Chapter 3

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Allie's POV:

It was now the end of November, Patrick now had a girlfriend. Not that I care... Thanksgiving was tomorrow and I was an hour away from Minnesota. I drove there as there were no flights. I pulled into the driveway of my childhood house and spent the rest of the night catching up with my family.

The next day we went to my grandma's house and started cooking. Slowly my cousins, aunts and uncles started to show up. Finally we ate and of course I was blasted with questions.

"So Allie, who's the cutest guy on the team?" My aunt asked

I laughed and said, "I'm not answering that, they are like my brothers."

"Okay." My aunt said laughing at me

"So what's it like sleeping with the players?" My very inappropriate cousins fiancé asked

"Excuse me..." I said giving him a look

"You know are they good in bed?" He asked

"I don't know because first of all ew they are my brothers and second it's illegal. It would ruin my career.

"Andrew just shut up!" My cousin Sarah said

"Geez everyone's in a pissy mood." Andrew said

After we ate we talked and talked. Everyone was so excited that I was playing for Chicago.

"Well, I should get going as I have a game tomorrow night." I said

I hugged everyone goodbye except Andrew and drove back to Chicago. The drive was eight and a half hours of very quiet driving. I decided to go to the United Center. I unlocked a door underground where the players enter and walked to the locker room. I put on my skates, grabbed my gloves and stick. I went out to the ice and saw Patrick was already out there. He saw me and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Just got back from Minnesota and had nothing else to do. What are you doing here? I thought you were in Buffalo until tomorrow morning."

"I decided I didn't need to go see my family. Wanna see who has a more accurate shot?"

"Sure." I said we went to a net that had one of those shooting boards out.

"Let's see how many pucks total to hit all five." I said
Took me five pucks and Patrick five pucks. We played pig for about twenty minutes still we both didn't have any letters.

"Backhand." I said

Patrick had PI and and I had PI. I scored five hole and Patrick missed, making me the winner.

He skated over to me and said, "It was a lucky shot."

"I think we both know I have a better backhand than you."

"You wish." He said back

"Wanna race?" I asked

"One lap." He said

"Okay let's time it."

Patrick went first and had a time of 9.274 seconds and I had a time of 9.268 seconds.

"I beat you again!" I cheered

"You wanna go?" Patrick asked

"Bring it!" I said as he picked me up and skated to the other end of the ice. "Don't drop me." I said and Patrick laughed. He put me on down then we looked into each other's eyes. Slowly we leaned in until our lips met and then parted. I skated away from Patrick and got off the ice, leaving as fast as possible. I drove home, showered, and put on pajamas and laid in bed. Patrick kissed me. I kissed Patrick. My life is so complicated. I'm not going to lie, he's a great kisser, and suddenly I wish I didn't leave him there. I had to. I can't have a relationship right now, especially with him. He has a girlfriend and he kissed me.

Patrick's POV:

Allie and I just kissed. I kissed Allison Hastings and Allison Hastings kissed me. I don't know why we kissed, it just sorta happened. I was in a relationship and I kissed Allison.

After Allie got off the ice I practiced shooting more. I missed the net 68 times out of 70 pucks. I needed to forget about everything so it doesn't ruin my game. My flight to Buffalo was delayed for six hours so I didn't even bother going. This is the worst Thanksgiving ever. I was just getting home and I decided to call my family. I dialed the home number and my mom picked up right away.

"Hello." Said my mom

"Hi mom." I replied

"Oh Patrick how are you? We missed you today."

"I'm good, and I missed you guys too. My plane was delayed six hours so I just canceled it." I said

"I understand completely, well how's hockey going?"

"Great, we play Tampa tomorrow."

"Good luck. Well Jackie wants to talk to you."

"Thanks mom, I'll talk to you soon."

"Hey Patty, so what's up? I miss you." Jackie said using my childhood nickname

"Honestly, I don't know and I miss you too Jacs." I replied with her childhood nickname

"Thanksgiving sucked without you, everyone was so serious."

"Well if it makes you feel any better my thanksgiving sucked. I spend most of the day sitting in an airport and alone at the UC until Allie Hastings showed up. We goofed around shooting and racing and then we kissed... She was off the ice and left so fast. I took 70 shots and missed 68 of them. She's making my game go to hell." I said

"Oh wow, I'm sorry. Wait, Patrick you do realize that kiss can get you both kicked out of the NHL!" Jackie said mad

"I know. Trust me, It's so complicated. I'm falling for her and our love is forbidden."

"Awh Romeo and Juliet." Jackie squealed

"Who?" I said vaguely remembering the story

"Not worth explaining to your small brain."

"Not worth knowing." I replied back and then Erica grabbed the phone, "I miss you Patrick. Would you care if I flew out to Chicago sometime at the end of the week?"

"No, that would be great." I said and Erica said, "Great, we'll talk then." And handed the phone to Jessica.

"Patrick Timothy Kane! I fucking miss you."

"I miss you too Jess. Fly out with Erica later this week."

"Can't, I have an interview on Monday next week. I'll be there as soon as I can though. Well dad wants to talk to you."

"Bye Jess."

"Hey Patrick, so I've got to say you've had a heck of a season so far. A 26 point game streak and counting."

"Thanks dad, it's been great being on Tazer's line."

"I think you, Towes and Hastings make a great combination."

"Ehhh, she's not a great player." I lied

"Are you serious?" My dad asked

"Yeah, maybe I just don't play well you know how some player just don't click." I said that sentence with many meanings

"Yeah, I get that. Well I should let you go it's almost midnight."

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon. Goodnight."

"Goodnight son."

I hung up and threw my phone at the wall and laid on my bed staring at the light.

Somehow I managed to fall asleep and wake up just in time to make it to the optional pre skate before the big game tonight.

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