>.> I'm Debating...

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So I'm working on-and since I love ya'll so much I'm sharing this with you.

Buuutttt shhhh~ No one else can know OwO



Like I was saying, I'm working on chapter 1 for THOF..and I don't know how to start it >.>

That's the ONE thing I hate about starting a new book...I always suck at starting it off.

I can come up with ideas-some that cause you to flip tables or do other shit-but..I have a hard time starting it off DX

But..then I thought of something...


#...TooMany#'s OwO

Ze Rough Idea:

I've heard people say that time can change people, some more than others. I like to believe time can change a person, like me for example.

It's been two years since I've met the Autobots; two years since I found people who care about me. Since then, I've been able to accept to the fact that having a family..ins't that bad of a thing. I've grown close to Will and Sarah, not to mention Anna, and I couldn't be happier.

Though Sparky says I haven't changed much, especially my attitude, I beg to defer. Two years can change a person, and their attitude. Just like two years changed mine...almost.

"Titty licker!"

"Robot magnet!"

"Porn boy!"

"Red Eyes!"


"Hey, I'm actually proud of-Ow!" I smirk as my shoe made contact with Sam's face, falling to the ground with a loud thump. 

"Would you like to continue?" I ask, waving my other shoe threateningly. "Because I'm more than happy to throw this one." Sam huffs, rubbing his face where my shoe hit him.

"What the hell Tai? What was that for?" I roll my eyes. The way he disregards the fact that he has a girlfriend worries me, especially at a time like this.

"Don't be so empty-headed Sam! You have a girlfriend, remember?"

Yeah...maybe two years didn't change me that much.

Welp...that's what popped into my mind while drinking soda..

Your thoughts?

I had planned to start it off with Tanya helping Sam pack...but then she gets a phone call *HUGE ASS NUDGE*

Because ya know...I'm a bitch for plot twists OwO.

*Sigh* I have no chocolate...Cuz my sister ate it T-T

No chocolate=No will to write

...I need mah chocolate ~.~

~Le Hannah Who Is Still Upset That Her Chocolate Was Eaten~

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