Six Flags...Here I Come?

63 12 4

*Spins around lazily*

I just woke up! YAYYYYYYYYYY~! :D

-/\- It's 6 in the morning fool, of course I ain't happy!

*Slaps you with brick* Dur -3-

But seriously though, I'm tiiirrreeeddd~! .-. And I'm...scared? I don't know if that's the best word for it tho...

So as you some of you know...IMA GOIN TO SIX FLAGS TODAY!


I have problems with this.

1.) I am TERRIFIED of heights ._.

2.) I have NEVER been on a roller coaster before.....0-0

.....I really don't know what to expect...honestly.

Oh...and this is also my FIRST time ever going to Six Flags...hehe...ughhh.

But ya know....Senpai is going so that makes everything better *Enter fake smile here*


~Till all are one:

If I don't get on Wattpad killed me. Just sayin'

*Holds Fluffy-Senpai* I REGRET EVERYTHING!!!


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