I Love Not Having School~ :3

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*Casually waves*

Sup? c:

I gotz no school today.


Because it's one of those beautiful days where the school district has district wide meetings~ Which means students get the day off, while the teachers have to go to school and sit through a 7 hour meaningless meeting~

Isn't it wonderful? OuO

It is.

Cuz I can finally relax after a stressful af week ,-,

If anyone tells you taking theater is easy af...

Slap them in the face.

With a brick.

The size of a house.

It is nowhere near being easy...unless you're good at remembering a shit ton of lines in a week.

Then you should be good.

But if you're like me, who tends to have a shit memory,...yeh...it ain't easy *w*

Oh~...It also sucks if you're like and hate getting in front of people and speaking...

I almost died ._.

Though...I gotta admit my Thursday ended on a good note c:

Went to McDonalds with da Senpai and our little band of misfits after school...

Cuz why the fuck not?


That's why XP

Oh...and is it bad I want Sunday to hurry the fuck up and get here already?...

Cuz I vant it to.....OuO

You see, my birthday is on a Tuesday this year...

The same day school started this year...ironic isn't it? x3

And since it's a school day, and my dad works late during the week-

We're celebrating mah birthday on Sunday OuO

And I vant it to get here already! *5 year old whining sounds*

You see, I have a pretty good idea of what my parents got me.

And vhat is it?

A bunch of Transformers merchandise shit OuO

Yeh for me~! I finally know what I want for my birthday for once! c:

Plus they're making me tacos for my birthday...

And they're special tacos OuO

Chicken tacos bitches :3

Me love me some chicken tacos oWo

Not to mention the ice cream cake OuO

Which apparently will have cats on it..

Oh well...I'll get the Supernatural cake next year -3-

I did ask my mom to put Majestic Llama on the cake instead of my name...

But she said nu ;_;

One day! *Shakes fist* It shall happen! OuO

And zen on October 4th we're going apple picking with the gramps to celebrate my birthday with them...

Not sure what they're getting meh...

Mum told them to give me money..

Not that I have a prob with that :3

Means I can get a soda at the end of school  -3-

#DietMountainDewFTW .3.


Probs gonna go eat lunch...zen take a nap...or some shit.

Fact #5374384 About Meh: I love takin naps ;3


I gotz a songs for yous to look ups OuO

It iz called:

Die Motherfucker Die by Dope


It's a good song...

Which I would like to dedicate to all the bitches in the world ^_^

*Points at Abby A.K.A Ex-Best Friend Who Is A Major Bitch*

I dedicate this song to you c:

Thanks for making me believe you were my friend c:

And for showing me who my real friends are c:

Oh...you can also go fuck yourself c:

Cuz I know you're reading this.

Bitch ^_^

*Clears throat*


Ima go eat a turkey samwich now.

And hope Thunder doesn't eat it will I'm not looking -,-

Turkey stealer~ x3

~Ze Majestic Llama Who Really Wants To Open That Fucking Present That's Taunting Her From  A Distance Cuz She Knows What's Inside That Damn Box~

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