Chapter 45 (Eric's POV)

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(Hillsong United-'Splinters and Stones')

I listen as they talk quietly, voices I've heard in my dreams, fear simulations, and even nightmares.  I hear each word they're saying slightly muffled by the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. The world becomes a haze and I just stand and stare at them—unable to believe my ears, my eyes. It's them... after all this time. They're alive.
Our wedding ceremony ends on the screen with us walking down the aisle. I feel Hosanna's hand cautiously slide into mine.  I look down at our intertwined fingers. It both comforts and relaxes me.  I take a few deep, calming breaths before looking back up at the screens. 
I see our reception playing on several monitors, along with our life together.  Images of us throughout her initiation and leadership training cover the screens.  I'm carrying her to the infirmary, talking with her at the punching bags, both of us eating a meal with the other leaders and laughing, sparring together, cooking breakfast, going out with friends... I can hear the music from when I proposed along with a distant image of us dancing together. 
I clasp my hand tighter around Hosanna's fingers and step forward to meet them.  We approach the aisle they're seated at. My feet become planted to the ground, my body fighting me to move forward. I watch as they view my life, our lives together. I can vaguely see their features from the dim light of the screens. She still has beautiful, long golden hair, a slim build, and a kind face. His hair is a little longer now and a bit more wild than I remember, the curls going off in different directions. I can see a little grey appearing at his temples near where his glasses rest above his ears. Those are new. His build is still strong but I think I'm bigger than him now.
I feel Hosanna's hand on my shoulder. "Go to them," she whispers in my ear with a reaffirming squeeze to my shoulder. Her words give me both strength and encouragement as I step closer, facing them.
"Mom?" I say shakily.  "Dad?" my voice losing its confidence on the second word, becoming only a whisper.
Her head snaps to mine in an instant. She covers her mouth and jumps out of her seat to standing. I can see the look of disbelief as her face crumples. The tears flowing down her cheeks. "Eric? Is it really you?" she says, her voice cracking. My father stands up and looks toward me. He's in awe and glances to the back of the room for confirmation from David. He's waving my father forward in encouragement from behind the seated area, as if he's another member of this family. I can see the smile on David's face. I turn to my dad, his expression matching David's now.
I nod my head when I look back to my mom. She runs to me, wrapping her arms tightly around my back. I hold her as her body racks with sobs, my father joining us in our embrace a moment later.
"Son," he says squeezing me tighter. 
When my mother finally calms down a little, she takes a seat pulling me down with her.  She grasps my face between her hands while I kneel before her.  She studies my eyes, my face, my ears and I laugh.  It's almost as if she can't believe what she's seeing.  I know the feeling. 
"My boy... my sweet boy.  You've changed so much, yet you're still the same," she says before turning to my father seated next to her.  She giggles a little before turning back to examine my hands, rubbing the scars I'm sure she remembers.  Stitching up my hand when I cut it climbing trees.  The first time I caught a fish and got the hook stuck in my finger.  They're all there. 
She notices my wedding ring and smiles to me.  "I'm so happy for you," she tells me embracing me once more.  She gasps, her face near my ear and pulls back.  I see her waving my wife over. 
"It's so nice to meet you, my dear. I'm Janice and this is Christopher, but you can call me Mom," my mother says softly to Hosanna extending her hand out. 
Hosanna slides onto the seat next to my mom, smiling and hugging her.  "What's your name dear?  It's so difficult to hear one screen over the other," Mom inquires. 
"I'm Hosanna," she tells her.  "We've met once before."
"Really?  I would have thought I'd remember such a pretty face," my mother replies.  Hosanna blushes turning her face away slightly. 
"During Visiting Day.  I think I was seven.  My family was visiting Aunt Elaine and Uncle William.  You worked in the same office together.  I completely forgot about it until Liz mentioned it the other day," Hosanna explains. 
Realization crosses her features.  "You're Evelyn Johnson's daughter?" she questions.  "Wait, Evelyn Eaton," she corrects herself.
Hosanna nods and smiles.  My father embraces her as well.  "Welcome to the family," he says.  My wife beams at the beautiful sentiment.  My father was never much for words but when he speaks, he always says something meaningful. 

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now