I Missed My Wifi ;~;

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I'm finally back from a weekend of working mah ass off!

Thank Primus!

And turns out..my grandma doesn't have wifi....so...I was lonely as hell yesterday ._.

Seriously though..I spent about 3 hours texting myself because I was so lonely...T^T

Not to mention the nice scar I have on my leg now...fuckin rocks...think they can just cut my leg..and get away with it too -_-

Rain...omg it was fuckin horrible ._. Had to work in the rain..almost fell a few times..

And don't even get me started on the bugs! X.X

That house, the one we were cleaning, hasn't been cleaned in 60 years...60 fucking years ._.

So, as we were cleaning out all of their shit (and there was a lootttttt of shit) I kept finding spiders...

The size of my fucking palm ._.

Not to mention the wasps, tiks, rats, and a whole lot of other creepy ass shit.

Worst house I have ever cleaned with them....ever x.x

Ohhh~ I almost forgot :3

*Takes angel halo off* Won't be needing this shit anymore *Snaps it in half* Now... *Replaces halo with demon horns*

Ahhh~ That's better ^3^

That's probably the worst part..minus the bugs and other shit.

I had to be an angel..and not who I..normally am.

Couldn't cuss.

Couldn't fangirl.

Couldn't cuss...in Cybertronian.

I practically had to be a completely different person *Sigh*

This is why I need Wattpad...I can be who I really am.

Oh well...at least I get payed tomorrow .3.

~Le Hannah Who Is Tired As Frag But Doesn't Give A Frag Cuz She Wanna Be On Wattpad~

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