Tanya The Scrooge (A Sparky&I Christmas Special-Part 1)

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Hello my fellow readers~! It's that time of the year once again where presents, decorations, and unwanted family dinners show their face.

So what do I have as a present for those Sparky&I readers?

I present you a Sparky&I Christmas One-Shot Special! :3

This one-shot will take place after the first movie, but before the second movie. So no Willow or other Autobots that appear in the second movie.

I would also like to take note that during this time period, Tanya is still getting used to Will and Sarah as her parents, as well as Annabelle as her sister.

So get comfortable and enjoy Part 1 of this festive one-shot!

And Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! <3

Tanya The Scrooge

~*~Tanya The Scrooge

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Christmas, the time of the year nearly everyone looked forward to no matter their age. For kids, it was a time for receiving presents, but for adults it was all about spending time with family and loved ones.

Although, not everyone enjoyed Christmas as much as everyone else did. In fact, some hated it and wished it didn't exist.

"All this Christmas crap is stupid and a waste of time."

Tanya Lennox being one of those people.

"Oh come on Tai," Sam Witwicky sighed as he watched his 'sister' glare at yet another man dressed as Santa. "It isn't all that bad. It's actually quite awesome." He smiled.

But Tanya was having none of it.

"Really Sam?" The ombre haired girl rose an eyebrow at her 'brother'. "Give me one damn good reason why Christmas is so 'awesome'."

Sam pursed his lips as he thought up a reason. "Well..you know...presents and..spending time with family.." Why was Christmas that great? Sam didn't have an exact answer to that.

Tanya scoffed, shaking her head as she took a sip from her soda she had bought back at the mall. "Really? That's it? Presents and spending time with family? That's what's so great about Christmas?" There was a reason she called him a spazz.

Sam pursed his lips as he hummed. "Well..yeah." He sighed. "Alright fine, I don't have an exact answer. What about you? You've hated Christmas since the day I met you...why?" It was his turn to raise an eyebrow at her.

Although, unlike him, Tanya had an answer.

"Easy," She replied with ease. "It annoys me. You want to know why?" She stopped walking which caused Sam to slow to a stop, glancing at her with furrowed eyebrows.


"It annoys me because all you hear for an entire month is how these annoying kids what this or that," Tanya's face scrunched up in distaste. "Or how this annoying lady wants her sleazy boyfriend to grow balls and finally propose." She shook her head. "Not only that, you also have people stressing about gifts they want to get people. It's a waste of time. Hell, half the time people just return what you get them if they don't like what they got."

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