The End

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To all of my loyal readers,

This is the end of this part of my story but there will be another.  It's called To Change a City, the third and final chapter to my trilogy.  ((UPDATE: There may be a fourth or an extended epilogue.)) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I almost didn't want to stop and I can't believe how many chapters this took to get out.  I'm not planning on the next book to be as long, maybe on par with the first, but who knows.  I have the main points in my head and getting them out may take longer than I expect.  I may take some time to write out the initial outline as well.

To Save a City was by far my favorite of the two so far.  I hope I didn't bore you with redundancy, dragging on just to set up characters and plots for the next book.  I hope you check out my next one and I will have it up as soon as possible.  The cover is kind of done and the story started. It won't exactly match up with the other two covers but I was planning on it standing out a bit. In the future, if I purchase photoshop, I'll redo my covers and make them what I envisioned them to be in the first place, but for now, they'll do.

Thanks for reading.  I truly appreciate every read, vote, and comment.  I never expected this story to have such a following, such interest.  I'm touched that my numbers climb day by day, that the moment I publish another chapter, there are already a couple of reads. I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart. The fact that you're even reading this just blows my mind.

With so much appreciation for your support,


To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now