Y'all Just Love Tagging Me XD

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Y'all must really love tagging me-

I've lost track of how many times I've been tagged XD

But that's okay!

It gives me something to do! X3

So quick thanks to CopperStorm and juiceboxandexpresso for tagging me! ^3^

Now let's get jiggy with it!


1. Your Name?

Well, most people know me Hannah.

But others call me that Majestic AF Llama Queen ;3

Or bitch if ya don't like me :>

2. Your Gender?

I be female.

3. Your Favorite Song?




I have so many favorites T-T

But my favorite bands are Skillet and Linkin Park.

Let's leave it at that ouo

4. Your Biggest Secret?

I have a strong dislike for sports.

And those idiots who get paid to run around with a ball while doctors, who actually matter, get paid WAY less.

Plus, at school, them damn sports jocks are always idolized and loved by teachers.

When in reality-


Sports aren't impressive, to be honest.

So stop being a fucking dick just because you can run down a field with a sack filled with pressurized air.

Not my biggest secret but oh well c;

5. Your Biggest Fear?

Oh boy-

I'm actually afraid of lot, as mentioned before in this book.


My BIGGEST fear is losing the amazing friends that I have, especially my best friend.

I hate being lonely, especially if I'm used to talking to someone literally every day.

The fear of losing that person and being alone, again, is what scares me the most.


6. Your Girl Best Friend?

voidprime I choose yoouuuu! <3

7. Your Boy Best Friend?

CopperStorm Ye are the chosen one my friend! The bestest best friend! <3

8. Your Age?


But I'm turning 17 in literally 3 days so-

Fuck yeah for growing up -3-

Just kidding-

Me no wanna be adult XD

9. Tag 10 People


Would you look at that-

I'm too lazy to do that OuO

~Ze Ever Majestic Llama~

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