Can You Spot The Difference?

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Before I start this off:

I am not doing this to be a bitch. I would never do anything to be a bitch..never. But this is a serious issue, and I'm pissed off by it. I'm sorry if you feel offended by this. But it has to be done.

Okay..Like I said in the last chapter...this person said it was their own work.

I then comment, and then the person replies back by saying he "tweaked" the picture.

Well look at the above picture.

Those two pictures are screen shots off my phone.

The first one is the picture from Deviant Art. The one someone worked FOR 2 FUCKING MONTHS on.

The next is a screen shot off of Wattpad from the person's book.

Turns out the person read my rant...and then proceeded to message me telling me he took the picture and "tweaked" it.

Hmm..tweaked it you say? Well then!

Let's play a game shall we?

It's called: Spot the difference between the two pictures.

Can you spot any? Yeah..I didn't think so.

They're the same exact picture. No where in the dude's picture is there "tweaking".

I then look up the other pictures he posted...all of then lead to Deviant Art. None are tweaked.

They're signed by the original artist for frags sake!

Now..I'm ranting about this because like mah friend said:

It's like copying a story from, "tweaking" it, and then posting it on Wattpad or something and taking the credit.

She's right!

When you take someone's picture and claim it as's stealing their hard work! They worked hard on those pictures and here you are, claiming it as yours!

It's not right. At all.

Plain and simple.

And person who is doing this. You wanna continue to say you "tweaked" the damn pictures? Well hell, go ahead and do it!

Because I won't stop until justice is served!

*Leans back in chair*

I honestly don't wanna piss anyone off with this...I'm just trying to show you how WRONG this is.

Plus I don't like being told I'm wrong when I know I'm right -_-

And if ya'll want more proof go ahead and Kik me @ FluffyGirl217. I'll give ya more proof.

~Le Hannah Who's Just Trying To Prove A Point~

( better show the damn picture -/\-)

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