Chapter 73

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Allie's POV:

Patrick got up early and made breakfast, got the kids dressed, and fed. I ate and finished packing last minute things. I did the dishes, turned off and unplugged everything. Patrick loaded up the car. This morning I was very quiet. I did one last walk through of the house and I was in the master bedroom.

Patrick came in and shut the door.

"What?" I asked on the verge of breaking down

"Can we stop and tell my parents on the way home?" He asked

"Tell them what? That you cheated. I think we need to take action before telling everyone."

"You're right but we already know the plan."

"Yeah, let's go.." I said leaving the room before I started crying

We left the Buffalo house and Patrick drove to the Kane house.

"We're going to say goodbye to grandma and grandpa." I told the kids

Erica took the kids in the basement and we stayed in the kitchen.

"So, what's the news? Are you expecting?" Donna asked smiling and happy

Tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't speak.

"Is everything okay?" Donna asked scared

I shook my head no and Patrick spoke, "We're separating."

That's when I started crying. Donna hugged me and asked, "What on earth would cause this?"

I looked at Patrick and he started crying. So I spoke, "We are trying to keep it between us for now until we figure things out. You are the first people we've told so please keep it very quiet."

Donna broke our hug to hug her son. She pulled me over and said, "No matter what, I love both of you, and even through things are going to changed between you two. Please don't changed things with me. You're both welcome here anytime."

"I love you mom." Patrick said leaving the hug

"Love you too, son."

He went to his dad and Donna whispered to me, "I love you as my daughter. Please still think of me as your second mom. I can't lose you."

"I promise you won't lose me. You're my second mom and an amazing grandma who my kids constant want to see. I love you, mama number two."

Patrick and I had the kids say goodbye to everyone and they got them in the car. He stopped me before going to the car. He hugged me and I cried into his shoulder.

"Please let go. I need to be okay by myself." I said crying even harder

His arms got tighter around me and he pulled me even closer.

Shit. He knows me too well.

His sister came back in and he took me up to his room while his parents waited outside.

He locked the door and stood there holding me.

I slowly started to fall. He held me as he sat down and held my broken body.

A few minutes passed and my crying slowed.

"We should go." I said standing up

Patrick and I left his room and went to our car. He drove home and I sat in the passenger seat wrapped up in a blanket, with my head on the window, crying silently.

We arrived in Chicago a few hours later. We unpacked and I made the kids dinner. Patrick ate, but eating sounded gross to me now. The kids were playing and Patrick and I sat at the kitchen table talking quietly. 

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