Too...Much...Rain *^*

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Too much fragging rain..seriously though....TOO MUCH!

Freaking hell's LITERALLY all the way up to my damn ankles when I walk in it...

Stupid tropical storms that come from Texas -,- Me don't want your rain!

Wanna rain somewhere?

Go rain over CALIFORNIA.

I'm sure they'd love it -.-


So, me being bored, got me thinking...

And ain't bad...this time 030

I was thinking....

On my Quotev account I have several squads

~Doughnut Squad
~Le Senpai Squad
~The Nerds
~Kawaii Cat Squad
~The Wolf Pack

So...I decided "Hey...why not make a squad on here?"

What do ya guys think?

If enough of ya'll want me to do it I'll post the picture of what the squad will look like.

Soz...answer away :3

~Le Hannah Who Wishes Her Shoes Weren't Soaked Because Of The Fragging Rain~

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