Russian Songs...They Make Me Want To Write 0.o

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So, and I don't know why, but for some reason I got the smart idea to download the song "Moskau" by Dschinghis Khan...

And for some makes me want to write...REALLYYY bad 0.o

It's in Russian, and I have no idea what they're singing besides "Moskau!" :/

I really wanna write SOMETHING..but I don't wanna post the first chapter of THOF too soon...hnnggg ~.~ The struggle is real ~.~

Do you guys have any idea of what I should wise? As long as it has something to do with Transformers, and preferably Tanya and the others.....but still.

Do you have ANYTHING you want me to write about while I'm still motivated by Russian singing?

...And if not..then YOLO! I'll start working on the first (actual) chapter for THOF....maybe...juuussttt maybe :3

~Le Hannah Who Is Suddenly Motivated To Write By Russian Songs~

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