Not Cool Dude -_-

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So I was looking through this book that someone made...and it was a drawing book..Cuz ya know..I've got too much time on my hands.

The first picture was a drawing of TFP Smokescreen...pretty damn good picture.

I thought this person was legit...until I see the next picture -_-

It's a fan art of Sam/Mikaela during Mission City with Optimus and Bee in the background...again..pretty damn good picture.

This person then writes a note about all of the pictures that are posted are his.


I then go to the next picture..and it's a black and white drawing of TF G1...again...PRETTY DAMN AWESOME..

Only one problem -.-

So..the second picture was a little..fishy to me. So I decided to look into it.

Searched up Transformers Mission City Fan Art...and what do I find?

The same exact fucking picture...which is is on Deviant Art -_-

The hell man?

Now...I'll understand if you're the person who owns the picture on Deviant Art...but if not..

So not fucking cool.

You can't just take someone's art and claim it as yours! -_- Nice try least you fooled some people with your little lies...if they are lies..which they most likely are -_-

~Le Hannah Who Don't Fall For Nobodies Lies~

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