No matter what happens here, we will face it together," he whispers in my ear.  I move back slowly, look him in the eye and nod. 
We finish our breakfast and all of the Dauntless have solemn expressions on their faces. We're called to sit in the largest auditorium—where Jack Kang gave his presentation at the beginning of this seminar.  It's mostly Abnegation in there.  Our group of Dauntless sit together near the front and center.  Hale left this morning but Mia remains by Ryan's side.  There are a few people from Candor still present, as well as Amity, and Erudite.  We're all lumped up near the front, surrounded and dominated by the vast amounts of Abnegation leaders in the room.  When we're all seated and everyone begins to quiet down, Jeanine Matthews approaches the podium. 
"Good morning, leaders and honored guests," she starts.  "I have the humble privilege of speaking after such a groundbreaking seminar.  This year was exceedingly remarkable, wasn't it?"  We all applaud.  I thought the subject matter was exceptional, though I think Eric and some of the others thought it was a bit redundant at times.  It was all new to me. 
She continues her speech as the applause concludes.  "The purpose of this seminar is to inspire our leadership, to share knowledge and make our lives in the city better in the future.  We try to implement new skills with each coming year and I believe that this is crucial to our society as a whole for continued growth," Jeanine explains.
She speaks about all our factions' contributions over the years and this year in particular especially.  She brings up the new prospects that were presented by Erudite this year, the dedication of Dauntless to go above and beyond to protect everyone within the walls including Amity and the livestock, the Amity for their had work to provide us sustenance, the Candor for their continued success at attaining justice for our citizens.  She thanks the Abnegation for their management of our infrastructure. 
She speaks on the importance of valuing all of our citizens no matter their age and background.  I see a few older Abnegation shift in their seats at that.  She speaks further with the examples of all various people who have made great contributions to the city in the past and recently.  She mentions my name for my dedication to children in the city and I'm flattered that she thinks so highly of me.  She speaks of Riley, how even though he's quite young, he has shared vast knowledge and ideas that will benefit the city with food production for years to come. 
She begins to speak on the list of issues we all have met on starting with the inadequate amount of food in Candor and Erudite. I see Jack nod in acknowledgment. It must not just be a made up statistic then, it must be a real problem. I notice some of the Erudite nod as well. The Abnegation overall look a bit uncomfortable at the mention of it. Jeanine continues on with her list of requests for change in the factions. I hear her petition for greater prosperity within the city and I hold my expression as not to wince. I see some Abnegation shake their heads and some purse their lips. I take a deep breath as she continues on.
"This seminar was a success for so many reasons. The exchange of ideas within the factions is a start but I, as well as others within the city, feel that we all need a more substantial say in how our city is governed. We ask that each faction may attend and have equal say in the city council meetings and decisions made on our behalf in the city," Jeanine explains pausing. "All who agree and support these ideas, please stand."
I take a deep breath holding Eric's hand. All of Dauntless stands together. Erudite joins us. The Candors look to each other and stand sporadically at first before they all join us as well. Amity is discussing within themselves. It looks like they take a quiet vote and all stand after a moment. I notice Jeanine's smile widen. She actually appears overjoyed and vindicated.
"Thank you Dauntless, Erudite, Candor, and Amity leadership for your support," Jeanine acknowledges us all. "We ask our current city government leaders to acknowledge that the entirety of the city leadership is in support of these issues. We ask that you consider our requests. Thank you."
Jeanine begins to step away from the podium when Andrew Prior clears this throat and stands. "We acknowledge your requests and we will discuss among ourselves before our closing statements after lunch," he says.
We all exit the auditorium and Jeanine looks to Eric and me happily. She makes her way to us through the crowd and hugs Eric and me. "Well, I guess we'll see how this is handled," she comments. I nod and smile. I hope this isn't a problem. Some Abnegation seemed irritated while others looked on in understanding.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now