So...Guess Who's Back For Good? c:

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Well...this is somewhat of an awkward situation, isn't it? c: I've been gone from this account for months and...I DEEPLY apologize for that.

School has me tied up and refuses to let me have any time to myself- especially my goddamn online class.

But no more! I am finally returning back to Wattpad, AND FOR GOOD THIS TIME.

Fuck school and it's stupid endless hours of bullshit homework.

This Llama misses writing and all of the amazing people she's met while on Wattpad :3...although knowing me I'll still work hard on my homework and crap 'cuz I'm an #overachiever cx

But I won't let it get in the way no more, and that's a promise. I might become busy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit.

After all, I still have to work on Sparky&I: The Hands of Fate :3

Primus know how much emotional damage I still have planned for all of my lovely readers >:3

That, and I simply CANNOT leave a story untold when so many people are asking (more like demanding cx) for the next update.

Which by way~! I'm currently in the middle of writing the next chapter, and this one is a biggy :P

It'll be about 5,000 words long to make up for my giant ass long as I don't decide to do a cliffhanger again X3

So yeah, expect a new chapter within the next day or two..possible later today if I can finish it :3

I believe that's all I have to say for now, but just know I do still care about each and every one of you, even if most of you have forgotten about me ^-^

Can't blame you, I've been gone for a long ass time cx

But once again, that stops today.

And this time, I'm not breaking my promise.

~Ze Majestic Llama Who Has Finally Returned For Good~

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