The 'O' Word...'N Stuff

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Wazzz up?

The sky baka ouo

I had planned to post this earlier...but omfp-

I had so much fucking cleaning to do today ;-;

Which pretty much means I do all the work and my brother and sister stand around arguing-

Me: *Ignores everyone cuz headphones are on full blast*

Bro: *Sits ass down on chair* You need to clean! *Points at sister*

Sis: *Doesn't clean* I'm waiting for you!

Me: *Dances with broom*

Bro: Well I'm waiting for you!

Sis: I'm not cleaning until you do. *Sits ass on couch*

Me: *Lips sings into broom* *Screeches music lyrics* LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR!

Bro: Shut up stupid!

Me: *Still screeching* FOUR- NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!

Sis: *Walks over to meh* *Waves hand in front of face* Will you shut up? God!

Me: *Looks at sister* ....LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! *Goes back to screeching while cleaning*

*30 mins later*

Me: *Takes headphones off* Done! c:

Sis: Thank god!

Bro: Did you have to sing so loud?

Me: I did all the cleaning so fuck off. *Returns to room to never be seen by another human being* c:

And that's practically how my day went.

Normal right? xP

Now~! On to what I really wanna talk about.

And if ya'll get pissed or disagree with my thoughts/actions to the point where you scream at me...well...

*Insert door* Zere's the door c:

But for those who can calmly express what they think...then ya might as well stay c:

So I've been working on the update for THOF-

"It's about time!"

....Ye...I know.

And after writing some of the next cha-

"What took you so long?!" off. Zank you c:

I've been thinking if or if not Tanya should call Optimus a certain word.

And for those who have, or are, RPed/RPing with know Tanya has a habit of calling said Badass bot said word.

And vhat is ze vord you ask?




However the hell you spell that...*Points at someone reading this* CORRECT MEH PLZ~! TELL MEH HOW YOU SPELL ZIS MAJESTIC WORD!

Now before ya'll go screaming at me saying "MARY SUE! ANOTHER OPTIMUS IS THE FATHER!" or "SHE ALREADY HAS A FATHER!"

*Pinches nose*

*Aggressively chicken dances towards screaming bakas*

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