Chapter 85

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(Hosanna's POV)

I'm exhausted.  This seminar in and of itself is draining.  There's so much to learn about the leadership of the city and what we all do, what we're working on. 
And then there's the issue with my father.  It feels like he's stalking me.  I've noticed that all of today, he went to every single lecture Eric and I attended.  He was always just a few seats away or a row or two behind us. 
I sigh picking at my dinner.  There's only a few sessions left tomorrow to go to, then the final dinner, breakfast, Jeanine will give another speech, and the Abnegation will speak with us on a plan for the future over a luncheon. After that, this whole thing will be over.  I thought it'd be more relaxing but it's been ridiculously stressful.  I actually can't wait to go home. 
I take a couple more bites of my food.  I decide I'm too tired to stay for dancing or socializing tonight.  "Eric?" I say while he talks with some Candor man that I can't even remember his name. 
"Yeah, baby?" he asks after a moment. 
"I'm tired.  I want to go back to the room early," I tell him.
He looks down at my plate.  "You've barely touched your food," he points out concerned.
"I'm not hungry, just exhausted," I admit.
He frowns at me.  "How about I go back up to the room with some guards and you just stay here?" I suggest. 
"I don't like that," he tells me. 
"Are you coming up with me then?" I question.
He sighs loudly.  "Alright, you can go.  I'll be up shortly," he says kissing me. 
A couple of my guards follow me and stay outside my door.  I dump my phone and notebook on the end table beside the bed. I decide to take a bath to help release the tension I've been feeling today.  Starting the water, I pour a little bottle of bubble bath the hotel provided in.  I strip my clothes off, placing my vest on the counter and toss my other clothes beside it.  I smell the distinct scent of lilac and it's magnificent.  I step into the tub and turn off the taps.  Sitting down in the tub, I wring out a washrag and place it over my eyes before leaning back and resting my head.  I start to feel the tightness in my body dissipate. 
I realize that I must've nodded off when I'm woken by the sound of footsteps on the bathroom tile floor.  I sit up and remove the cool wash rag from my face expecting Eric to join me.  I jump when I notice who's in my bathroom. 
"How did you get in here?" I ask outraged while reaching for a towel. 
He smirks at me.  "How indeed?" Marcus replies. 
He sighs staring at me, his eyes gazing over every exposed part.  I wrap the towel around myself soaking it partly but at least the bubbles have kept me mostly covered. 
"Get out!" I yell. 
"Not just yet.  There're a few things I want to discuss with you," he says smoothly. 
"Fine.  You can talk to me if you get out of my bathroom and let me dress," I respond.
He laughs.  "I've seen you in less," he replies but he surprisingly steps out. 
I sigh in relief.  I climb out of the tub soaking the floor in the process and slam the door shut, securing the lock.  I grab another towel, drying quickly and putting my clothes on in a rush.  I regrettably left my phone on the nightstand or I'd call Eric right now.  If I have to, I can scream and the guards can break the door down.  I confirm that my pin is on before stepping out—I must've forgotten to turn it off when I came back to the room.
I open the bathroom door to see Marcus seated on a chair messing with my phone.  "This thing is awfully complicated.  Is it some new technology from Erudite?" he questions me.  I'm glad my password is so complex that he'll never get past the first screen. 
I don't answer his question.  He sighs and sets my phone down.  "What do you want?" I ask looking around and noticing how he got in.  There are two doors in the wall that are gaping open, connecting our rooms together.  I'd never seen those before. 
"I want you to come home with me," he tells me. 
"Did you pick the lock on that door?" I ask motioning to the hidden door.
"Maybe.  Or maybe it was already open," he says nonchalantly leaning back in the chair. 
"Hypothetically, if I were to go back to Abnegation, what would you do?" I question.
He smiles widely for him, a sight I've rarely seen.  "Then I would be very happy," he informs me.  "I'd have my favorite child back."
"What would you do to me if I did?" I inquire.
"You know what I'd do," he responds grinning. 
"Would you force yourself on me again?" I ask.
"I would never do anything like that," he says defensively, almost outraged with his voice raising in intonation.  "We'd be a happy family."
"You'd be happy.  I would be miserable.  Would you beat me again or Tobias?" I question.
"I'd never harm my children," he responds quickly.
"Is this for my own good?" I ask mockingly, almost laughing.
He smiles.  "Of course it is," he replies.  He looks me up and down.
"You look absolutely stunning.  I think you've grown more beautiful the past few months.  Even more so than your mother ever was," he says.
"That's funny.  She said pretty much the same thing," I respond. 
"So she's still alive?" he questions. 
"Last time I saw her," I inform him. 
He nods. "Why don't you come home with me after this whole thing is over?  It's not the same without you," he says and it feels like it's the most honest thing he's ever said to me even though he's trying to trick me.
"Because I'm an adult.  I've made my choice and I choose Dauntless.  I choose Eric.  I'm not your responsibility anymore.  He's my husband and I choose him, I belong with him.  You're the one that's living in a fantasy.  You were always the disciplinarian—always too harsh, too cruel.  You stepped over the line into abuse.  You exceeded that even with me.  Incest is a crime here in the city.  You forced me into a terrible position.  You took my innocence.  That was wrong.  I would never allow you to hurt me again.  That's why you're not touching me now, isn't it?  You know I can protect myself and you need me to go on my own.  That's why you're actually asking me," I say figuring out what he's doing, why he's here requesting this of me. 
"I don't know what you're talking about.  Are you delusional?  I just want my family back," he says calmly.
"Why are you so fake?" I ask irritated that he's calling me delusional.
"On the contrary, I'm quite honest with you.  That husband of yours is a liar," he states.
"Oh?  What do you think he lies about," I inquire. I'm tempted to cross my arms in irritation but I keep them slack at my sides in case I need to defend myself.
"He's Jeanine Matthews's nephew.  He's a Divergent hunter.  He's going to kill you," he tells me as if I'm easily duped. He thinks I don't know who I married.
"No he's not," I respond defensively.  Marcus looks to me like I'm a naive little child.  "He used to be.  He's not anymore."
"How are you so sure?" he questions intrigued by my response.
"Because he didn't kill me when he had the chance," I admit.  I don't need to tell him any more. 
"Hmm, that's surprising.  So, he knows about you?" he asks.
"Yes," I reply. 
He purses his lips. It looks like he doesn't fully believe me.  "You know, I'm not happy with how you've been behaving lately," he says changing the subject.
"Oh?" I laugh.  "How am I behaving?"
"I don't like you with Eric," he responds firmly. 
"It's not your choice who I do and don't marry.  That was my decision and he's a wonderful man," I state.
"He's turning you into a sick and twisted version of yourself.  You've been acting like a harlot," he accuses with irritation in his voice.
His words cut me deep and his expression indicates that he knows it.  "I'm married.  Eric is my husband.  That's what married couples do: they love each other physically and emotionally," I tell him trying to remain calm.  My heart is beating so fast that I can feel it hammering through my fingertips.
"You're acting like an immature child, throwing yourself on the first man that shows you the slightest interest.  He only wants one thing from you," he accuses smugly. 
I gasp in offense.  "I am a leader of Dauntless.  It's none of your business who I take into my bed.  We were married by an ordained minister before God himself.  I don't care what you have to say about my marriage or me.  You're the one who's living in sin," I say raising my voice slightly.
"Dauntless leader?  Your faction is a ridiculous farce.  You're too young and inexperienced to be a leader.  The fact that they would appoint someone so young is ludicrous.  Dauntless is a joke having children lead them," he mocks.
"We've been doing so much for the city.  We're feeding the Factionless, we protect and defend the city from threats within and beyond the fence," I justify.
He laughs.  "There are no threats like that here," he guffaws. 
"You are blind.  The Factionless attack the factions and themselves.  There are animals outside Amity that are trying to pick off our livestock and you have no idea what the future holds beyond our fence," I respond.
"You know nothing about what's beyond our fence.  There is nothing out there," he tells me almost as if he believes it himself.
"That's an outright lie and you know it, just like everything else you've been saying.  I've been on your computer.  I've seen the message from our ancestors," I tell him.
"Perhaps you've been hit too many times on the head in Dauntless.  You're going crazy," he says as if he's concerned. He's acting like Dauntless has hurt me and not the other way around.
"The only person who has ever hit me in the head is you," I inform him.
He shakes his head at me.  "I want you to come home," he says cautiously, standing from the chair.  He strides slowly toward me.  I'm at attention, awaiting his next move as he approaches.  "You're my daughter and I love you," he tells me slowly reaching a hand out toward my face.  I take a shaky breath as he touches me gently, caressing my cheek.  "You will always have a place at home with me," he says kissing my forehead.  I can't say that I've never wanted this.  I've always desired the love of my father—a gentle hand, kind, encouraging words.  I love him and I forgive him... but I'm not foolish enough to believe his ruse.  He will never change if he can't acknowledge his past mistakes.  I step back, distancing myself from him. 
I hear the front door open and hit the wall.  "What the hell?" Eric asks angrily. 
"I want you to acknowledge what you've done wrong.  You have sinned—against Mama, Tobias, and me.  Until you're ready to apologize to me—to us—I still have no desire to speak with you or visit you again.  The only interaction you will ever have with me until that day will be professional—me as a leader of Dauntless and you as a leader of Abnegation," I elaborate. 
I keep my eyes on him as I hear Eric instruct the guards to stay where they are in the hall but watch the front door.  Eric's boots thump as he approaches.  "What are you doing in our room, Marcus?" Eric asks.
"I just wanted to talk to her," he says defensively.
"Did you touch her?" my husband demands him to answer.
Marcus smiles slightly, "Only a little."
"How did you get in here?  The guards said you didn't enter through the front door," Eric questions. 
Marcus looks at Eric as if he's obtuse, but I know what he's insinuating with this line of questioning.  My father thinks Eric is an imbecile.  He's attempting to get him to disclose what he's done in the presence of several witnesses.  "Isn't it obvious?" Marcus says glancing through the two opened doors. 
"Ah, through the side door.  It connects with our room," Eric states calmly as if he just realized it's there.  "Did you break in?"
"No, it was unlocked," my father insists stepping from foot to foot. 
"There's where you're wrong.  I checked that door every day, morning and night.  When we first arrived, it was unlocked but I secured it while my wife was looking out the window," Eric explains.  "So, you see, it's not possible for it to have been unlocked."
My father looks at me.  "That's easy to solve.  Hosanna unlocked it for me," he replies smugly. 
"I didn't even notice the door was there.  I first saw it when I stepped in here from the bathroom just now," I say.  My father goes to open his mouth but I speak first.  "I received Candor as a result for my aptitude.  I don't lie."
"You said Abnegation," he replies quickly.
"I received every faction.  You already know I'm Divergent," I respond.  "So you see, I did receive Abnegation."
Marcus glances to Eric.  I can tell he's looking for some kind of response.  "What?  Do you think I don't know that?  I'm more concerned about you breaking and entering.  Let's stay on topic, shall we?" Eric says smugly. 
"Fine, I picked the lock.  She knows I can.  Can I leave now?" Marcus questions.
Eric blinks in surprise, "So, you admit to breaking and entering?"
Marcus sighs heavily, "Can I leave now?"
"I thought you wanted to talk to your daughter.  Don't you still?" my spouse asks.
"We're done.  She knows what I wanted to say," he responds.
"Fine, you can leave," Eric tells him and I'm shocked he's letting him off so easily.  Marcus begins to walk toward the side door but Eric steps between his exit.  "You can leave the proper way, through the front door just like everyone else.  You will be confined to your quarters until further notice," Eric says authoritatively. 
"You can't do that.  I'm beyond your jurisdiction," Marcus insists.
"Ah, but I can.  You've broken the law.  There are four witnesses," Eric responds.
Marcus makes an irritated face but walks out the front door.  Our guards walk him to his door and Eric closes our side door, locking it securely. It's barely noticeable and blends into the wall. No wonder I never saw it before.  "You better put some furniture in front of that or he can still come in," I inform him.
Eric looks at me confused.  "How else do you think I made sure he couldn't come in my bedroom at night those last few months?" I ask.
He nods.  We pull a dresser over and stack a desk on top of it.  "He shouldn't be able to open the door with all that there," he says.  "Are you alright?" he asks worriedly. 
I nod.  "I'm a little shaken up but I'm fine," I reply.
"Okay," he whispers sliding his fingers through my damp hair.  "Is it on?" he questions hopefully, looking down at my pin.  I nod again.  "Let's go see Max."

*****Thanks for reading!*****

Words of Wisdom:
"The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭9:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity."
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭4:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now