*Flops Around Like Pissed Off Fish*

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Have I ever told you guys that I hate drama?

Welp...I do.

And I hate it even more when I'm ACTUALLY involved in it. *Smashes table*

Now Ima tell ya'll a story, which leads up to why I want TO BURN SOMEONE'S FACE OFF....and stuff...

Le Story:

Long before I was a fangirl, I was a quiet, simple girl.

The type who didn't talk to a lot of people.

But, during 1st grade....I actually found 2 people that I could survive talking to.

And we were the bestest of fwiends.

Until I moved in the second grade...on my god damn birthday -_-

Abby, and yes it's the Abby that I talk about..a lot, was one of them. I still talk, and meet, with her. And we are as close as close can be. (Justin coming in a close second.)

Then there's Haley.

The second friend.

After I moved we still talked, but we didn't hang out much, but it was like we were still friends...I think...#Confusion.

Well..in about..2012 we..just stopped talking..all together.

But now...she shows her face....


So I'm sitting here, talking to my friend, and then all of the sudden Abby calls me.

Okay...I thought of it as nothing special. She always calls me at the most random of times *Cough* 4 in the morning *Cough* X3

But then she starts talking, and I can already tell she's pissed.

Which means I know Ima be pissed.

You piss one off-

The other becomes pissed.

#OurMotto OwO

So Abby starts explaining what happened-This all happened at some weird festival the school holds during the summer 0.o

She tells me that Haley met up with her at the festival, even though she stopped talking to Abby as well.

They say hi and what not...but then Haley's "Queen Bitch" side comes out. -_-

It started off slow, Abby said. She started off by saying "Still can't believe you have a boyfriend."


"Makes sense, your boyfriend is ugly."

"Still have any friends?"

"Why the hair color? It looks ugly."

"Loose some weight, all of the food you eat is starting to show."

And a whole lot of other bad shit I won't get into.

Then...she brings me up *Angry sigh*

"So, you still friends with Hannah?"

"Is she ulglier or prettier?"

"Still lame?"

"She has a boyfriend? That's hard to believe."

"He's probably ugly."


Bitch...can I say somethin.

1.)Her boyfriend? Is far from fucking ugly. He's a fucking majestic animal, like Abby is. Like seriously...he's fucking majestic :3

2.)Of course she has friends! I mean sure...she can bitchy at times, but she's still fucking amazing.

3.)Her hair is black/blue, alright. What's wrong with that? Look at your bitchy ass hair, it's blonde with them brown highlights....*Facepalm* 

4.)Abby is SKINNY for fucks sake. She eats like an animal, but she is SKINNY. Not too skinny, but she's skinny...*Facetable* You get what I'm saying..

5.)Yes, Abby-Senpai is still friends with me. We have been, and always will be. I mean, I saved her from falling off a tree, and she saved me from drowning in a pool...We got each other's backs OwO...most of the time xD

6.)*Snort* I am a majestic llama bitch >:3 You can't handle my majesticness :P

7.)Lol, I'm not "Lame" as you may say. I've got more friends than I ever thought possible, and I can actually...somewhat talk to people.

8.)LMAO XD IKR? I still have trouble believing it XDD But hey, we've been dating for...almost 5 months now. I know not to get my hopes up XDD

9.)I understand, bitch. You just jelly ya don't have a boyfriend ^w^ I mean, I understand. You go through five in one week ^w^ #WatchYourBackOnFacebook o3o

I don't fucking care what you say about me. I honestly don't.

I understand where I belong.

I'm a fucking majestic llama, get over it bruh.

But when you VERBALLY insult my friend, and for no fucking reason-

Murder ^w^

*Points at Wattpad profile description*

I have  warning there, if you haven't noticed.

And it clearly says that if you mess with my friends you're dead (EVEN THOUGH I WOULD NEVER THINK ABOUT KILLING SOMEONE...you get my point.)

And if you mess with my Squads, you're dead.

Ya'll gotta know something, and ya'll gotta know it good.

If I befriend you, either IRL or virtually, I take pride in being your friend.

Which means I don't take kindly to others hurting/upsetting my friends ^w^

Sure, I may seem awkward in some emotional cases...

But if you ever REALLY piss a friend of mine off-

There's a reason Abby calls me Le Demon Bitch ^w^

I CAN AND WILL be a bitch.

I may seem nice and innocent most of the time, but piss me or someone I'm friends with-

I will turn your life into a living hell OwO

But don't piss me off, and make le me happy-

*Dumps chocolate on you* We cool ^w^

But you get my point :3

*Facetables* I'm just angry right now..Idek ~.~

And lol...Haley forgot one improtant thing-

I know where she lives OwO

...I sound like a really bad person..don't I? XD


Ima go grab a soda from the fridge now....#HANNAHLESNEAKYASSNINJA o3o

~Le Hannah Who Doesn't Take Anybody's Shit When They Insult Her Friends OwO~

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