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A thousand times gomen'nasai.

(Gomen'nasai: Sorry in Japanese xP)

Yes, I know. I've been gone forever. And it seems I've been drifting even farther away from Wattpad.

That..is somewhat true.

Yes, I have been gone, but only from this profile. See, I have a second profile that I use for primarily for RP purposes..because this profile was just getting to overrun with messages cx Yet, as a result I've been drifting away.

And I hate that it has happened. I love this profile, I really do. But when you add in school, tests, drama, and even more shit from school...

Writing and being on two different accounts seems too overwhelming.

Hate to say it, but it's true.

Which brings me to my next matter.

When will I be on this profile?/When will I update..anything?

To answer this first question I'm going to try to be on this profile daily, or as much as I can really. I've missed a lot of comments, PMs, and important events.

Which sucks bum :/

But I plan to fix that. Yet, I make no promises. EOCs and final exams are coming up soon, and those come first.

But I will try my hardest to be on this profile as much as possible.

Which means Ima stop being a lazy ass cx

Now...for the updating issue.

Yes, I know. I haven't updated...ANYTHING..in forever.

My bad :c

Again, school plays a big part in this...and me being lazy as well. But I'm working to fix that problem, and have even made myself a little schedule..type thingy c:

Monday-Thursday: I plan on updating Will You Take My Hand My Love? during these four days, as well as writing any one-shots I might come up with. (Though this will occur once school is over)

Friday-Sunday: During these three days I plan on updating THOF, because with what I have planned..it will take a bit to write. And yes, some chapters WILL take me three days to write CX Why? Because something BIG and AMAZING is going to be added into THOF and future Sparky&I books...and I'm REALLY excited about it~ (This will occur as soon as possible, and some updates will most likely be more frequent once school is over. So..possible update this Friday-Sunday)

There we go..my schedule I will try to live by as best as I can. Though it will be more effective once school is over. I promise.

...This time you can trust me on this XD

I really am sorry about not being on as much as I'd like. It sucks really because I haven't talked to you amazing people in what seems like forever.

But~ If you wish to contact me while I'm not on this profile, meaning I'm on my 2nd profile, you can find me at ZatLlamaTransfan

Great username right? X3

I believe that's all for this important update...OH~

Changed my profile picture/background again X3

I love my profile picture lmao OuO

I love my profile picture lmao OuO

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Yuuta and Deckerd uou

THIS ANIME BRINGS ME LIFE~! (Brave Police J-Decker <333)

...I think I have an unhealthy obsession with sentient robots.

Ah fuck it.

Bring on the smexy robots ouo

~Ze Majestic Llama...Who Is Extremely Sorry~



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