Chapter 83

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(Hosanna's POV)

Eric and I play around like silly teenagers in the morning chasing each other through the hotel room.  He won't stop tickling me.  I rush out of the door when we're ready, laughing as he pursues behind.  My guards are on either side of the doorway but they're not what stops me in my tracks, wiping the smile off my face. 
"So it was you two next to me," Marcus says shutting his door.  His bed is probably on the opposite side of the wall from ours.  I hope that my father didn't hear anything through the night. 
Eric joins me taking my hand in his.  We turn around and walk toward the elevator.  Our guards protect us from front and back.
Eric jams his finger in the call button for the elevator. We step in along with our guards. Marcus joins us. I try to hold in an exasperated sigh but I do glance down at my pin. I'm so glad I set it to record before leaving.
"Why do Dauntless need guards?" Marcus asks when the doors close.
"Standard protocol," Eric responds abruptly.
"Some were in the hall all night," he replies.
"It's the same as last year and every year prior as far as I'm aware," Eric explains.
"Hmm, I've never shared a floor with the Dauntless before," Marcus comments.
Eric laughs. "Now you have. What do you think about us?" he questions. It's almost like he's goading my father.
"Kind of noisy," Marcus responds. My face goes red in embarrassment at the comment. He can hear us. I pray that he only heard us running around and laughing this morning since the storm was quite blustery throughout the night.
Eric chuckles loudly at that. "That's funny. We were actually pretty quiet compared to usual. I have Lydia complaining constantly about us and she's two doors down," he says smugly. I'm fairly certain that he's referring to our music at home but it sounds like he's insinuating at something else, provoking my father.
"That was only one time because I was playing loud music," I add quietly.
Eric grins widely. "The only time she's told you about," he corrects.
"You've got me there," I respond.
"You're not hurting the poor girl, are you?" Marcus asks and all of the laughter drains out of Eric's face.
"No," he responds coldly. "I would never hurt her. I'm not you."
Marcus stares my husband down as if sizing him up, no fear of the man I married even though Eric is practically double his size. "I don't know what you're talking about," Marcus says seriously.
Eric laughs. "Sure you don't," he mocks. "By the way, your wife is doing fairly well for herself considering..." he tells Marcus as the elevator doors swing open bringing us to our destination.  Eric pulls me out past my father.  I glance over my shoulder at him to see he's still standing in the elevator with a look of confusion on his face.  He shakes his head before locking his eyes with mine and stepping out.  He follows us to breakfast. 
We enter the same hall that dinner was served in last night. There's a breakfast buffet set up to the side and we can all help ourselves to the meal.  I get a little excited at the choices of food.  The scrambled eggs look particularly good.  They're not dry like the cafeteria back home, more like how I'd make them.  I grab some bacon and a croissant.  There's a huge selection of fresh fruit and juices.  I pour a cup of orange juice and get some sliced melons and berries.  Eric and I turn to look for a table to sit down at.  Jack Kang is waving at us to join him.  I glance at Eric. 
"Fine, but if he tries to touch you, I'll kill him," Eric says angrily.  I think he's still upset about the confrontation with Marcus.  I'm actually surprised it went so well. 
"He won't touch me," I say—at least I don't think he will.
"At least the guards are here," Eric replies. 
We sit down, Eric between Jack and me. Jack smiles at us.  "Good morning.  Did you sleep well?" he asks.
I laugh in response.  "Do you want a truthful answer?" I question him.
"As always," he smiles wider.
"We were up most of the night," I reply honestly.
"Oh.  Well, you are still newlyweds," he says a little uncomfortably.
Eric smirks at his discomfort.  I thought he wouldn't break his Dauntless facade but I see an actual smile there.  We eat our breakfast making small talk.  Johanna and a man named Michael from her staff join us at our table.  I glance around and notice Marcus is sitting with the Priors. His eyes flick up to meet mine and I turn away focusing on eating my food.
"So how was it meeting with your father?  I didn't see him at the wedding," Jack inquires of me after a while.  It's clearly a question he's been dying to ask by the ease in which it rolled off his tongue. 
"Um... extremely awkward as always," I respond.
"Is he one of the faction traitor types that doesn't forgive?" he pries. 
"Not exactly," I say.
"What's so awkward then?" he continues to question.
I stare at him not wanting to voice something so dirty at the breakfast table and before so many faction leaders. He stares back a little in confusion, as if deep in thought pondering the question. He looks to Eric and I'm so glad that nobody else at the table has even been giving any attention to our conversation.
"You sent me a message during the last initiation..." Jack starts.
"Yes," Eric says abruptly. Jack looks a little lost.
"Yes, to the question you were about to ask," Eric clarifies. My husband glances to me with an apologetic expression on his face.
"The articles?" Jack inquires looking me in the eyes and I nod. This does not need to be voiced.
He appears deeply concerned. "Why... why didn't you say anything?" he frowns at me, worry in his voice.
I sigh heavily. "I don't know. I was a scared child," I respond quietly.
He still frowns but nods. "I'd like to continue this conversation another time," he tells me quietly. I nod again and excuse myself.
Eric sends the guards with me and I walk to the restroom. I splash cold water on my face and dry it with some paper towel. Mia enters the door as I throw the paper in the trash bin.
"Oh, hey. Good morning," she says excitedly.
"Morning," I mumble.
"What's wrong?" she asks immediately sensing I'm not myself.
"Jack Kang just figured out what's going on with my father—at least part of it," I voice my problem.
"Oh wow. I forgot he's here," she tells me apologetically covering her mouth. "That must be terribly awkward and Jack's here, too."
I nod.  "Wait for me.  I'll walk out with you," she offers not wanting to leave me alone.
I lean against the wall.  This is just as strange as the first time she pulled me in the bathroom with her at her birthday party.  At least I have a chance to calm down.  My face looks less flushed in the mirror. 
Mia steps out of the stall and washes her hands.  "You all look similar, now that I think about it.  I've never seen him up close before, only pictures in the paper or at city gatherings," she tells me.
I stare at myself in the mirror.  "Let's go," I say when she's ready. 
We walk out of the restroom and our guards follow us back to our tables.  Eric puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek.  Jack tries to smile at me but it's clear that the expression is forced.  I can't even try to return it. 
After everyone finishes breakfast and the tables are cleared, Jeanine steps up to the podium.  She speaks on the manner in which the seminars will be conducted this year.  She elaborates on her hopes for the future, the impact this year's program will assist in causing substantial changes for the better.  Mostly, she's just filling the air with her thoughts after that.  She's the type of woman who just loves to hear herself speak and be in front of a crowd to share her opinions.  For the most part, the speech isn't so bad, just extremely long and tedious.
When she finishes, we all are handed a list of the speakers, times, and room numbers for the next two weeks. I notice mine right away and that Max is, in fact, giving his speech at the same time.  We'll both present near one of the last few days. All of Dauntless leadership meets quickly to discuss who will go to which event today. Eric is speaking first in one of the rooms and he's the only Dauntless presenting today. Max insists on attending his presentation.  That's fine with me since I've already heard his speech and I'm aware of the subject matter. Eric decides we'll go to the remainder of today's together, though.
"I don't want you anywhere alone," Eric tells me.
"I have my guards," I say looking to Sam and Zander. I'm glad they both volunteered for the weekdays but I have different guards at night and the weekends.
"I want someone else with you," he demands.
"I'll go with her," Mia offers.
"How's her fighting?" Eric questions Ryan.
"We're working on it. She's improved since initiation," he explains.
"Alright but take an extra guard," my husband insists.
I nod in agreement. This is not a situation where I want to be without protection with Marcus present. I know I've got the recording device but it doesn't do me any good in the present moment.
I decide to go to the Candor speech about their trials over the past year. I figure it'll help us to know what kind of crimes are committed so we can better understand how to prevent them or aid Candor with the perpetrators. Eric argues with me about it because Jack Kang is presenting. I assume that he can't do anything while he's speaking so Eric eventually agrees.  Everyone decides on where to go for the remainder of the first day, then we'll discuss at dinner which we all will attend for the rest of the time here. 
Mia and I walk down the corridor and enter the auditorium just before Jack begins.  His eye catches us entering from the front podium and he smiles genuinely, probably glad for me to be here.  Mia and I look for empty seats and I pull her toward the front rows of stadium style seating.  We slide down to the center of the room where many people have avoided sitting.  I've always felt like I can pay attention to the subject matter better from this position and learn best here.
Jack begins his session informing us on what trials have occurred over the last year and other services that Candor provides.  He speaks about various court hearings and gives statistics based on the quantity of each type using a projector for the details. I'm saddened that divorce is the most common court hearing in Candor, followed by fraud and tax crimes, theft from the Amity shipments, domestic violence, harassment, disorderly conduct and vandalism. I hadn't realized that these were such a problem in the city. Lydia typically deals with these issues though and prisoners from other factions. I'm surprised that she isn't attending this discussion, although I assume it may be quite similar from year to year.
Jack concludes just before lunch and the audience claps loudly.  I'm still taking notes on the final screen before closing my notebook up and tucking my pen into my pocket. 
"You're very determined with your job, aren't you?" Mia questions.
"Of course I am.  We have a serious responsibility to our faction and the city," I tell her. 
"I'm so glad to hear you say that," Jack says grinning like mad in front of us.  I look around to see he has everything packed up and the room has mostly emptied with a few people making their way towards the exit.  The only exception are my guards coming up closer to us.
"May I escort you ladies to lunch?" Mr. Kang asks.
I bite my lip.  "Am I not allowed to do that?" he asks motioning to my unconscious action. 
I wince.  Mia just sits back, crossing her legs, and smirking. 
"Eric doesn't like me, does he?" Jack questions.  I've never noticed how talkative he is with me.  All I've done is a few gestures without any words. 
"I wouldn't say that he dislikes you," I reply pausing.  I glance to Mia to see her listening intently to every word.  I sigh.  "Eric doesn't mind working with you and is appreciative of your help on several issues.  He just doesn't want me around you, socializing with you without him present, or most importantly touching me," I explain.
"He's afraid I'm going to touch you?" he asks surprised.
"His words earlier were, 'If he touches you, I'll kill him.'  I think he was upset at the time about our encounter with Marcus this morning though," I respond.
"He's a little possessive, don't you think?" he states.
"He's my husband. So no, not at all.  I would expect the same from him.  I don't want some woman touching him or talking to him without me there either.  We're married.  I'm his and he is mine.  Perhaps that's the problem with this society.  Divorce is the largest in your caseloads.  Imagine if those couples made the same rules within their marriages and thought of how their spouse would feel.  I'm sure many of those people sought the company of someone outside of the marriage.  If they went to their spouse to talk about their problems or even didn't put their own wants first, there would be fewer divorces."
Jack looks to be thinking over what I said.  He nods.  "That's an understandable opinion. How about we walk together?  I won't touch either of you, plus you have your guards," he points out.
I hear Zander's radio go off. I smile. "Eric's looking for me," I say.
"Short leash?" Jack asks.
My head snaps to his and he winces.  I know he's saying that out of jealousy.  I've seen how he keeps looking at me, at us together.  This is the first time we've been apart. "Sorry," he apologizes. "I didn't mean to be so blunt."
"That right there is one of the many reasons why I could have never come to Candor besides my brother. I guarantee he's worried that Marcus may have cornered me somewhere and be harming me as we speak," I reply calmly standing up. "Are you coming?" I ask Mia.
"Yeah," she says rushing to catch up with me.
"Hosanna?" Jack shouts as I reach the top of the aisle. I turn my head to see him still standing where he was. "I apologize. I shouldn't have said something so hurtful. I know he must be concerned about your safety and my mouth reacted before my brain could process."
"It's fine. Just don't expect me to think that every thought a person has should always be voiced. I've heard it said before that we have two ears and one mouth. So, we should listen twice as much as we speak. We should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger," I tell him before leaving.
I run into Eric in the hallway. "There you are. Are you okay? You look upset," Eric says looking me over with such concern.  He embraces me.
"I'm fine," I assure him as he holds me.
He slowly releases me and we walk hand in hand to lunch.  Mia and our guards follow.  Mia is the one to explain what happened.  I'm grateful because I was starting to get irritated.  I feel like Jack is not letting go of his feelings for me.  I guess Eric was right and I shouldn't have gone there. 
I cool off a little on the walk back.  I'm glad that Eric makes me a plate because I'm struggling just to focus on walking.  We sit down together at an empty table.  Mia and our guards join us, along with Ryan a few minutes later.  Eric puts his arm around me and scoots his chair closer.  He kisses my cheek and whispers how much he loves me in my ear.  I think that's what helps the most. 
I look in his eyes and a tear drops down my face.  He's quick to wipe it away.  "You'll be with me for the remainder of the time here.  I don't think either of them are stupid enough to act like that around me," he says.  I nod and he hugs me tightly.  "Marcus didn't even step over the line in the elevator—too many witnesses.  I was trying to bait him but I don't know him well enough for it to work."
"Alright.  I'll stay with you," I whisper.
"There's my girl," Eric says before kissing me gently.  "Darling, I love you.  I'll keep them away."
I look over to see Johanna talking with Jack at a table.  Johanna glances back to me.  She smiles then continues her conversation with him.  I don't know how she does it, but she reads people so well and is always there.  She must've been a counselor before she was leader.  I've never asked, perhaps I should. 
My thoughts are interrupted by Jeanine joining us for lunch.  "Nephew," she nods addressing Eric and sitting beside him. 
"Aunt Jeanine," Eric responds to her. Her assistant, Riley, joins us as well as her secretary, Darlene.
"I forgot about those dancing lessons I had you take. You're both very skilled," she compliments.
Eric nods in confirmation. "He's a good teacher, among many of his other talents," I tell her trying to get my mind off of Jack.
"He taught you, I assume. I've never seen any Abnegation out there in all my years of attendance," she comments.
"Yes, he taught me how to dance formally," I tell her.  "The Dauntless tend to sway or make up their own moves as they go."
Jeanine laughs, a breathy sound, which makes me smile.  "Hey, I take offense at that," Ryan interjects jokingly. 
"Yeah, but you're a former Candor, right?  So you may know a step or two," I tease back. 
I see the Erudites across the table smiling at the conversation.  Riley keeps looking up at me even when the conversation dies down a bit.  I smile at him and return to my plate. 
Jeanine seems to adore us and I've never seen her so happy.  She even compliments Eric on me, telling him I am quite a catch.  I'm extremely flattered by her approval.  She informs us about how well everything is going after the first round of meetings.  She tells us how she's had so much positive feedback from the Abnegation so far on her team's new ideas.  We part ways after our meal and head to the next venue.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now