Hello, it's me~ (Yes, I Went There :P)

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Ayy, it's been awhile hasn't it? Yeh...it has been xP

Well, I'm not dead nor have I given up on Wattpad for those wondering. I've actually been on a different account for the past...two months or something.

A second account none shall know about :P

And I will be more active on this account from now on for I finally have my new phone..and can now access both accounts easily.

So yeh for that :3

Now...what I wanted to discuss.

It's obvious I haven't updated THOF in..forever. And I obviously really need to. Tbh I actually considered giving up on writing it.

But then decided not too :P

On that matter, I do plan on updating it soon, I promise. Sometime within the next 2-3 days there will be an update. Possibly tonight if I get my homework done...

Even though I really don't wanna do it...cuz we might have a snow day..might not.

Dunno *Shrugs*

And now...for something I am really...really excited about XD

You guys have seen the new Wattpad update right? 

If not, and you're on the mobile version,...update...now..or not :P

But this update...it allows you to have multi-freaking-media.

Like, shit bruh. Yasss~

I dunno about you guys, but I am overly excited about this update XD It'll make everything oh so much more fun OuO

What are your thoughts on this update? Ya'll excited about it or nah?...Or am I just late XD

And..now for ze last matter.

For those who are up to date with what's been happening in THOF....ya'll know I introduced a new OC of mine.

And said OC is highly important to Tanya..like..very..very important. Without her, Tanya wouldn't be the smartass she is.

But why right? Why is she so important? That's the question.

Which is why I'm asking you guys:

Would you guys like for me to-

A.) Write a one-shot about it.

B.) Have a chapter in THOF dedicated to explaining everything- in flashback mode of course.

C.) Both A and B

It's your choice guys, and I shall leave it up to you. If no one answers then I'll choose whichever one is easier on my part XD

..And that's basically it for this 'interesting' chapter cx

I should probably work on my homework...but we might not have school tomorrow...ughf


~Ze Majestic Llama~

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