ღThis Is Ridiculous(Rant)ღ

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I don't know where to begin, really. There's no words to describe this, none. But before I DO begin, let me set a few things strait.

1.) I am not hating on 1D

2.) I am not hating on Zayn

3.) I am NOT hating on 1D

4.) I am not hating on 1D fans

And yes, I repeated the same thing twice; I needed to get my point across. Now that I got over with, let the ranting begin!

Three words...just three words describe how I feel about this.




That's all that goes through my mind when I hear about this.

#cut4zayn or #cutforzayn

What the frag!? This...this is just plain fragging stupid! I could say more, but I'd rather not break out into rapid cursing. Lets at least TRY to stay civilized, shall we?

Why the frag, in any situation, would someone come up with this?

It's a fragging boy band for frags sake!

I don't have a problem with 1D, not that I like them all that well either, but I don't hate them. I understand that there are people who love 1D, and I'm perfectly fine with this.

But THIS...no...just no.

So Zayn decides to leave 1D so he can live his life. Right? Okay.

Then you have these 1D fans that are, I don't even know how to describe them, that come up this..this idiotic idea.

They decide-

Oh Zayn left 1D, maybe if we start self harming he'll come back.


You all are idiots.

1.) Self harming is not a fragging joke. It's a real problem in the world. We don't need you idiots making it seem like it's not. Because it is, not matter what you fans say. IT.IS.A.BIG.DEAL

2.) How do you think this makes Zayn feel? You're not making his decision any easier! If he wants to live his damn life, then let him! It's not your fragging life.

3.) You're harming yourself. Why? Because some boy that you don't know personally left a band. A BAND! That is no reason to go and harm yourself, unless of course you really do have some type of mental condition.

I have a feeling some 1D fan is going to read this, and is going to write some type of hate comment because of this. Well guess what!

Go ahead.

Write me a comment.

I don't fragging care.

This isn't funny, it's ridiculous! No one should self harm themselves over some boy who quite their favorite band.

Primus people, get a hold of your damn self!

*Facekeyboards *

Well that's my first rant! I felt as though this topic was worthy to be my first rant.

And for those of you, you know who you are, who are waiting for a book review:

They will come out this weekend. I'm usually on Wattpad at night, which is when I do most of my work, but my parents are taking away my phone and computer every night. So sorry for the wait!

~Till all are one:

┻━┻ ︵ヽ('▭')ノ︵ ┻━┻

Keep flipping tables! Because seriously, sometimes you need to.


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