Chapter 77

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(Hosanna's POV)

Mia's wedding is fast approaching and it seems like I'm spending all my time either training my brother or helping her with the wedding arrangements. I feel more distanced from Eric and I hate it. I can't wait to come home but sadly, he's been really irritable as of late since he's been stuck meeting with Jeanine without me.
I agreed to take a half day off so Mia and I could shop for dresses. I flip through a rack not even looking at them. My mind just isn't into this today. I miss my husband.
"Did you pick any out, yet?" Mia asks me.
I sigh, "No, I'm sorry."
"Hosanna," she frowns. "The wedding is a week away."
"I know. What's everyone else wearing? Can't I just match them?" I ask again.
"No, yours needs to be different," she insists.
I frown. "Help me then. What would you like me to wear?"
Mia smiles at that and pulls out a dress. "How about this one?" she questions smirking.
It's a solid black dress with and extremely low V-neck that appears as if it will probably show off my belly button. I look to her incredulously—that she would choose that and also that it actually exists. She laughs and puts it back on the rack. "Come on. Help me find something I won't be ashamed to wear before the entire faction and my church," I plead.
We scour the racks in search of something pretty and appropriate. Mia decided to have two ceremonies. One will be at our church—I think she only wants that so their parents and families can attend. The other will be in the Pit. Everyone in the faction is invited.
I grab anything I can find that isn't too revealing and Mia chooses a few dresses, too. I try them all on and I'm planning on letting her decide. Since it's her wedding, I really don't care what I wear. The last dress I try on is one that Mia chose. It's extremely tight, low cut in the bust, strapless, backless, and has a slit in the skirt that stops high up on my thigh. I wouldn't mind wearing this just for Eric at home... but to my church and a wedding?  This is definitely not something I want to have on. I'm about to take it off and tell her no when she knocks on the door. "How's it look?" she asks.
"Not something I want Pastor Roberts to see me in," I respond.
"Oh, it can't be that bad," she replies. She opens the door, barging in. I gasp. "Seriously?" I react.
She rolls her eyes at me. "That's the one I want you to wear to the wedding," she says.
"I can't wear this to church," I disagree.
"Oh, it'll be fine. You're already married. Nobody is going to ogle you," she mocks.
"Mia, I don't want to wear this at church," I insist.
"Yes you will. It's my wedding and this is what I want," she pushes.
I'm about to ask her why she's acting like this but the rest of the girls storm into the store and interrupt.  They're all here to make sure the alterations on their dresses are precise. Mia walks away and I take that time to close the door, lock it, and change back into my clothes. As I'm slipping my bra on, she opens my door again. I cover myself with my shirt. "What are you doing?" I furrow my brows trying to cover up.
Mia snatches the dress out of the fitting room. "I'm just going to show it to everyone else," she says. As she closes the door, I realize that the lock is in place on the door. It just must be broken. I quickly throw the rest of my clothes on and lace up my boots. I exit the fitting room to see Mia at the checkout with the dress. I don't understand who she's become lately. She's not acting like my best friend. It's as if this wedding has brought out the worst in her.
I join everyone else and just let it go. In a week, this will all be over and hopefully she'll be herself again.


I stop back at my office that night to grab the present I bought Mia before heading to her apartment. We're throwing her a bridal shower but since she's not much of a domestic type like me, we all decided to get her lingerie as gifts. I pick up the package off my desk that I wrapped earlier today. Tobias was really embarrassed when he walked in on me putting the negligee into a box. I apologized since I figured he'd be busy with his paperwork in his own office. I wrapped it nicely and put a bow I made out of elegant ribbon on it.
I decide to stop at Ryan's office for a minute since his light is on before leaving to Mia's place.  I want to ask him a question. I knock and wait a moment without any answer. I knock again and peek my head in. I see him sitting at his desk with his head in his heads. I enter since he didn't respond.
"Ryan? Is everything okay?" I ask concerned.
He sighs and looks up to me. "Oh, hey Hosanna. I didn't hear you come in. What can I do for you?" he says.
I repeat my previous question and he frowns. "This wedding has got me stressed out, I guess," he replies. His voice sounds odd, not like him at all. It's as if he's completely distraught.
"Why? What's the matter?" I question. Maybe there's something I can do.
He looks up at me. "It's just... she's not herself anymore. She cares more about where everyone is seated during the meal and wearing two different dresses at each ceremony. Everything needs a bow or flowers or... something.  She's just about emptied my points on this whole thing. I was saving up to buy a house for us to have a family in and now she's telling me she doesn't even want kids..." he rubs his face and I frown. "It's kind of a mess anymore. I don't know who she's become. She told me before I proposed that she wants kids but after seeing how Ava is getting stretch marks, she's being so critical of everyone and saying she changed her mind?"
"I... I don't know what to say," I tell him apologetically.
"Is she acting differently or is it just me?" he inquires.
"It's not just you," I answer.  "She forced me to buy a risqué dress to wear at church."
He winces.  "Yeah, that sounds like how she's behaving," he nods.
I frown.  They've already been announced to the faction.  There's no backing out now and I don't want things to get worse.  "I'll talk to her," I say.
"No, just let it go," he insists worriedly, standing up. 
"Something needs to be said.  I don't know what's going on but I need to say something to her.  As her leader, this," I shake my head.  "She said she could handle it before.  I don't know why she's going to such extremes.  But her behavior lately... she shouldn't think she can tell me what to do."
"So you're just going to talk to her about you?" he asks surprised. 
I nod.  "I'll ask her what's going on but I'll try to let her mention you or whatever it is on her own," I explain.
"Okay," he whispers.  He hugs me before I leave. 
I arrive at the bridal shower a little late.  "There you are.  Where were you?" Mia demands.
"I forgot this in my office.  Sorry," I say placing the present on the table. 
We eat the food I ordered for the small party. 
"So, I was thinking that I want a bachelorette party," Mia tells me.  "We should have it on Thursday night.  That way we'll spend the next day at the spa and Saturday morning, too."
"Okay," I concede.  "Where do you want to go?"
"Why don't we go club hopping?" Mia says excitedly.
"Alright.  I can use a night out," I agree.  That actually sounds like fun.  We haven't had a girls night out since before my wedding. 
We finish eating and move on to the presents. Everyone got Mia an array of sexy lingerie. She actually blushed at some of the outfits. After we finish with the party, I help Mia and Charlotte clean up their apartment. When we're done, Charlotte excuses herself. She must've made plans tonight.
I decide now is as good of a time as any to ask her about what's going on. "Hey Mia? Can I ask you something?" I say.
"Sure," she responds.
"Why do you like that dress you chose for me so much?" I question.
She shrugs. "It kind of matches what everyone else will be wearing," she responds.
I furrow my brows.  I saw them all try on their dresses after she bought that one. "No it doesn't. It's much more revealing than the other girls dresses," I point out.
"Yeah but the style is similar," she says.
"I'm really not comfortable wearing that. I don't want to wear it in front of my pastor," I tell her.
She rolls her eyes. "Give it a rest Hosanna. You're not as innocent as you try to come across," Mia accuses.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.
"Never mind," she stands up irritated and walks away. She takes some of her gifts and places them in her bedroom.
She comes back into the living room a few minutes later and sighs. "Geez, you're still here?"
I open my mouth surprised at how she's treating me. I take a deep breath and say, "Mia. I don't know what's going on with you lately but seriously, what's your problem with me?"
"What's my problem?" she asks incredulously. She laughs turning around and then faces me again. "You know, you try to act all innocent and pure but when it really comes down to it, you're just like the rest of the girls in this faction."
I blink at my friend. "What makes you say something like that?" I ask for clarification, trying not to get offended.
"You push waiting for marriage but you didn't. You try to blame it on some guy and tell me you'll explain later but you never do. Now, the past few months you have to have guards around you constantly because you're probably cheating on Eric. He's got to keep a tight leash on you now doesn't he?" she says angrily.
"Wow, is that really what you think of me?" I ask appalled. 
"You've never explained yourself. And now I have that sort of life to look forward to. I should have told Ryan no. I don't want this mess anymore and now I'm stuck with it," she responds harshly.
"You want me to explain myself?" I ask quietly. I breathe deeply thinking that I've somehow lost my closest friend. "What do you want to know?"
"It doesn't matter anymore, does it?" she snaps.
"If my life bothers you so much, ask me anything and I'll tell you the truth," I say.
She laughs. "I don't think you're a very honest person anymore. Why would I trust you?"
"I received Candor as one of my results," I tell her.
"You got Candor?" she laughs.
I look her in the eyes. "Yes, I did. I've never lied in my life. I received Candor as my aptitude... as well as every other faction," I explain.
She doubles over laughing for a minute. I just observe her wondering what has happened to my friend lately. When she calms down and sees I'm still staring at her, a serious expression on my face, her expression changes.
"Why do you think Jack Kang was so upset when I didn't transfer there? He knew I would test for Candor," I tell her.
Realization crosses her features and her mouth opens. "How... how could you receive all the factions though?"
"It's a long story," I say. "Do you really care to hear it?"
"Honestly, I'm a little curious now but no, I don't really care," she snaps.
"So what do you want to know?" I ask flatly.
"Who did you sleep with before Eric?" she questions.
"I told you I was raped," I say monotonously.
"Fine. Who raped you?" she mocks putting the word raped in air quotes.
"My father. Marcus Eaton," I admit.
"Been reading too many Erudite newspapers?" she laughs.
I look her in the eyes. "Four is my brother. His real name is Tobias Eaton. Jeanine Matthews hacked our system and saw his fear simulation of my brother being beaten by my father," I elaborate.
She looks me in the eye and I think her attitude has dropped. "Wait, but that would mean that..."
I wait for her to finish her sentence but she never does. "What else makes you think I'm such a horrible person?" I ask.
"What's with the guards? They even came with us to the pond?" she questions.
"The guards are to protect me from the Factionless. One broke into my brother's apartment and some systems in Dauntless months back. They were looking for me, too. There was a note for us to meet someone. We went to the meeting place and it turns out my deceased mother didn't actually die. She left us with our abusive father. She abandoned us so she could get out. She wants us back now and she's leading the Factionless.  Max insists on the guards because he wants to keep us safe," I say. I stare at the floor. My best friend thinks I would cheat on my husband. That breaks my heart that she has such a poor opinion of me, that the person I'm closest to here besides my family doesn't even know me.
There is silence between us for a while. "Did you cheat in initiation?" she asks.
"No," I respond. I don't know why she would even think that.
"But Eric kissed you during initiation?" she questions.
"Yeah," I say.
It's quiet for a moment and she doesn't speak. "You know, if you don't want to be my friend anymore, that's fine. I'll keep my commitments to you if you want but afterward, if you dislike me so much we don't have to stay friends," I tell her.
I stand up and grab my keys and phone. I walk to the door and open it. "Hosanna?" Mia calls out to me.
"Yeah?" I ask without turning around.
"I'm sorry," she responds softly. I look to her from the doorway. "I didn't mean it. I'm... just scared and upset about a lot of things. Some things you never told me turned into some far fetched delusion. I regret the way I've been acting," she tells me.
I sigh, a tear slipping down my cheek, followed by another. "It's okay. I forgive you," I reply.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now