Heuheu...I've Had Sugar 030

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[Will keep republishing until Wattass shows the picture. X1]

Welp...can't really explain this one..really.

Ya see...I just finished eating a Reese's Klondike.

They.Are.Fucking.Amazing OwO

Anywho...I had my phone off to the side because it crashed ._.

See...I was trying to download The Sims Freeplay...so I could create Tanya and Barricade and they could have babies...and love each other...

Instead of downloading the damn gsme...it froze my phone...and then it crashed.

:/ I give up...I'll just write my own mini-fics where they have babies ♡~♡

And as I said...I had ice cream...which got me high on sugar OwO

Which led to me snorting at my phone because it was "Naked"....

Yeah...sugar...isn't the best thing for me 030

And lol...my chromebook sucks at taking pictures *Points at picture of my phone* That was taken with my chromebook...not exactly the best quality :/....xD

But then I took a picture of mah case with my phone...pretty damn good :P

Ah yes!

Otter Box...favorite company for phone cases....especially in my case :3

And the only time you'll see me near pink is near my phone.

It's pink with the cancer ribbon.

Got it when my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer ^_^

But now that's she's (finally) cured I plan on changing it...

Probably to something blue with the Autobot symbol...yeah...Me likey that idea OwO

~Le Hannah Who Is Slowly Coming Off A Sugar High And Wishes Her Damn Cat Would Move So She Could Lay Down For Once~

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