All Those Bullshit Words You Fed (One-Shot)

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*Rolls on majestically* Hello my dear friends~!

First off, before I lose my sanity, I want to thank you guys for all of the "Get wells" and what nots from the previous chapter ^-^

I'm happy to say I'm doing a lot better.

Thank Primus it was only one of those short-term colds or whatnot.

Still can't eat a lot without feeling sick to my stomach....but I'm doing better.

And I'm still weak/tired af most of the time...but again...I'm doing better.

Now! On to what I have planned for this chapter OwO

So, as I lied in bed, bored out of my mind, I started watching a new anime.


It's pretty much about a young girl, that's a psychic, trying to avoid people because they all view her as a monster, and a bully.

In the first episode her MOTHER basically disowns her, as does her father...because of the 'trouble' she's caused because she doesn't understand her 'powers'.

Anywhooo~ The first episode gave me an idea! OwO

Can you guess what it is?

If you guessed: This one-shot will be about Barricade breaking Tanya's heart for some reason...

Ye be wrong!

But if you guessed: This one-shot will be about what happened to Tanya as a child...

Ye be right! -3-

Besides with watching that anime, I have also been listening to a song...

I Am Robot Hear Me Glitch by Nostalgia.

That song, along with the anime, gave me inspiration for this one-shot. OwO

I don't know if I'll make this a song-shot (<Wut? xD) or not...I probably will...I don't know.


On with the one-shot! :3


I am writing a letter

From an anonymous 


A small child.

That's all that there was.

A small child.


In a room with nothing but a small round ball to keep it entertained.

White walls surrounded its small frame; keeping it locked away from the outside world.

There was no light.

There were no windows.

Only darkness.

A darkness that would later haunt its dreams.

And I'm hoping

I can push out

All the things that

Held me down...

Tears fell from the child's eyes, and its shoulders shook with each sob that escaped its mouth.

Black hair sat disheveled on the its head.

The color red stained its clothes.

And the floor.

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