Chapter 6

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Allie's POV:

After a long almost ten hour drive with all the snow it was 1am and Patrick just hit Chicago and discovered the whole city had lost power from the storm. We had gotten about two feet of snow.

"Do you want to go back home or come over?" Patrick asked

I looked at him and he drove to his place. We walked in with just about everything. Patrick grabbed flashlights and candles.

We both got ready for bed and when we realized that no power meant no heat. Since I was smart and only brought my small bag in all I had was a tank top and spandex to sleep in. Thankfully Patrick gave me a pair of sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt and a sweatshirt.

I went into the guest room and a Patrick went into his room. About an hour later, I was still awake freezing. I grabbed the blankets, wrapped up in them and walked into Patrick's room.

"Patrick.. I'm freezing." I said and he moved over and I laid down next to him. We laid super close together for heat and had about ten blankets on top of the comforter.

"Thank you for today." I said

"No thank you, you made my Christmas a million times better." Patrick said

"Can I ask you a question?" Patrick asked me

"Of course."

"What if I wasn't in the NHL or you weren't in the NHL... What would you do right now?" He asked me

I looked at him and smiled and instead of saying a word. I kissed him.

Once the kiss broke he asked, "What did you want to do today the minute you saw me?"

He didn't even have a second to think before we began to make out. Before I knew it we were having sex and after we laid there together. I turned to Patrick and said, "I love you."

"I love you too Allie Marie."

We kissed and fell asleep, I was in his arms all night long.

Patrick's POV:

Allie and I had just sex and she said she loved me, and I said I loved her. I fell asleep with Allie in my arms.

The next morning Allie and I woke up around the same time.

"Good morning beautiful." I said

"Good morning handsome." She replied as I kissed her

We got up and showered, we had cereal for breakfast and spend the day doing nothing. We had a game tomorrow night but the power still wasn't on so practice was delayed until tonight.

Allie wore my sweatpants and long sleeve 88 shirt all day. We basically laid in bed all day and talked. Then it came time to go to the UC for a workout. Allie wore leggings and a t-shirt with her jacket. I wore sweatpants and a t-shirt with my jacket. Right before we left I kissed Allie and drove her to the UC.

We walked in and saw there was power from generators.

We went to the lockeroom and saw the workout plan. Patrick and I went to the weight room and started. Most of the guys weren't there as their flights were delayed.

Allie benched 135 and I benched 160. We split up and once the workout was finished I met Allie in the locker room. We were the first ones done so in the locker room I asked, "Allison Marie, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." She said and then Shaw walked in and said, "Kaner, Hastings we're all sleeping here tonight."

"Sweet. I going to grab my stuff, Allie wanna come with," I asked

"Yeah." She said

We got into my Range Rover and drove back to Allie's house. She grabbed everything she would need for a night and for the game including all her hair products, and everything. She carried her bag back outside and we went to my place and I grabbed all my stuff but before we left I kissed Allke and said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

We went to the UC and played games, ate dinner and then like little kids played hide and seek.

We basically hung out like little kids until midnight then we were sitting in a circle in the locker room and Tazer said, "Every player on the team is now here. Everyone is going to pair up with the person next to them, on their left."

Allie was on my left.

Allie's POV:

You two are on a team. Coach has hidden a jersey somewhere in the UC. You don't need a key to get there so don't bother doing anything dangerous or breaking anything. Whoever gets there first gets to pick a punishment for the rest of the team. Ready set go!" Tazer yelled and Patrick and I looked at each other and took off running.

After almost an hour of searching nobody had found anything.

"Patrick. We're looking in the wrong places." I said grabbing his hand and quickly letting go realizing I can't hold his hand. I lead him to the coaches room and saw the jersey sitting there. Patrick grabbed it and ran out on the ice and yelled, "Victory is ours!"

Everyone came back down and Patrick said, "Your punishment is still being discussed."

Patrick and I had a few ideas but didn't know if they were good or not. Since the punishment had to be "athletic" we decided on three laps running around the UC and then twenty push ups. After they left we had the locker room to ourselves for at least 10 minutes. So Patrick grabbed his jersey and put it on me and kissed me.

"Why am I wearing your jersey?"

"Just seeing how the last name Kane looks on you. For the future of course."

"I think it sounds good and looks good." I said kissing him and we took the jersey off and went on our phones to make it look normal.

After it was done we decided to try to fall asleep but of course I knew pranks were going to happen.

"I swear if anyone of you pranks me, I will go to the league and tell them you were sexually harassing me." I said laying down knowing I was safe. I fell asleep but was woken up by Shaw.

"Help me prank someone."

"Prank them yourself." I said going back to sleep

The next morning I woke up to see everyone was gone. Something was wrong. I knew better than to move, they planned this. I looked around and saw nothing so I slowly got up and realized I was fine. I knew they were all pranking me together. I went out of the locker room through the ice entrance and climbed up the stands. I learned by sneaking down when I opened the locker room door I was getting water dumped on me which would turn me red. So I saw Patrick when I was walking back and motioned for him to follow me.

"I know what you guys were planning. I know Shaw was the master. So play along. I said going back to the locker room the way I went down there. Tazer and Crawford followed us and I motioned for them to be quiet.

I called Shaw and when he answered I said, "HELP! Kaner won't let me go." Screaming and acting like Pateick was trying to hurt me

"Shut up!" Patrick yelled and then clapped his hands loud making it sound like he slapped me.

"Ow." I fake cried and then said, "Shaw help me!!!" I hung up

Crawford just took out his phone to get a video as Shaw ran in getting soaked with red dye. We laughed and laughed.

"Wait so he wasn't?" Shaw questioned

"No, stupid." Patrick said to Shaw and we continued to laugh

This was the best night ever spent together with my team and my boyfriend. Sneaking around like Patrick was very hard but he was worth it.

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