Really People?

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Well...ze last rant certainly something ._.

I don't know if the person read it or not...but oh well.

I wake up the morning and the dude's book has a new chapter on it.

He says that he's deleting the book because people are judging him. He then says he has permission from the artists and that they tweaked the picture...


I doubt you have permission from the original artist...and no ANY picture is there a tweak .-. So...that's a lie right there.

And another thing .-.

Apparently the people who read his rant aren't happy he's quiting his "drawing" book.

They are also pissed at the person who says the dude's art is fake and is making him quit.

Welp..that's me.

One of them also says I'm only doing this because I suck at drawing and am taking my anger out on the dude for his "drawings".

Like..LMAO. I know I can't fucking draw XDD My stars look they do fucking drugs 0.0

But..I would never hate on someone because they can draw amazingly!

I know a lot of people on here that are amazing as frag drawers! Ya don't see me hating on them do you?

No -_-

Your argument is illogical :3

I'm only saying what he did is wrong because..HELL! It is!

It's copyright.

Plain and simple.

If ya want to hate on me because of my fragging opinion or because you think what I'm doing is "wrong" Well then be my guest ^-^

You're wrong tho ^3^

And if you need more proof then just Kik me @ FluffyGirl217 I can give ya all the proof you need -_-

~Le Hannah Who Has Her Own Opinions~

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