Chapter 86 (Eric's POV)

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I'm beyond mad. I'm livid! I'm so angry that I really wanted to snap his neck, but I held back since we have more of what we actually need for a conviction.  I can't believe he broke into our hotel room!  I'm trying to remain calm but I'm still seething after he was here, in my room... with my wife
I already called Max. He's waiting for us to watch the feed but he's cuing it up. He's calling the other leaders, too. I phoned Jack Kang since he's aware of the situation somewhat and we may need his advice on this.
As soon as Max's guards arrive to escort us down, I leave Trina at our side door and Rob out in the hallway to guard Marcus with our door open.  As of now, this is a crime scene and I've never had to deal with another faction leader like this before.  I'm going by the book so far but I'll probably need Candor's assistance for this one.  He didn't violate her—at least not from what I can tell—but the footage recorded will point us in the direction we need to go from here. 
Hosanna walks down with me to the elevator in silence, through the main hallways and to Max's wing of the hotel.  We ascend in the elevator and by the time we make it to his door, I can see her almost break down.  I pound harshly on his door and Max opens it up quickly.  I rush her in and pick her up.  She sobs onto my shoulder as I hold her against me.  I wrap her legs around my torso and take a seat on Max's bed. My hands are shaking because I'm so upset, but I hold on tightly to my girl.  I notice Jack, Ryan, and a very concerned Four are present. 
"Where's Lydia?" I ask.
"I had to send her back to the compound for a while.  There was a fight with some dependents—Gabe and someone else.  Jax needed a leader to speak with the parents," Max explains and I nod. 
"Four, if we vote, yours counts.  Try to remain impartial with this," I say.  He frowns but nods. 
"What's this all about?" Jack questions.  "The poor girl is hysterical."
"Max, we're all here.  Play it," I insist. 
"You're not going to like how it starts," he responds but presses play. 
I only really see white, like the pin isn't on her.  Then I realize this is in the bathroom.  I can see the edge of the tub filled with bubbles and a doorway.  The door is opened and there's blackness around it.  I hear a clicking sound like a lock opening, then there's some sort of scraping sound for a minute followed by another click. "That's two locks," I comment. 
Jack looks to me confused. 
"Your rooms were connected?" Four asks incredulously.  I nod.  "Why didn't you say anything?  He can pick a lock."
"Because I didn't know that," I reply harshly.  I notice Max had paused the recording. 
"I could have told you that," he mumbles. "He showed me how to open abandoned vehicles to fix them up."
"What's going on?" Jack asks. 
"You'll see," I say motioning to Max to continue.  I'm extremely worried now that I realize this is in the bathroom and her hair is still damp. 
I hear some slight shuffling around in the room and then Marcus appears in the doorway a few minutes later.  He grins sinisterly, standing in place. 
"What the heck?" Jack exclaims.  Max pauses it again. 
"Marcus broke into our room from the side door," I explain.  I glance to Four.  He looks really pale, like he wants to turn away.  "Play it."
The recording continues for a while of him just standing there, staring in the distance.  There's no noise.  He steps in and the sound of his footsteps are audible on the bathroom floor.  I hear water splashing and I can see Hosanna's back and knees jolt into the picture. 
"How did you get in here?" she yells.  She's reaching for a towel.  She clumsily throws it over herself.
"How indeed?" Marcus says with a creepy grin on his face.  He looks at her like I do and it makes my stomach turn. 
"Get out!" Hosanna screams.
"Not just yet.  There're a few things I want to discuss with you," Marcus responds. His voice is incredibly eerie.
"Fine.  You can talk to me if you get out of my bathroom and let me dress," she gives in. At least she'll be decent to deal with him.
"I've seen you in less," Marcus cackles. He walks out of the bathroom though. I sigh in relief.
"I'm naked in this next part," Hosanna informs us with a hoarse voice. She's facing the screen and calming down but still hiccuping. "Nothing happens for a minute."
"Fast forward it then, Max," I insist.
"I didn't know if he'd come back in," she explains.
"It's alright, baby. I would've done the same," I say, rubbing her back comfortingly. She sounds like she's calming down more but she still holds me tightly.
Max moves aside from covering the screen and resumes the proper speed. She steps out into the main living area. Marcus is seated on the chair beside our nightstand. He has her cell phone in his hands and it looks like he's trying to enter a password.
"This thing is awfully complicated.  Is it some new technology from Erudite?" Marcus asks. He puts it aside and looks at her when she doesn't respond.
"What do you want?" Hosanna questions. She turns her body away from him revealing the two opened doors.
"I want you to come home with me," Marcus replies.
"Did you pick the lock on that door?" she asks incredulously.
"Maybe.  Or maybe it was already open," he responds.
"I've never seen him behave like this," Jack mumbles. "He's dancing around the question.  That kind of behavior usually implies that he's guilty."
"Hypothetically, if I were to go back to Abnegation, what would you do?" Hosanna asks.  I shift uncomfortably at the thought.  I don't think she'd ever leave me. 
"Then I would be very happy. I'd have my favorite child back," he smiles oddly.
"What would you do to me if I did?" she questions.
"You know what I'd do," he insists.
"Would you force yourself on me again?" Hosanna asks.
"What!?" Jack says standing up. He covers his mouth with a hand and paces. At this point, Max has paused it again.
"Yes, he did," Hosanna replies.
"I... I can't believe this... I mean I can, but... seriously?" Jack asks still pacing.
We all stare solemnly at him. "You all knew about this?" Mr. Kang asks us all. We nod.
I clear my throat. "There isn't enough evidence. We're trying to catch him. I wasn't expecting him to break into our room. I thought she'd be safe with the guards," I admit quietly.
"When did this happen?" he questions.
I'm the one to explain as best as I can. Hosanna is in no position to talk in detail about this. I explain what has occurred, how we have a fear simulation of hers. She said it's exactly what happened, like a memory of the first time. I'll show him later. Four says he wants to see it. Hosanna nods. It's time for everyone to know exactly what he's capable of.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now