Thank Fragging Primus It's Friday *Facewall*

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I'm going to warn you now.

This chapter is going to be me venting heavily.

I've had a stressful af past few weeks.

And really need to fucking vent.

Don't like?


I give no shits c:


But for those who will actually sit through and read as I pour out what's on my mind....Thanks...for reading I guess.


I seem to be doing that a lot lately...facewalling .-.

I'm just gonna start off with the main thing that's been weighing me down these past few weeks.

So...ya'll remember about...10 chapters or so back when I wrote that one thing about taking a break from Wattpad for a while..

Yeh..this vent is on the topic of what happened.

*Rubs face*

The only reason I'm really bothered by this certain because we had to write a journal entry today for Theater...and the topic we had to write about was:

Moment when you felt most betrayed.

And the only thought running through my head when I read that was "...Holy shit this is so ironic." Cuz ya know...I've been betrayed recently so it's like...damn...

And as I'm writing my journal entry...I really start to think on what happened...and how it's affected me because of what said person said and did..

*Rubs face* Basically it got me thinking on the subject...and it pretty much just put more weight on my shoulders than I would have liked.

Which is why I'm writing I can get some of that weight off my shoulders. start off I'm going to finally explain what happened....

And I don't fucking care if that glitch reads this.

She deserves to know how she's made me feel because of what she fucking said.

Basically Abby..

And's THAT Abby...the one I've talked a lot about.... T-T

Anyway...long story short this person started insulting her on our shared account on Quotev...So of course I go on and begin defending her.

Because ya know..she WAS my best friend.

It goes well for a while, and we're to the point where I'm about to stop because it seemed like the person was going to give up.

...But instead they keep thing leads to another...

And it all blows up in my fucking face.

Which leads to Abby saying she hates me, and that she doesn't want me to message..or talk to her ever again.

I didn't really know what to do...tbh..

One minute we're best friends defending each other...

And then the next she's telling me to never talk to her again..

*Scratches head*

So that's what first.

One week passes and I haven't talked to her at all, and removed her from my account on Quotev.

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