*Slowly Retreats Into Turtle Shell*

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There's one thing I hate about having to go back to school...


The stupid Before-School-Physical-Exams



Oh..it's simple.

I hate doctors.

I hate needles.

I hate the doctor office itself.

And I'm a shy little llama that doesn't like talking to other people about her llama self.


Just please allow me to retreat to my llama turtle shell.

It's where I belong uvu

Honestly, though.

I can't stand needles.

Nor can I stand talking to doctors....I just can't handle that shiz ~-~

....Some times I think that I'm too shy for my own good... :/


Not only that, but you have to repeat EVERYTHING more than once.

Like...seriously bruh?

I don't wanna be here....

So why the hell are ya making me repeat everything...more than once?

Don't be stoopid.

Just do the physical exam...stuff.

Stab me with a needle-I have to get two shots apparently-and let me goo~

I don't wanna talk to ya...

Even though you're really nice...

I don't wanna talk to ya..

Sorry but not sorry.

Not only that! I also have to get a tooth removed tomorrow x-x

This is what happens when you get hit with a hammer in the face and only lose half a tooth.

Now ya know...

Don't get hit in the face by a hammer.

Or this shit happens ~-~

I pray the wifi at the doctor's office works...

Because I need to talk to people to exclude myself from having a panic attack ._.

Plus they always make you wait an hour before they take you in...

Which is why I hate doctor offices.

They make you sit in hell for over an hour....

*Slowly nopes away*

~Le Majestic Llama Who Doesn't Want To Go To Her 10:40 Doctor's Appointment~

Number Of Days Until School Starts: 14 .v.

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