Chapter 109

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(Hosanna's POV)

We enter the infirmary with a plan.  Pam is seated at her desk—half asleep.  She waves to us halfheartedly as we pass by.  Eric already called up to the control room and had the camera turned off in Edward's room.  We enter the curtained off area to see that Edward is awake but Myra is sprawled out on his lap asleep. 
"How are you doing?" I question gently. 
"I'll never see out of my left eye again.  How do you think I feel?" he asks sadly. 
"I'm so sorry this happened," I tell him sympathetically. 
"Yeah, me too," he responds.  "Did you figure out who did this?"
"You know who did it," Eric answers abruptly.
Edward purses his lips, "I do. But I didn't have proof. It was Peter?"
Eric nods. "What's happening to him?" he questions my husband.
"He's to be under lock and key for the remainder of initiation. Any more problems like this in his future here and he's gone to Factionless or will be executed if it's this bad," Eric says.
Edward frowns. He doesn't look happy about that but we need to follow protocol. We could possibly kick him out now if we wanted to but that would only help my mother's cause.
I grab a seat and pull it up next to him.  Eric stands beside me with his arms crossed.  "I have a solution to your problem as well as one for ours," I tell him gesturing to his eye. 
"What's your problem?" he asks confused. 
I look to Eric.  "Do you know who my aunt is?" my husband questions.
"No," he responds. 
"Jeanine Matthews," he replies and Edward's face pales more than it was already from blood loss.  "She knows you are both Divergent and she wants us to execute you."
His arms tighten around Myra protectively.  "We're not going to hurt you," I reassure him.  His right eye looks to Eric in question.  It would appear he trusts me but my husband is another matter.  He glances to the camera in the corner of the room.  "It's off for the duration of this conversation," I inform him. Now he looks alarmed because of me. 
"We are not going to harm either of you.  We want to get you out of here safely," Eric tells him. 
"How can I trust you?" Edward questions my husband.  There is fear in his voice. 
"Because if I execute you for being Divergent, I'd have to do the same to myself," Eric states evenly. 
"Or me," I add. 
"Jeanine doesn't know?" he says surprised. 
"No, she doesn't.  She raised me to hunt our kind.  I've never killed one though," he says. 
"Where would we go?" he asks.  "Factionless?"
"No," I respond.  "We'll take you someplace safe.  Somewhere she will never find you and you will be well provided for.  A place where they may be able to heal what Peter has done to you but you have to leave tonight."
"Where?" Edward asks in awe. 
"Past the fence," Eric tells him. 
Edward shakes his head.  It pains him clearly by the expression on his face.  "You're trying to trick me," he insists. 
"No," I tell him softly. 
"Edward," Eric says getting his attention once more.  "Do you remember my grandfather?"
"Yes, I've heard of him," he replies quietly. 
"How about my mother, the accident that killed both my parents?" my husband questions.
"Yes?" Edward says oddly. 
"My parents were Divergent, are Divergent," he tells him.
"What does that mean?" he questions my husband completely confused. 
"It means they're alive outside the fence," I explain. 
"That's impossible," Edward says shaking his head again. 
I pull my phone out of my pocket and bring up some pictures of us with them last summer.  I pass it to him.  He stares at it confused for a moment, then it's clear to see the realization in his eyes that the woman in the picture is not Jeanine. 
"I met your Dad once.  He was working with my uncle on a project.  He looks much older here... but still the same," he says quietly.  "My parents always argued.  I never knew people could be like him. He was such a good man, kind to me yet strong."
"Shall we take you out of here?" I ask him. 
Edward looks to us again.  It appears like he's debating on whether to trust us. 
"My father is an honorable man," Eric starts.  "I try to be like him but half a lifetime with tutelage from Jeanine has kind of warped me.  My wife is bringing back the traits instilled into me as a child, along with knowledge of my parents living.  I'm not the greatest man in the world but I try to do the best I can.  If we were going to execute you, we would have done it by now.  We're trying to save you and from what the leader on the outside says, the sooner they get to work on saving your eye, the better."
Edward weighs Eric's words for a moment.  "Alright.  I'm in.  Let me wake Myra and tell her I'm leaving.  She'll follow me wherever I go," he says.
"She'll need to get your belongings from the dorm.  Have her wrap up everything in the sheets.  They're yours to keep anyway," I instruct.
"Make sure she tells everyone who asks that you two just quit," Eric insists.  "There may be questions in the future about your departure otherwise."
Edward nods slowly. 
"Meet us in the Pit.  We'll drive you to the rendezvous point," Eric says.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now