
46 11 15

I've had the best day ever.

Spending it with the one I love.

*Pets loved one*

Oh Mr.Bed, you're so kind *^*


I feel like shit x-x

Woke up feeling alright, but then as the day progressed it got worse ;_;

After 3 hours of cleaning I finally gave up.

Told my mom "Screw this, I feel like shit."

Then proceeded to lock my door, and slowly climbed into my bed.

Snuggling with my comfy blanket.

In mah sweatpants.

In 84° weather.

Yeah...I'm YOLOING life right now.

Every time someone attempts to enter my room I throw my shoe at them.

Ugh ~-~

I've been sleeping on and off today because that's all I can do.

Other than sleeping I've been randomly making MLP OCs that I'll never use.

Yeah, I do that.

Got a problem bruh?

And I've been watching NCIS and MLP on Netflix.

Netflix...my other savior.

I haven't eaten anything today....which fucking sucks.

This llama loves her food.

Ima try to eat dinner without throwing everything up ~-~

More than anything:

I've been lonely ;_;

I haven't been able to talk to HARDLY anyone today.

Which left me to talk to myself.

And Fluffy.

And the wall.

The wall didn't talk back ;_;

Oh...and I have to take medicine....

And if there's one thing I hate about medicine it's:

I have a fear of swallowing pills.

Never have liked swallowing them, and probably never will.

But oh well....have to man up if I want to get better.

And I hope this only a one-day-sickness thing.

Because I don't like it.

Now ima go take another nap.

And hopefully later tonight I fell well enough to talk to someone.

Because I'm not talking to the wall again.

I refuse.

#SoLonley ;^;

~The Sick And Lonely Majestic Llama ■~■~

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