Lol I'm Back Again (Rant/Real Talk)

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*Awkwardly strolls back on after going MIA for a month again*

Yo c:

Lol, I'm terrible at this stuff man (I'm actually really lazy but that's beside the point).

So, yeah, I went MIA...again. And I know I said I wouldn't but you know, life is a bitch.

Sometimes things don't go as planned and sometimes you just don't feel like doing anything because people are shit to you.

Haha yeah c:

But don't worry! I'm out of Summer School finally and plan on being active a LOT more. Trust me ^-^

And for those of you who have tagged me in something or  have mentioned me in something ( Hollaugh I have noticed thee, do not fret :3), I will do my best to get to what you've tagged me in.

I have 99+ notifications, give me a bit to catch up XD

Anyway, now that we have the above established I'd like to have a bit of a real talk with y'all. I don't really do that much on here because, lol, it's me and I just don't.

But ya know what? I'm gonna do it, because I have finally reached my breaking point to where I can no longer handle this bullshit.

So I'm gonna rant :)


You know what I hate the most? I hate how I can try so damn fucking hard to please people who I believe are my friends, and yet all they do is stand there and make me feel like shit.

Yeah, I'm talking about you.

The one who does nothing but complain about their boyfriend, yet I listen.

The one who brags about what they've done with people, yet I don't judge.

The one who talks shit behind their "friend's" back, and yet I still listen nor judge.

The same exact fucking person that says they "love me" that says "you're the best Hannah" and that even has the fucking nerve to say "you're a great friend".


I know I'm a good friend, or at least I try to be one because I don't want my friends to feel like shit or feel left out.

Because I'm a caring person, most of the time lol.

I can be a bitch too, depending on who you are.

Yet, regardless of all this, they fail and fail and fail to make me feel as though I'm an actual important person to them.

Because guess what folks? If someone's your friend, an actual one at that, they don't continuously make you feel like shit.

They don't make you feel left out or alone.

And they sure as hell don't ignore you when you need someone to talk to.

But if they do, they ain't your real friend. Nor will they ever be.

We're not all perfect, we'd be robots if we were.

We all have flaws.


I know I'm fat.

I know I have social problems.

I know I reply too damn fast which makes me seem clingy af.

I know I curse too damn much.

But you know what? At least I give a shit about people when I become their friend.

At least I let people know I care about them and don't make them feel like they're nothing.

So for fucks sake, just stop. Don't even think about becoming my friend if you're going to make me regret befriending you.

I've lost too many people and have been deceived by far too many people.

So don't do it.

If you don't like who I am, there's the door.

Leave before you get my hopes up :)


Lol, kinda long and somewhat depressing rant- I know. But I've just had a lot on my mind as of late and really needed to rant and get it out cx

And to those who have made it to this point-

You are an amazing person.

Don't let anyone else make you think otherwise <3

(Because anyone who does is an asshole c;)

~Ze Majestic Llama...Who Really Needs To Go Through Her Hundreds Of Notifications lmao~

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