The Memories That Stay With Us Forever

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It was one hell of a ride.


It was definitely one hell of a fucking ride.

From discovering your teacher is a total bitch, to riding a roller coaster for the first fucking time.

It was definitely one hell of a ride.

Now...I shall explain ze picturesss~

First Picture: The 4 Stooges

Ahhh~ The four of us *Happy smile* It's Ian, Sebastian, Justin-Senpai, and I together. The four of us together is not a smart idea...*Evil smirk*

Second Picture: Justin-Senpai and Hannah-Senpai

This my favorite picture ^w^ Him and I together. He's literally my favorite person IRL..And I couldn't ask for a better friend

BBFFL- Best Baka Friends For Life 030

Third Picture- Favorite Art Teacher

Mrs.B. She will always be my favorite teacher. Nice, helpful, and an amazing as frag artist. And I'm mean, seriously!? Who else can put up with my shitty ass drawing?

Fourth Picture- Hannah and Justin Senpai With Fav. Teacher

Mrs.May will always be our favorite teacher. We had her for 7th grade reading. I swear Ima miss her when we go over to the high school next year..

(Any faces, besides mine of course, are blocked out with creepy bears for privacy reasons.)

I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss the Junior High...Ahhh~ It was fun while it lasted ^-^

*Hides Under Blanket*

My faccceee~ ._. Me no likey...Go ahead and break your screen...I would too .-.

~Le Hannah Who Regrets Everything...But Nothing At Ze Same Time~

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