Online Or IRL It Doesn't Matter

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I survived the stupid physical exam ._.

Just barely.

My arms...hurt like slag.

Apparently they had to give me two per arm.

0,0 Whyyy~ 

Why couldn't you do both shots in just one arm?

~-~ Now both of my arms are gonna hurt like shit tomorrow.

Besides the horrible *Cough* embarrassing *Cough* experience at the doctor's...I got good newz oWo

My dentist appointment has been rescheduled~

*Jazz hands*

Thank Primus too...I doubt I could live with getting half a tooth pulled after getting two mother fackin shots the day before x-x

Noooowwww~ Onto why I'm actually writing this.

August 2/First Sunday Of August

Can anyone, besides mahself, tell me what is celebrated on this day?

(And yas, I know it's passed. But I'm still posting somethin about :P)


At least ONE person?


Well..for those who don't know-

August 2/The First Sunday In August is National Friendship Day.

Please tell me this makes sense and I don't seem stupid .v.

But yes...the first Sunday in August (which was the 2nd this year) is National Friendship Day.

Primus I hope someone besides meh knows about this...*Awkward laughter* Hnngg~ .v.


I had planned to post something on here on Sunday..but of course...

My dumb ass calendar decided to be a little glitch and didn't remind me.

And of course, with my shit memory, I forgot.

Until today when a friend reminded me of it on Quotev...

So...yeah...yay for posting a friendship thing 3 days after the official holiday...


But..I also have something I've been dying to talk/rant about.

Internet Friends

Let the fun begin shall we? OvO

So, like I've explained, I had a shit doctor's appointment today.

And they terrify me.

So what do I do to calm mahself down?

I talk to meh friends that I've made since being on Wattpad.

But of course, cuz my phone is a little shit, I can't do that unless I have a strong internet connection.

So what's the first thing I do when I step foot into the building?

I search for a wifi connection of course.

My brother and my mom looked at me with looks that clearly read 'Are you kidding me?', but I ignored them.

And searched for that oh so beautiful wifi connection.

And I'm happy to say I found one oWo

Now...let's skip a bit to where it leads up to my 'rant'.

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