*Rambles In Happy Voice Cuz Iz Currently Happy Af*

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Do you guys ever have those moments where you're just sitting there...

And den something happens that just makes you happy af...

Cuz...dat is me right now...

I am honestly just happy af right now...

Disturbed because I saw The Visit tonight with me mum...

But still happy af o3o

And why you ask?

Because this majestic af person, lookingforautobots_ , just shared sometin with me...which has been by far one of the best birthday presents I have EVER had.

Yeh...my birthday's are usually nothing special..

But dis year...damn...it is by far THE BEST FUCKING BIRTHDAY I have EVER had in my (almost) 15 years of being alive.

*Points at media which better fucking show are I will kill a bitch*

lookingforautobots_ drew me this for my birthday <3

As you can, or SHOULD, see...it's a drawing of Tanya...

And a VERY DAMN GOOD one at that :3

Dat hair tho :33

And although she says it's not done yet, it is still fucking amazing.


This makes 2 drawings of Tanya someone has drawn for me~ ^_^

Now all I need is a picture of Tanya and Barricade...

And my life will be complete OwO

*Casually leans back in chair*

And people say making friends on the internet is a stupid idea.

Well guess what I have to say to those that believe that:

You a dumb ass ^_^

Ya wanna know why?

The friends I have made since being on Wattpad have been better friends then two of my Ex friends ever were.

And I knew Macey since I was in 2nd grade.

And Abby since Pre-School.

I've only been on Wattpad for a little over a year.

And yet YOU people are better than they ever fucking where.

Especially Abby...*Shakes head slowly* That moment when the one person you've known for almost forever...comes up behind you and stabs you in back.

And literally says they were never your friend.

And they only felt sorry for you.

...Bitches eh?

*Shrugs* Oh well...At least I have you guys and mah Senpai ^_^


As I mentioned before, I went saw The Visit tonight.


All I can say is...

That plot twist tho c:

Has anyone else seen it?

And if you have....

Do you still trust your grandparents? ;3

But I am so freaking happy it's finally Saturday night~!

Cuz I get to celebrate mah birthday tomorrow \030/

And get to eat dem chicken tacos .3.

And open mah presents~

And eat cake~ .3.

But I have to get up at like 8 or somethin to go shopping with mah mum so she can get the stuffs...

Oh well cx

It's all vorth it in ze end c:

And since I don't plan on going to bed anytime soon because of a certain movie..

Ima try to update THOF...

Yeh..I had planned to do it last night...but I..got lazy..and didn't do it..

Whoops? c:

Hopefully Steve Jablonsky can keep me inspired with his amazing af music.

And if you don't know who he is...

Zen I shun you cx

~Ze Majestic Llama Who Is Thankful For Having Such Amazing Friends <3~

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