ღThe Evil Easter Bunny(Book Review #2)ღ

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*Appears out of no where*

Hola my friends! As you can tell this is another book review.


Haha no, the book isn't called The Evil Easter Bunny, but we'll get to that later.

*Shines light on le requester*


I kinda feel bad because she requested this like...a week ago? Sorry for the wait Char! ^~^

But yes, here is the review you have been waiting for.

Le Book: Aftermath (A TFP Fanfiction)

And because the summary is so amazing-

Optimus is now with the Allspark. Peace has settled on Cybertron, and refugees are slowly trickling in.

Team Prime knows it's not the end though. After one member receives an encrypted message from Primus shortly after the revival of Cybertron, the Team learns of a new threat.

One that doesn't just threaten Cybertron and it's inhabitants.

This is no mere enemy, enforcing peril onto the rebuilding planet.

No. This enemy is not a 'who' or a 'what'.

This is Doom itself.

Unbeatable, destructive, capable of demolishing entire galaxies.

The essence of Unpredictable and Death.

Will Primus' gifts be enough to stop him?

Will the abilities they slowly gain surpass the might of pure Destruction?


That freaking summary is what caught my attention. Even before I started reading it I knew this was going to be an amazing book. I mean sure, it wasn't the same without Optimus, but that is another subject for another time.

The very first chapter had me wanting more, and for spoiler reasons, I won't mention what exactly happens.

As the story goes on a LOT of bewildering events happen, and it's just within the first...3 chapters that everything starts hitting off.

Then you're introduced with a few of her Oc's, and you get too see where they fit in, and they honestly fit the story amazingly.

I even had this one moment when [Character] and [Character] met for the for the first time, and the only thing that ran through my head was: SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!

Primus there's so much I want to talk about, but I don't want to give anything away >.< The struggle is real man!

*Calms down a bit*

Okay, back to the review.

At first, when these new characters were introduced (the more important ones) I was a bit confused as to was happening. (I think you know what I mean Char), but then as I reread it, it made sense. Bonus points for making me confused! I love it when the book serves as a challenge (In a good way) :D


Don't even get me started on the plot twists! There were moments when I had to reread something because it was that big of a plot twist! Primus Char, you know how to write some good plot twists.

There's also the matter of all of the feelz your book caused. At times I was laughing, and then at others I was literally screaming at my phone. Which probably wasn't the smartest idea since it was like...12 at night...haha oops :P

And I can happily tell you Char I didn't really see anything wrong with your book. There was the occasional spelling error, but that doesn't really matter. You have a good plot, and the story ties together well. It's an original idea, which makes it even better.

Thank you for requesting this Char, I loved it! And I am SO reading the sequel once I can.

10/10 ducks for you! ^~^

*Glares at wall*

Now...let me tell you about the Evil Easter Bunny.

I was going shopping with my mom today to get more candy for Sunday. When we pulled into the parking lot my heart literally stopped. Walking back and forth in front of the doors was a freaking-


Man in a Easter Bunny costume.

Now, understand this. I really fragging hate people in animal suits. That's why I always stay clear of Chucky.

I don't know why, but I fragging hate them. They scare the slag out of me.


By the time we reached the doors, the dude was gone. I thanked Primus for that.

We were in there for about ten minutes so far, and so far I haven't seen the demon rabbit.

...But then we went to the delly. After standing there for about...five minutes, the thing from my nightmares came into my view.

The damn dude in the bunny suit.

Once I saw him I looked away, trying not to catch his attention. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him coming closer to me.

I was screwed.

Once the dude caught up to us, he waved at me.

The damn face on that dude was so fragging terrifying.

But I waved anyway.

But the damn dude didn't walk away.

Nope, he waved again. Only then did I realize he had a basket in his hand, and was gesturing for me to take something out of it.

In My Head: Don't do it! It's probably poisoned or something!

But it was candy...and it was so..so..so tempting.

I took a piece.

The dude waved and walked away.

It was over that fast.

...But it only got worse.

As we were walking down the cereal aisle, I saw the dude again. He was walking a little ways in front of us, and he turned to me.

His creepy ass face staring right at me.

He waved, like a fragging creep, and walked on.


It was fragging horrible.

ಥ_ಥ The worst part came when we were leaving.

My mom, who thought my fear of the bunny was funny, decided to pay for me to take a picture with him.

In My Head: Oh hell naw! Fuck dis shit!

But I had no choice.

I HAD to take the damn picture.

Oh Primus today was horrible. I'm pretty sure that dude's face is going to haunt my dreams forever.

If I ever see that dude again I'm hitting him with a metal bat, and stealing all of his candy from his stupid basket. 凸(¬‿¬)凸

On A Different Note:

Are any of you going to watch the blood moon on Saturday?

I am!

...But I have to wake up at 4 in the morning to see it. I'm still debating on whether or not I'm going to watch it.

Oh well, as one wise man once said: YOLO!

~Till all are one:

*Grips metal bat in hand*

Always carry a metal bat with you. You never know when you'll come into contact with a creepy dude in a animal costume.


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