Tfw You're Too Tired To Care *Facepillow*

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Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~.....mehhhhh *Facepillow*

I'm really loopy right now XD

Like...way toooo tired for words .-.

....Kinda regret staying up until almost 6 in the morning...and only getting 3 hours of sleep :/

And now I'm tiiirreeedddd~ but I can't sleep DX

Funny thing is-

While I was taking the dogs out this morning- mind you I could barely stand because I was sleepy- by ankles decided to be a bitch -,-

As I step off my porch my ankles decide to do the damn flop, and just...flop to the side.

Which of course led to me falling off the porch.

My legs hurts.

My ankles hurt.

And my arms hurt.

My neighbor, who was leaving for work at the time, saw. And her, being the amazing person is, helped me get to my feet again.

I literally didn't give a hell, I was actually find with just sitting there on the ground.

In the wet grass.

Without shoes.

Ya, I don't wear shoes when I take the dogs out -3- #TotalRebel

She asked me if I was alright, and I literally respond by saying "The porch did it."

She's been living next to us for over 5 years so she knows what's up. She laughs, and pets Pebbles.

"You need to stop staying up so late." Were her words before she left for work, but not before making sure I was alright.

I wave and watch her leave, then look down at Pebbles. 

"If anyone asks, we blame the porch."

She just sneezed and went back to minding her business, while I tried to stop my feet from melting as I stood on the porch.

Thankfully Pebbles can be trusted and doesn't need to wear a leash ~.~ If it was Poki he would have ran...or trampled me.

Both suck *^*

So yeah...that's been my day.

I had a pretzel with cheese and then went back to bed...and ATTEMPTED to sleep.

That didn't end well T^T

And I'm trying to write more of THOF...but I'm too facking tired DX

Every time I attempt to watch ROTF I always end up getting bored...and really tired.


And my day just gets even worse *Cue eye roll*

Found out this morning that at 2:00 in the morning today my wifi will be turned off...until my mom can pay for it tomorrow when my dad gets payed.

It's like-


What I am supposed to do at 2:00 A.M with no wifi? ;~;

"Sleep." Is what my mom said. I sent her a weird look and laughed.

Me? Sleep?











:D 2:00 A.M today I won't have wifi...until who knows when.

I know I get it back on tomorrow...I'm just not sure when.

*Rolls around*

My pillow suuucckkksss~ and I can't sleeeppp~

Which means I'm boooreeddd~

I've been attempting to finish my Summer Reading Homework...but every time I attempt to..I get too tired to read on ~.~

I think Ima just steal a soda from mah mom's fridge since mah mini fridge is empty :3

Gotta be sneaky tho....

~Le Hannah Who Gotta Be A Sleepy Sneaky Ninja If She Wants Soda~

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